Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Cruel Angel's Thesis


Tatooine is a metaphor for the galaxy, seemingly unchanging, and yet utterly unrecognizable from what it once was. And like the galaxy, it was steeped in the Dark Side, if one knew how deep to delve, into the world's dark history. Two of the green robed cultists of Dryas had met their end on the sandcovered planet. A mystery to be solved.

The dead men had last reported that they were investigating a rumour regarding Abeloth, who some called the Mother, and other, fearfully whispered titles no less ominous. Dryas didn't think for a moment that Abeloth could be or was involved here, but the rumour still needed to be investigated, and he was here to find out what killed his servants.

Underlord Ooneg of the blackrobed cultists had almost begged for the honour of dealing with the hidden threat, but Dryas wished to investigate personally. The man had done well to conceal his disappointment while he briefed his dark lord on the known details, before seeing to preparations for a shuttle to convey his master where he wished to go. "No." Dryas had told his chief worshipper. "I will deal with this matter myself." Disappointed, but outwardly calm and obedient, the underlord had moved off to see to preparations for their surprise excursion. The trip to the desert planet was quiet and quick, as the underlord piloted his master's shuttle personally. In silence. He would wait and convey his master's instructions.

Shuttle and pilot left behind to wait at a dubious spaceport, the Archlord walked Mos Eisley's dusty streets, seeking the currents of the Dark Side that flowed even here, to guide him. Eyes closed, he managed to avoid walking into anyone, most avoided the tall hooded figure all in black. Silent as the grave, he trod the path before him, inquiring and investigating through the Dark Side of the Force to bring him to his chosen goal. To uncover this mystery and expose the truth.

Switch Kinthal Switch Kinthal
Switch was sitting with the two dead men in green robes Staring at them as if they where going to give up some almighty secret. She tilted her head after several moments and stood up looking around with a confused look on her face. She kicked the two that where dead hard enough that she felt their bones crack and she saw the sand turning a deep crimson.

"Well If you weren't dead before you are now. Not sure why I'm here dealing with you when I need to get supplies."

Shrugging She reached into her robes and pulled out the map with a smirk as she rolled it in her hand. This was an ancient map a set of 5 she already had three.

"Two more to go and she will be mine."

Slowly she tossed it in the air and caught it and slipped it back into her robes. The dark Side whispered of someone coming. She wondered what this creature would bring or if it was a person what she could learn from them. then blinked a few times and reached behind her head rubbing the back of her head. Her pinky pushed the switch on the back of her neck.

Her eyes went dull then came back and she glanced around looking down at the dark Sith robes she was wearing and sighed. She couldn't count the number of times this had happened and the number of times it had left her in a horrible position and when she looked around to see what was going on she saw the two dead men.

"Well fuck." she said in a rather disgruntled voice.

She didn't know what had happened or why these two men where dead. All she knew is she wanted to change her robes. Seeing the pack that she always carried tossed to the side she looked about the sands seeing no one near by directly and started to take the robes off. and packed them away sliding on her white robes and putting the saber away and put her slicing pouch on her belt. She had no idea of what was coming her way.
Archlord Dryas Archlord Dryas

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