Vallory was more than nervous. This was organized to be just the two of them. For a sense of privacy for the just them, away from it all. Right in front of their cave. Only a priest had been brought to bring them together, someone that Vallory had asked for all the way from her master's planet, Imahaylan. Although Vallory was not one for dresses, she decided to go with a dark ebony colored dress that she had worn a few times on special occasions. Least to say, she was not prepared at all for this.
She sighed as she stood out on the beach. How it was planned was they were to both walk from other ends of the beach, to meet right in the middle. It was a sound idea. She liked it. But still she was a bit nervous...and yet the feeling had her feeling higher than ever.
[member="Nyx Tempest"]
She sighed as she stood out on the beach. How it was planned was they were to both walk from other ends of the beach, to meet right in the middle. It was a sound idea. She liked it. But still she was a bit nervous...and yet the feeling had her feeling higher than ever.
[member="Nyx Tempest"]