[member="Alexander Sannes"]
Admittedly Camellia was enjoying the peace and quiet of not seeing her homeworld embroiled in galactic affairs, but she was not naive enough to believe it would last forever going unbothered. At the very least she appreciated the efforts of someone seeking an agreeable approach, peaceful efforts offering measures of status for the planet in question were far more reasonable and easy to work with than conquerors or authority figures who simply believed they could win over worlds with just promises. Which was why just taking things at face value now would be foolish as well given the Rendili woman was unfamiliar with the man in front of her. He was certainly professional and well spoken, and she was pleased he was seeking this line of inquiry at the very least. She just hoped it wasn't a facade.
For now she had the gist of what they were looking for out of the discussion though. "Just to be clear then, you're letting me know you're interested in doing business with Rendili Stardrive for new Starships and contracts with our existing catalog. With potential preferences toward you given the shipwright's ties to the Republic through history. I can understand most of that, but I'll say business is business as well. I see no problem in bringing up the old Republic contracts for the ships we once supplied them to pursue new contracts with your group if such is possible and agreeable with similar guidelines as before. I'll wait to see if you all stick around before any talk of preferential work or discounts enter negotiation though. Rendili has changed hands several times after all."
As for the rest, she knew what he was looking for from her and what she had to say in response. "I'll be honest that I've enjoyed Rendili going peacefully ignored and free to be neutral, being a member in your senate is more beneficial to the businesses like myself than the general populace. They lose many freedoms our government provides them they would have to exchange for the Republic Bureaucracy. All the same, the trading benefits are appealing if we don't lose out too much with other factions and worlds, which would undergo review by both parties no doubt, but I don't foresee the Republic losing anything out of acquiring Rendili unless we posed an internal threat to your existing infrastructure. Security is debatable given how the Republic pulled out last time is not a pleasant memory, nonetheless should the Republic maintain its defense for Rendili it certainly would boast more soldiers and vessels than the Planetary Defense Force and Rendili Stardrive's Security Teams could muster. I don't see the trading benefits or additional protection being a bad deal, we'll probably gain better economic status than we lose by becoming a member world. It'll be a matter of how the Arch-Provost sees the bureaucratic turnover and how it affects the populace."
Smiling, the Croa woman flicked her tail as she spoke and tapped the desk. "Which is why you discussed business with me first I assume, to see if I'd support the endeavor and talk on your behalf with the Arch-Provost to point out the benefits in lieu of her concerns to the contrary? I confess we are friends since the Sith occupation brought much of the planet together, so I could speak with her, and would regardless of your request. I'll be honest and say I would indeed speak favorably about the benefits of protection and the pros and cons of the trade deals we'd gain and lose by adopting a stance as a member world with you. I know we'd lose some business, but gain enough to offset it, and I don't believe you have offended too many to cause us economic problems and costing us trade partners unless we'd be prohibited from trading with other factions independently, so long as it were not an opposing faction at war. As for the senatorial and legal matters if it's the same as the Republic a decade so ago then I don't see much issues. We'll lose some individualistic integrity but gain solidarity. At least unless your Republic falls apart as well. I don't mean offense by that, but just being a realist about how fluctuating the galaxy and politics are for the wide spanning governments. If I've covered most of the gist of what you're alluding to let me know, if not fill me in on whatever I missed or mistook. I apologize for rambling on but I like to think things through their entirety."