Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A day in the Forest


Large Labor Droid
O22 was in its ship until the ship ran out of fuel it crashed however O22 wasnt destroyed before the ship crashed O22 sent a distress signal out so now this large Labor droid is missing while people all over the galaxy recieve this signal

(OOC:Ok so if you want this character to be your helper droid this is your chance this is open for anyone)

[member="Cross Ikon"]

Nomad received [member="O22-956"]'s signal when he was exploring different regions, Nomad set a course for the signal thinking the only thing that was left was scrap he would scavenge.

He landed near the crash and started looking for anything of value...

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka was flying his starfighter (FT-18 Pillar) through the galaxy when a signal came from a strange planet. He didn't know who or why they were on this planet but he went down to the land and saw wreckage and a ship landed by it. "Great, B7 keep your guard up." He said to his droid. When Oka landed by the newly landed ship, a figure was going through the wreckage. He recognized it. "[member="Nomad Crimson"], why on gods earth are you here?!" Oka asked. [member="O22-956"]
Nomad turned to see a familiar face "oh, Hi Oka. No one could've survived this crash and it would be a waste to throw all this away" he pointed to the ship debris.

Nomad moved a few pieces of metal and he found the Cockpit with a massive hole he called [member="Oka Osaa"] over "Have a look at this!"



Large Labor Droid
O22 was buried deep into the ship but it suprisingly still manage to work it tried to move it couldnt see so it moved its hand suddenly a loud screech O22 was being crushed it said in its metallic voice "Help m-me..."

[member="Oka Osaa"]

[member="Nomad Crimson"]
The screech almost deafened. "There's something still here!" he yelled to [member="Oka Osaa"].

He tried moving some of the heavier pieces of metal near the centre of the ship, he couldn't do it. "Mind helping me Oka?"

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka heard the screech it appeared to be. "No, not at all." He replied. He focused the force and his eyes started glowing for once in awhile as he moved the heavy pieces with [member="Nomad Crimson"]. "I think we got ourselves a droid. Don't know how it survived, even for a droid..." Oka claimed.

Nomad heard the voice and called out to [member="Oka Osaa"] "Your right there's a droid here!"

He removed the lighter pieces and found the body of a labour droid, he beckoned Oka to his position. "Can you hear us?" he asked the droid.


Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"I didn't know labour droids fly ships... I can get B7 to try and help rewire what's tore up if you'd like." Oka said. He didn't understand still, why would it be out here. Even if it crashed, there's still a theory. Although he wanted answers, he sat down and awaited any replies.

[member="O22-956"] [member="Nomad Crimson"]


Large Labor Droid
O22 managed to move its arm and it said "I-I hear you" O22 buzzed and twitched as it tried to move however it wouldnt so the droid said "I am programmed to complete all taskes ordered the droid was big not the size of a regular droid the large droid was damaged everywhere exept for an arm it needed fixing lots of it and since the shp was destroyed the droid couldnt go anywhere so it stood on the ground

[member="Oka Osaa"]

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka stood back up. "I take it as a yes. B7 come here bud, mind fixing up this droid? All we know is he's pretty banged up. Might wanna look at his wires connecting through the arm." He said to his astromech droid as it went, "Bleep bop." Oka didn't like seeing such loyal creations get destroyed in a flash. He remembered when he first made his astromech. He programmed kindness and loyalty to Oka and allies.

[member="Nomad Crimson"]
Nomad knew a bit about droids, he tried to help B7 in fixing the labour droid.

He talked to the droid while fixing it's arm. "My name is Nomad, it's no my real name but that's what I'm called"

[member="Oka Osaa"]


Large Labor Droid
The droid was able to move and the large droid stood up its programming made it assume [member="Nomad Crimson"] as its owner so it said "I am programmed to serve you for all you ask of me" the droid waited for orders

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka looked surprised at the sight of @O22-956. "B7, you got done quickly. Nomad, looks like you got yourself a helper." He said laughing. Oka began to wonder where this planet would lead him.

[member="Nomad Crimson"]
"Very well [member="O22-956"], if you wish to come with me my ship is over there" he pointed to Final Voyage. "You can make yourself as comfortable as you want I want I'll be there shortly"

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka didn't want to just leave without doing something, after all he hasn't seen [member="Nomad Crimson"] for quite some time. "What do you say us three go do something?" Oka asked.

"Like I said I'll catch up, just tell me which way your going" Nomad said. He started taking apart the computer from the crash, there had to be some clues about @O22-956.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

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