Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Dark Force Returns

OOC: I could post a Return thread in the LOA section of the Water Cooler, but returning IC is always more fun anyways.

The rain was falling hard tonight. Coruscant wasn't a world that got much rain but when it did it would really pour. Tonight was one of those nights.

The dark clouds gave the Galactic City a gloom that sent shivers down the spines of most force users. That was unless said force user was a dark side user. Though they were fewer then they were before, their presence in the galaxy was still very much there. And with the One Sith in control of Coruscant, their presence was known.

That didn't mean it was safe for a dark sider to walk freely in the streets. In the many alleys a shadow could be seen sprinting through, keeping out of sight and mind of all pedestrians walking by.

The shadow moved swiftly and silently. Fast enough for no one to see and quiet enough for no one to hear his feet clashing into the puddles of water below. Then he stopped in the alley of a popular bar.

Music could be heard just slightly. Peering around the corner he could see drunk pedestrians dancing in the rain. He chuckled slightly at that. But he felt something. He spun and raised a blaster in a single move, aiming at the head of another dark figure.

The new figure stumbled back. "Hold on!" he yelled. Above them was a small light and the new figure stepped into its glare. He was an old human. He barley had hair and the little he had was white as snow. His skin was a tanned tone and he wasn't very tall. In his hands was a small crate with old Imperial markings all over it.

The shadow lowered the blaster. "Do you have it?" he asked.

The short man nodded nervously. "Yea," he held up the small crate in his hands. "It's right in here." He put the crate down and backed off slowly but stopped not far from it.

The shadow moved towards it. As he stepped into the light the short old man could see he was wearing red Mandalorian armor that was laid over a dark cloak. His hood was up and his face was unseen. The shadow leaned down and opened the crate. As he did so he smirked.

"What about my payment?" The old man asked. The shadow nodded. Without getting up, or looking up, he, in a single move, grabbed his blaster and shot the old man, killing him instantly. He then threw the blaster aside as if disgusted by it.

Reaching into the crate he pulled out two lightsabers. He attached both to his belt, on opposite sides of course. He then reached in to grab the final piece of equipment, a mask. It was a dark red tint. It was a replica of Revan's mask, a mask that was once worn by the infamous Revanchists before they died off in the Old Republic Era. He lifted it slowly and put it on.

He stood up. He activated his two lightsabers to reveal one red and the other purple. He started slicing at nothing but the thin air, giving the new weapons a try. Deactivating them he laughed. Looking down at the dead old man he smirked beneath his newly obtained mask. "I am Onyx reborn."

OOC: So I'm back! My first thread back is open for anyone to join!
Walking down the street, mechanic Webb Nytro heard the sound of a sudden blaster shot. Tonight, Webb only had a light buzz instead of his usual complete drunk state. Taking a swig from the whiskey bottle in his hand, Webb stumbled down the street aimlessly. However, Webb was not a bad-alright, he was a pretty fething bad guy but he semi-cared for others.

He finally reached the entrance to the alleyway, staggering inside and taking another sip of his alcohol. "Hey pal! Y-y-you wanna drink? I got a few m-more bottles!" Webb said, obviously oblivious to [member="The Onyx"]'s armor and sabers. "T-the name is Webb...Webb Nytro, t-that is!" Webb said joyfully, taking a step forward. However, Webb was not completely unarmed he had a DL-44 tucked in his belt, out of the Sith's sight and Webb was an alright shot, too.

(OOC: Sorry for the short post)
Onyx gave a low growl. "I suggest you leave this area civilian," Onyx said. His voice was deep and the mask made it deeper. He spoke with nothing but a serious tone and showed no signs of negotiating.

Onyx could feel heavy eyes on him. It was eating at him and for some reason he couldn't tell if it was this man before him or another watching from afar.

[member="Webb Nytro"]
[member="The Onyx"] [member="Webb Nytro"]

Coruscant; it didn't matter who owned it. Black Sun always had its presence deeply rooted in the rusty lower levels of this world. And yet again Rayl found himself here on business. It was the central hub of operations outside of Sun Space of course. Himself and a few guards zipped through the speed ways to this little out of the way area. Rayl was scheduled to meet an agent for some information, very hush hush. "So hows Choroj doing these days"?

"Fat and happy mon. Keepin' real busy with Sith security forces though". The driver kept his eyes on the 'road' while talking with Rayl. Last thing they wanted was to die such a gruesome death".

"Well, wasn't much difference Sith or Republic now was it". Rayl tapped the top of the door rhythmically. A little board to be honest. Today was just another boring go here go there affair. No action.

"That's the truth, but that's just a matter of the business".

Nodding to the man the driver pulled out to a side speed way to their location. Within a few minutes they'd touched down and departed their ride for this old mans location. The rain wasn't much of a bother, felt kind of nice really. Not like he'd want to go for a stroll in it on Nal Hutta. At a brisk pace they arrived at the designated meeting place. Rayl and his two guards stepped out of the drizzle and in to something not on the itinerary. Laying dead as a stiff board was the old man. Two others about. One wobbling and clearly rocking a good buzz, the other holding light sabers. "Well you've just gotten yourself in a world of trouble now. I needed what he knew, but killing you will at least avenge him". Rayl drew his Sonic Shotgun, a deadly weapon against Force users. He was well equipped to fight them. No matter the skill. His guards also drew weapons, blasters to be precise. One held a gun to Webb's head while the other was aimed at Onyx as he was. "You with this guy rummy"?
Oh, geez. [member="Rayl Wilded"] was pointing guns at people, again.... I walked over and pushed him aside. His guards reacted, but they recognized me as one of Black Sun's officers. When I looked up and saw who Rayl had been aiming at, my hackles rose. That mask...

"You... Yeah, with the lightsabers. Where did you get that mask? It was destroyed eight hundred years ago. I haven't seen another since the Clone Wars."

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and threw my hat. There was a man there, and my hat was spinning hard and fast enough to knock him out.

[member="The Onyx"] [member="Webb Nytro"]
"W-w-what's the problem, m-m-man? N-no need for-Dah, feth it", The drunk said, dropping his current bottle and allowing it to shatter. He then placed his hand on the DL-44 in his belt, quickly pulling it out and pointing it with an unstable hand at [member="The Onyx"]. "T-t-this is r-really something y-y-you don't see everyday." Then as he almost tripped and fell, he managed to regain his balance and keep the weapon trained on the Sith, obviously not realizing the reality of the entire situation.

[member="Rayl Wilded"]

[member="Cross Ikon"]
Onyx didn't activate his lightsabers when the men approached but rather gave a small chuckle. He looked to the first man, [member="Rayl Wilded"], and listen to his words. His mask obscured his eyes though that didn't stop him from starring into his. After a moment the second man, [member="Cross Ikon"], spoke.
"This mask isn't the exact," he started explaining. "The real one was taken from me. I had to compromise by using this one, a replica used by one of Revan's followers during the Old Republic Era."
Onyx started pacing back in forth before the men, studying them while he did so. He finally nodded towards the dead body, "I hired him and I spied on him to make sure he did the job right. What did you need from him?"
[member="The Onyx"] [member="Webb Nytro"] [member="Cross Ikon"]

"Cross"? The Hapan shoved him out of the way. He was a hard person to mistake with his red hair. What the hell he was doing here he hadn't the slightest. He was half way across the galaxy and no invitation was ever extended to the man. The pushing him out of the way just pissed him off more. "What the feth man! I'm on my own dealings here. Shouldn't you be watching over your fleets progress than following me like some wet dog". Rayl pushed the Admiral right back, he was done dealing with him for now. The murdering scum needed to be the focus of his attention. "He just had some information I wanted. Can't get words from a dead man though". The drunk guy had pulled a gun while he was blindsided by his supposed comrade. Guess he chose the numbers side. Rayl raised his Sonic Shotgun up to chest level and fired at Onyx. At his range and the guns current setting, it was only a stun gun affect.
Onyx smirked under his mask as he fired. Though this weapon wasn't like a normal blaster. It felt different as it made contact with his chest.

Though it was strangely more powerful then he originally planned, it didn't knock him out, but instead forcing him to take a knee.

It surged through him and his body was trying to lock up. "What kind of weapon is this?" he yelled.

OOC: Sorry for short post. On phone.
[member="The Onyx"] [member="Webb Nytro"]

His enemies disorientation was well received, but it wouldn't last long. No time to toy around with this jerk. "Information is a powerful tool. You don't just give it away, especially to your enemies". Rayl dialed down the blast radius; maybe to a meter or more around. The more concentrated the sonic beam, the higher the intensity and damage. If the first shot at maximum dispersal locked up his body, this would do some real damage to his tissues. Perhaps some organ damage; Rayl wasn't finely tuned to this weapon yet. So this fight was a good test to judge what this weapon was capable of. "Now lets end this". Rayl aimed down again to his stunned foe. Locking on to his midsection he fired a second volley at Onyx.
The blaster shot was what first alerted Khalifa Burjjh. But in this section of Coruscant, it wasn't uncommon. He kept walking. It was only when he heard the sound of lightsabers igniting, two if his ears were correct, that he went into high alert. Maybe I shouldn't get involved, he thought. It was when he saw a group of men walk into the alley he believed the sound was from that he got suspicious. He crossed over and listened intently. He heard a familiar voice, but couldn't quite place it. Aha! That's [member="Cross Ikon"]. He moved from his listening spot to get a view, and then heard the sound of a weapon he hadn't encountered before, followed by a strange and disturbingly deep voice.

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