Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Deal

It had been many years since the exile had set eyes upon the fabled world of Zakuul. Not much had changed in his absence: the people remained all too reliant on their religious faith for guidance, and the potential of their inert fleets for galactic dominance was, as always, ignored.

In the past, he might have thought that the force had guided him here. Now he knew better. Darius had come of his own volition to serve his own private ambitions, though he viewed those ambitions as wholly benevolent in nature. Others might have disagreed with him, but then their opinions had little relevance to him. Results mattered, not the bickering thoughts of those that would stand on the sidelines and moralize as if they were greater people for their cowardice.

Such thoughts passed through the exile's mind as he traveled through the depths of the empyrean. Only a handful of beings in the galaxy were aware of the webway the Jedi Shadows had forged across the near entirety of the galaxy, and even fewer of that number knew how to make use of it. The sensation of having one's body rendered into naught but living energy had been disturbing at first, but he had long since grown accustomed to its unique state of unreality.

When he emerged on the other side of the invisible gate, Darius found himself standing just outside the doors of a great spire that seemed to travel up to the very heavens themselves, and further beyond. He reached out once against into the empyrean, and felt no protective wards to bar his entry. The knowledge of the old ways was known by far too few, and Zakuul had never had to contend with the powers of the Jedi Shadows - they likely had no idea such feats were possible.

Pleased with this revelation, Darius called upon the energies of the empyrean to manipulate the very shadows themselves. They clung to his cloaked form, drowning him in a drape of darkness that blended in perfectly with its surroundings to any that lacked the power to see through his disguise. His footsteps were silent as he jumped through the empyrean itself the short distance through the spire's front doors. From there, it was a careful process of moving in just the right ways that he would go unnoticed by the dozens of personnel within. He found himself waiting for half an hour before someone decided to take the elevator up the spire. With practiced steps, the exile followed them aboard, and watched as Zakuul quickly shrunk beneath him through the transparisteel windows.

When the occupants stepped off the elevator, he quickly accessed the primary console and sent the elevator on a continued course to the apex of the spire.

It was only when the elevator reached to spire's peak that he cast aside the cloak of shadows that obscured his form. The guards' weapons snapped to life immediately, the intent to kill clear in the way they moved.

Darius moved with practiced confidence, and waved a hand to indicate that he was no threat. "I've a proposition for the exiled mother of Commenor," his voice carried across the chamber, "You would be wise to let her hear it."

[member="Kay Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Viribus was the first to take notice of [member="Darius Sedaire"] revealing himself to the guards that stood at their posts outside of the elevator doors. The young dragon now had a length of seven feet, his scales shimmering with the reflected light. He growled as he looked towards the stranger.

Kay set down her tea, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she heard the booming voice; a voice that she didn't recognize.

Exiled mother of Commenor? That was probably one way of putting it.

She got to her feet and approached the center of the chamber, one hand resting on Viribus' head while the other rested at the curve of her back. The guards did not stand down, but they did not attack either. Instead they stood poised and ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"You may speak. But first a proper introduction. Who are you?"
He doubted she would remember him. Few beings ever did, and that was the way Darius preferred it. It was far easier to make decisions when one's emotional ties were not getting in the way. Even still, when the woman spoke, he felt a wave of nostalgia rush over him.

It was a feeling he quickly traded for caution as the drake eyed him. He had no illusions that he could not defeat such a beast on his own, but then he had not come here to wish [member="Kay Arenais"] any sort of harm. He could only hope that her nature had remained the same, and that she did not choose to sick the beast on him out of annoyance birthed from his presence.

"My name is Darius Sedaire," he replied calmly. His voice gave the illusion of control, though there was little doubt that the Lady Kay had all the power here.

"I was once a Jedi Shadow, before the fall of the Galactic Alliance. I guarded ancient Jedi knowledge, as was my charge, until the Sith ransacked my library and slaughtered my brothers and sisters. I've heard much of your exploits, and I believe we may be able to help one another."

[member="Kay Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darius Sedaire"] was lucky that Viribus had been fed. And the fact that they were all calm had helped keep the young dragon in check. Well everyone outside of the guards, that is.

She beckoned her guest forward. "I'm sorry for your losses. Soon after the Galactic Alliance fell, a tragedy in it's own right, my own people were targeted by the Sith and were overwhelmed. They slaughtered over eight million lives in one second with the help of one of their largest vessels. It was a dark time for Commenor. But their future is different now, brighter with no longer being under Sith rule." And without being under her own as well. Democracy was now fully restored.

"What is it that you seek from me? What can I help you with? I don't have as many resources at my disposal as I once did, but that will change."

A part of her was thinking as to how the man suddenly appeared in the chamber. If he could do it, than so too could others. She'd have to find some way to stop that from happening. There'd bound to be assassins or the like wanting to get the drop on her.
Now they were getting somewhere.

Darius had met with dozens of leaders and despots in his time, and those that called themselves emperor or empress tended to be the least pleasant to deal with. They often had a way of throwing their weight around, and Darius often found himself working to undermine their efforts shortly after such interactions.

Kay, as he had expected, was different. He carefully stepped a few paces closer so that she might hear him better, his movements deliberately passive and non-aggressive so as to not give the guards any worry as to his intentions.

"I heard about what happened on Commenor. Just another of the Sith's many war crimes, your people have my sympathy," he replied grimly. There was a time when he had resented the majority of those that stood outside of Sith control because they chose not to see what a danger the Sith really were. Times had changed though, and it seemed everyone was just as aware to their monstrosity as he was.

"It isn't so much what you can help me with, so much as how I can help you," his arms folded about his chest as he drew to a halt. "I arrived here via ancient technology forged with the power of the force. They are called waygates, tools the Jedi Shadows used to protect the entirety of the galaxy at any given time, and so far as I know I am the only living soul with the knowledge to use use them. I have two offers for you: I can train a student of your choosing to master the waygates so that they might serve your ends, and I can offer my own skills to assist Zakuul as an adviser of sorts. There is little in the galaxy that I do not know about. We have the same enemies, it is best we stand together against them."

A pause, "In return, I would ask a promise of friendship and alliance between Zakuul and the remnants of the New Republic. The Republic has fallen, and its people are fleeing to the outer rim. By chance it seems they have fallen under my charge of protection, and I intend to help them resettle not too far from here. This galaxy is a murderous realm as of late Lady Kay; it would be better that those with a love for civilization and morality stood together against its darkness."

[member="Kay Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay bowed her head as [member="Darius Sedaire"] expressed his sympathy. It was tragic, yet she blamed herself partly for what had happened. If only she had made different choices...

At his mention of the waygates, she raised a brow, trying to recall a time of ever having heard of them before. But unfortunately she didn't.

Darius made an offer to her first, or rather two offers. And instead of jumping on them straight away, she listened to his request. It seemed reasonable enough, although what had happened with the Republic she wasn't fully aware. Kay was in Purgatory at the time and away from any current news.

She stroked Viribus' head, looking down at him briefly before looking to her guards. "You may stand down." Kay returned her attention to Darius as she considered his offer. "I hold no ill will orbad sentiments towards the New Republic. In fact, I owe them for their part in helping Commenor fight against the Sith. I'd of thanked them properly if given the time, but be it as it may, I was dealing with my own personal struggle. So yes, we will do what we can for the New Republic that need our help. Once I gain a better understanding of the resources that I have available here, I'll be able to be more specific." She took a small breath. "To have you for an advisor...I think that I would welcome that. And as for teaching a student the waygates..I would be silly to not want that for myself. But I also know that I am a liability and I'd hate for such knowledge to get into the wrong hands. Perhaps you could ask my daughter [member="Loreena Arenais"] if she would like to learn. I know that she is quite the resourceful one."
Darius was quite pleased to hear it.

Truthfully, he had expected as much from the Lady Kay. Though the woman certainly had her faults, as all beings did, he had always pegged her as an inherently good person, and such people were a rare commodity in the galaxy these days. He her bestial companion curiously, thankful that his mask hid his eyes from the woman's view. He did not wish her to think that he found the drake more interesting, but truthfully large beasts such as this ignited his fascination.

"I've a feeling this alliance will benefit both our groups significantly. The Sith have begun a Jedi purge, and I suspect it won't be long before they start sending their sycophants even this far," Darius mused aloud. It was a fear that he was keenly aware of, and one that he was too intelligent to dismiss. The dark side's reach had grown to be nearly endless: soon there would be nowhere in the galaxy left to run.

He paused, a brow lofting as she spoke of her daughter. He knew offering the chance to teach would likely be enticing to the would-be empress, but it had been very long since he'd actually shared his knowledge with an eager student.

Despite himself, Darius was growing excited.

"If you think she's the right choice, then I see no reason why not. My time will be split between here and with the refugees, but I'm quite adept at getting around when I am needed." From the sound of his voice one could just imagine him winking beneath the mask. "Is there anything Zakuul is struggling with currently? Enemies of a kind?"

[member="Kay Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"A Jedi Purge?" Kay's thoughts immediately went to her husband [member="Veiere Arenais"] who she knew worked closely amongst the Jedi, and to their children as well. If the Sith were beginning a purge, then they would all be in danger. But it wasn't something that they would shy away from either.

As far as the Sith extending their reach way out towards Zakuul, Kay wasn't surprised about that either. But at least it would be costly for them. Very costly. That would limit what they sent out and could give the residents in this part of the Galaxy some breathing room.

"How would I be able to reach you when I need you? An honest enough question. Everyone had different methods and she was curious as to which one Darius preferred.

She could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke in regards to her daughter. So at least he seemed to not be opposed to the idea. "Zakuul is only now regaining it's independence from First Order rule. So there is plenty of adjusting to make. There could be some remnants of the First Order lingering about in a bid to cause trouble. But we haven't seen them yet.

I haven't been here for very long. I'm not even fully staffed yet. But I'm taking stock of our resources to see what we're lacking, and reaching out to friendly governments for contracts and trade agreements. I'll let you know of where we fall short."
Despite her crimes she still had many friends. Her release from custody was evident of that.
Darius was pleased to hear that.

He regarded her with a newfound respect, though it might be hard to tell that much given the mask that guarded his visage. Nonetheless, he allowed his feelings in the force to express gratitude where his face could not.

"They saw an opportunity and chose to take it. The Jedi are their greatest enemies; without us, no one in the galaxy could hope to stop them." He explained matter of factly. What he said was true; he saw no way in which a normal army could hold back the might of the Sith Empire.

"Use this," he would toss her a small black comm unit. It was different than a normal comm, in that it only had a sole button. "That should get you in contact with me as long as I'm near an old Shadow Relay," he paused, turning to take his leave. "I'll be back to speak with you soon, Miss Arenais. My people need to be moved again. Once I've gotten them to Fondor, I will reach out with you to start your daughter's training."

He paused, waiting to see if she had anything more she wished to say.

[member="Kay Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Without the Jedi, the Sith would begin to turn on eachother. That is their nature. It isn't as though they'd turn to a life of peace among themselves once they figure that they've slaughtered all of their enemies." There are different Sith groups and there was always a mistrust within them. They craved power and almost anyone could be seen as getting in the way of that. Such a struggle was always constant. But it wasn't always just the Sith that succumbed to that mentality. Others did too. It was an unending cycle. In some respects she saw a bit of truth in the Sith Code; there was no peace. More to the point that there was never peace that was long lasting.

Kay understood that now.

She caught the commlink that [member="Darius Sedaire"] had thrown her, examining it while he spoke. Then she responded in turn. "Good luck. If you need anything else during that time, just let me know."

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