Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Day at the Races! (Reek Races) [Open to everyone]

How this will work

I'll be posting a part of the Reek race every few hours or so, with a total of ten posts after the start. A random number generator will decide what happens to each Reek, who goes ahead, who lags behind, etc. Spectators are encouraged to bet on the Reeks, as those who bet on the winning Reek will have their credits returned... tenfold. Plus, those who bet a hundred thousand credits or more will win fabulous prizes if their Reek wins. By fabulous prizes I mean things like free leviathons, krayt dragon eggs, Wampas trained to line dance... etc.

Anyone and everyone is allowed to spectate (just reply to the thread! :)) and bet, bets anywhere from ten credits to ten million are allowed. In order to bet, simply say how much you're betting, and which Reek you're betting on (you may bet on multiples). People are encouraged to protray their character's responses and actions throughout the race! :D Enjoy!

[member="Kikhveakkaz"] @anyone else interested

A small stadium had been rented, allowing thousands upon thousands of sentients to come to the first Reek race in galactic history. Bantha and Horse races had been famous for thousands of years in Galactic history, spectators coming to watch the races for enjoyment, and gamblers appearing to make or lose fortunes. But there had always been a problem with racing Banthas and the like; it got boring. Watching a herd of lumbering beasts race forwards at twenty miles per hour...

Now, there was a new kind of race.

Ten vicious-looking massive Reeks were packed into small coralls, faced towards a steep slope that led into the canyons they would be racing through. Behind them, a massive durasteel container had been dropped by a freighter, where it was shaking violently- muffled roars echoing from it.

Droids carrying betting consoles raced through the stands, allowing for the first and most important stage of betting in the race.

Meanwhile, pictures of the various Reeks appeared on everyone's viewing consoles, in sync with the commentator- a very bored sounding droid- calling out the names of the racers.











After the names of the racing Reeks were shouted out to the crowd, little blinking boxes appeared on each and every viewing screen, to take the spectator's bets.

(OOC: Race starts in 24 hours, to give anyone that wants to join in the thread a chance to bet.)

Mit Tuxaire - 200 credits on Kremlin. 250 credits on Wyrm.
Kikhveakkaz - One million credits on Huttbutt
Togashi Yokuni - 100,500 credits on Huttbutt
Nomad was watching at the front of the stadium, he wasn't old enough to bet but that doesn't mean he couldn't watch.

As the reek were preparing to race, he was trying calculate the most experienced rider and the most experienced Reek, both were hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Mit was looking intently at the reek, debating which was the most experienced. He placed a 200 credit bet on kremlin and a 250 bet on Wyrm, and he walked up and sat next to the young Twi'lek in the front row, "Who you bet on?" he asked him

(ooc: Hai nomad :3 )

[member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Mrrew"]


Captain of the Lost Dynast
A mildly intoxicated four-foot two Fosh admiral stumbled his way into the bleachers of the races. It didn't take the man-bird long to find the betting stations, and he'd bet his entire savings in a Corellian-Whiskey-induced stupor on the reek that most resembled him; or what he thought resembled him. Huttbutt. He's purple. Ish. Like Kikhveakkaz! Pulling out a cigar from a case in his pocket and sloppily clipping it, he found a cozy little place in the shade to sit and tucked the smoke under his beak.
Never faster were a million credits and change spent.
(Hi, I'm not a twi'lek!)

Nomad turned to the person who had spoke "I'm not old enough to bet" he said before turning back to the reek's, he wasn't up for conversation.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
(haha sorry man, I knew that wasn't right but I couldn't place it it! for some reason I can never remember the Nautolans xD) "Right." Mit turned and watched the reeks as they walked around, he could tell the kid didn't want to chat. (yup my ooc was longer than the post -.- )
[member="Nomad Crimson"]
The days of yore long past, he felt more apart of history rather a being a the present. A disillusioned warrior a Bushi of a now dead Emperor, now Ronin. The Atrisian took a draw upon the cigar, the ember of the cheery glowed brightly painting a slight red glow upon his face. His eyes fixated down upon computer screen inlayed into the railing that sat just in front of him. Yokuni sat back taking a look to his left then his right. There was a couple to his far left in the box he sat in, the other seats happened to still be open.

He just felt so indifferent, so at odds with life. Taking a sip of the whiskey from the glass in his left hand, it even did not nothing to wet his appetite. An appetite to find some meaning within his life. Not eve caring if he won or lost; Yokuni tapped his is finger in the air at the computer console, a red light box eliminated the name....


5oo credits....

Now when is this race going to start, Yokuni looked down the field below...


Chattza Thuku Navik
Thuku Navik was far from interested in the races themselves, but rather the people observing and betting themselves. He observed many gamblers, and thought to himself, "how pointless". Knowing he was too young to bet, and knowing he wouldn't have bet if he could, he set his mind to calculating which racer he thought would win. He observed all the racers, but settled upon the aggressive and physical tendencies of Mynock. "This should be interesting.." he thought as he took a sip of his drink and continued watching the wide array of gamblers.
After a pre-determined chunk of time to allow spectators to place their bets, each and every viewing screen winked off, and abruptly turned on again, showing various points of view of the Reeks, where camera droids whizzed around in the air. It was time for the races to begin.

Two scared looking droids ran up towards the large durasteel crate, and began undoing the many latches and locking mechinisms that kept it shut. Meanwhile, latches were being undone on the Reek corrals, though they werne't being opened yet...

After a few minutes, the droids scattered away from the huge durasteel crate, where the muffled roars were increasing in frequency.

The announcer droid's voice echoed through the stadium.

At once, the huge crate opened, and the gates of each corall swung open. As a huge opening appeared in the durasteel of the crate, a massive beast, four times as large as the common rancor, covered in spikes and spines, huge tusks protruding from it's mouth. The Bull Rancor let out a deafening roar. And the reeks bolted. Ten massive creatures ran as fast as possible down the steep enterence to the canyon that was marked for the race, nearly trampling over eachother to escape from the rancor. And the Bull Rancor, ignoring the audience, bolted forwards after the Reeks. Hovering camera droids darted forwards with the racing creatures, and the rancor, displaying live footage to each and every viewing screen.

The races had begun.

[member="Chattza Thuku Navik"] [member="Togashi Yokuni"] [member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Kikhveakkaz"]

Yokuni’s apathy seemed to slightly diminish as the Rancor’s crate began to open. He leaned back further into his chair and crossed his right leg over his left. With a tap of his finger ash fell from the cigar. By the time it hit the sandstone floor the massive bull rancor stepped out of the dearasteel crate and let lose a roar he could feel reverberate through the air.

The servant standing a few feet behind Yokuni flinched in terror. It must have been the first time the Artisian woman had ever seen such a best. Sensing her fear had brought a slight smirk to Youkni’s lips. As the reek darted off and the Rancor began its chase, Yokuni held out his half empty glass. The servant stepped forward with a decanter filled with her master’s whiskey. After she refilled his glass she stepped back, her every movement elegant and respectful.
The Reeks raced at amazingly high speeds through the canyons, while camera droids buzzed around them, though the Bull Rancor still stayed on their heels. As the herd broke into the canyons distinct packs began to form, some of the beasts racing ahead far from the Rancor, some beginning to lag behind.

The announcer began yelling through the loudspeakers.

"The main pack surges ahead, consisting of Ackley, Kremlin, Katarn, Huttbut, and Rager, With Krayt, Vorksnr, Wyrm and Berserk close behind! Wyrm's trying to get in the head group... And Kremlin nearly knocks him off his feet! Mynock's lagging far behind, the Rancor's almost on his tail... Watch out, Mynock!"

The beasts ran at high speeds through the canyons, thick clouds of sand and dust stirred up almost obscuring the cameras. However, the viewscreens all the spectators had were still able to track the Reeks... and the massive Rancor chasing them.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"] [member="Chattza Thuku Navik"] [member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] @Kikhveakkaz
As the Reeks continued to race forwards, the packs slowly breaking up, camera droids buzzed around them at high speeds, getting up close to the Reeks as they ran, and buzzing out of the way only just in time to avoid getting butted out of the sky by the creatures.

"Katarn and Huttbut are neck and neck, just ahead of the rest! The Rancor's ganging on the others, though..."

Suddenly, everyone's viewscreens zoomed in on two of the Reeks, Krayt and Acklay, both very close to the Rancor. In a movement much to quick for something so huge, Krayt slammed his weight against Acklay's side, sending the huge creature stumbling as Krayt lurched ahead.

And the Rancor was on him.

The viewscreens quickly panned away, but for the few moments before the recording droids hovered from Acklay back to the racing pack, the sounds of bellowing screams and ripping flesh were heard.

"One less in the race!"

The Reeks started running faster.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"] [member="Chattza Thuku Navik"] [member="Mit Tuxaire"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] @Kikhveakkaz
Despite the fact that the Bull Rancor had stopped chasing them to enjoy his meal, the Reeks were still blasting forwards at full speeds.

"Huttbut and Katarn are still tied for first... Huttbutt's slowing down! And.... he's been passed! Huttbutt's lagging behind, Vorsknr and Katarn tied for the lead... Wyrm's coming up behind Huttbutt... he's looking to pass... Huttbutt's slid on a turn! Is Wyrm going to pass him.... He's slid into Wyrm! Both reeks are on the ground, but the other's are passing them up..."

Many of the spectators betting on Vorksnr or Huttbutt were on the edge of their seats, staring intently at the viewing screens as the Reeks continued to barrel through the canyons, clouds of dust and sand stirring up in their wakes.

Meanwhile, the Rancor was munching away on Acklay.
To have lived as long as Yokuni has, the luster of life becomes tarnished. Sure every few decades comes along and something would ignite that spark. That spark that drives a man to wish to love, to fight, the perchance to feel alive, the direct contrast to die, to sleep, the perchance to dream. No he was lost within a limbo between life and death, or so he felt.

His servant’s initial fear, the reek’s fear...he started to slowly feel that spark. Convolute that initial spark of feeling with the roar of the crowed, the trill of watching a true hunter chasing its prey, that smirk turned to a smile. At that moment he was starting to enjoy life. At the half he was more then likely to bet a great deal more credits.

His eyes then narrowed as Huttbutt slowed down. His teeth clenched when the best was about to be passed up by another reek named Wyrm. OOOHHH, Yokuni sat forward as Huttbutt slid round a corner and slammed into Wyrm. “Get up you fool, and catch back up to Katarn”, he verbally spat. Certainly Yokuni could alter the state of the race. Through a meditative state he could alter Huttnutt’s performance. That would defeat the random chance that was very much part of the reason why Yokuni was smiling again. To cheat would mean he would cheat himself out of a chance to feel alive. To feel alive held a far greater worth the wining credits.
Both Huttbutt and Wyrm quickly got to their feet, while the other Reeks raced ahead, Vorksnr and Katarn still tied for first place.

"Huttbutt and Wyrm have re-joined the stampede... It olooks as if they're among the fastest in the race... The two injured Reeks have already caught up with Vorksnr and Katarn.... Ah! Huttbutt's got around Katarn! Then Wyrm! Vorksnr, Wyrm, and Huttbutt are tied for first place! Meanwhile, Kremlin and Mynock are still at the start of the canyons.... Grazing. Grazing."

The droid's sigh was audible through the speakers.
At the very mouth of the canyon, the Bull Rancor finished his meal, it's bloodcurdling roar ehcoing through teh canyons once more. And it started forwards. It wasn't hungry, but it was still hunting.

"Ooooh! The rancor's active again! Look at the front of teh race..." The camera droids zoomed into the front, where Wyrm ran ahead of the others, leaving Katarn and Rager just behind him. "Huttbutt's beginning to lag behind.... He's tied with Berserk! And Vorksnrs passed them up!"

Meanwhile, the cameras quickly switched, showing the Bull Rancor barreling down the Canyon once more, only pausing a second to fling Kremlin aside like a ragdoll. The Reek slammed against the rock wall of the canyon, sending rubble falling all around him. Kremlin was out of the race.

"The Rancor's running down the Canyon again....Better run, Mynock, he's right on your tail!"

As the front Reeks were over half-way through the canyons, everyone's viewing screens flickered, showing the betting screen once more.

"It's time for the second round of betting... Anyone and everyone can place a bet! Come on now, win some credits! This will be the last chance to bet! Your last chance to make huge amounts of credits!"

The viewscreens showed which Reeks were at the head of the packs, in order from closest to finish line from farthest.

1st place - Wyrm
2nd place - Katarn and Rager
3rd place Vorksnr
(In order from closest to finish line from farthest) - Huttbutt and Berserk, Krayt, Mynock.

(Will wait twenty-four hours, for people to bet again if they'd like to)
[member="Togashi Yokuni"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Chattza Thuku Navik"] [member="Kikhveakkaz"]
Taking a long drink Yokuni witnessed the speed at Huttbutt and Wyrm as they got back into the race. It gave an illusion that Huttbutt could win. False hope could be a killer and there was Huttbutt tied in first place with two other reeks. “HAH”, it may have been short lived but in that moment his reek was tied in first place.

Then Huttbutt started to lag behind and the elder Sith’s anger rose, as he audibly growled at the change of events. Still he felt alive and he was committed. Huttbutt was still in fourth place and still had a chance to win! Again Yokuni tapped his finger in the air at the console. With a telekinetic tap he bet once more.

One hundred thousand more credits on Huttbutt!

Why change you reek midstream when it still had a chance to win!
After a brief period of betting, the betting consoles quickly flickered, once again showing live feed of the Reeks.

"Rager's speeding up.... he's looking to pass Wyrm! Wyrm's moved to the side... Rager's moved up! Rager and Wyrm neck and neck... Katarn's beginning to lag back... He'd int eh same pack with Vorksnr... and Huttbutt joins the pack! Ah! Katarn's swung his tusks into Vorksnr... Vorksnr's wounded! He's slowing down! Oh, an dlook at rager!"

Each and every viewing screen suddenly flicked to Rager and Wyrm, who still raced neck and neck. Gradually, Rager began to surge ahead, the other Reek still running as fast as his storng legs could carry him, but...

"And Rager's in the lead!"

[member="Togashi Yokuni"] [member="Nomad Crimson"]
Huttbutt had rejoined the pack, he was still in it. Yokuni took another drink and finished his glass. Holding out the empty glass the servant came forward to refill it. With Vorksnar wounded he smiled wickedly waiting for the rancor to come forward and consume to injured reek.

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