Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Different Path

3 Years ago

Zonoma Sekot, the homeworld of the Vong, a planet known to be hostile to outsiders in recent years, and the planet Raejar had been sent to in search of a journal that his Master had sent him to acquire. In truth Raejar didn’t know whether he could truly call Alkor his master as most other Force Users would call their mentors. Alkor had said from the beginning that the things that were to come Raejar had a choice, Alkor would neither force his hand nor turn him away. He didn’t offer the calm, cool and coddling approach of the Jedi. Nor did he offer the seductive words and seek to lord over Raejar like a Sith. Alkor was somewhere in-between, he expected Raejar to do for himself. A fifteen-year-old boy out in the galaxy alone. The only problem with that statement was Raejar wasn’t completely alone. Standing behind the boy, her arms draped over his shoulders was his mistress. Her long, sultry arms draped over his shoulders and wrapped around his neck coming to rest on Raejar’s chest. Her gray skin an odd match to his own milky white. Her eyes a vibrant lavender, and her body pressed against his. You do not need the teachings of that man, he is nothing compared to what I can give you.

If one were to look upon Raejar in the co-pilots seat they would not see his mistress. What they would see was a boy talking to himself, reacting to nothing but thin air, some perhaps thinking the boy insane. Yet to him the mistress was real, she had always been there. That warm embrace had returned once again and as Raejar stared out into the kaleidoscope of blues and violets out of the viewport he felt oddly at peace. Calm in a way, he could in fact simply give himself over to the mistress. Allow her to whisper in his ear, he could give himself completely over to her in this very moment. None would know, not Alkor, not even his guardian Keira. There was only one thing that kept him from doing so, the fact that he didn’t wish to disappoint Keira. She had been the one to pull him up from the bottomless pit of nothingness. She’d been there during a time when Raejar had nothing, not even the mistress due to her abandonment. Why would he give himself over to one that had abandoned him once before in comparison to fighting for the one who’d been there. “You say he is nothing in comparison to you, yet you never showed me the potential I held. You sat back continuing to whisper in my ear yet never taught me…”

The argument they were having now had been repeated over five times during Raejar’s trip from Togoria to this world on the far edges of known space. “Did you say something, sir?” The protocol droid in the pilot’s seat asked Raejar, this also had happened for the fifth time.

“Everything is fine Buzz.” Buzz was a pet name for the droid that had just stuck due to how annoying the protocol droid could be at times. Much like the buzzing of the bugs Raejar had dealt with on Togoria.

“That is magnificent sir, I do hope you’re comfy.”

Blinking and looking over his shoulder to look at his mistress, Raejar saw that she had vanished. The weight he’d been feeling vanished and the temperature in the cockpit rose, the goosebumps on his skin began to recede and he felt calm once again. “Yes, its fine Buzz. How much more time do we have?”

“We’ll be exiting at an-“ Buzz began but before the statement could be completed their was the sudden feeling of vertigo as the vessel returned to normal space. “Correction, we’ve just exited Master.”

“Thank you, I can see that.” Despite the fact of how annoying the droid could be Raejar did find that he adored the droid. It had been a purchase he’d made with his own credits that he’d saved. Why? Well it was the newest model on the market! Of course, the boy wanted it, he’d practically begged Keira to help him get it. Yet she was more than just a mother figure, she was also a warrior and stressed the importance of hard work. Glancing once more to the chrome plated droid Raejar shook his head unable to hold back the smile.

Raejar remembered the first day with the protocol droid and how within the week everyone within the Ticon household was more than prepared to fill it with blaster-bolts and slugthrower rounds. “Shall we begin the approach Master?”

“Yes, I just want to get this over with.” Looking down to the world as it spun below the young boy stared at the greens, whites, and blues of the planet. How magnificent it was from above, despite the fact of how dangerous it would be once they breached the atmosphere. A planet filled with a species that despised technology, many that worshiped Sith, and other races that had been enslaved. Biting his lower lip Raejar felt his heart skip a beat. Why? Why hadn’t Alkor accompanied him? Did he want the boy to meet an unfortunate end on the surface of a hostile world? Of course not, this was once again to push Raejar further away from the ‘decadence of society’ as his mentor called it. He was forcing the boy to learn how to survive on his own. To learn how to fight without the force, though Keira had certainly imparted that knowledge onto the boy with no issue.

So lost in thought Raejar almost didn’t notice the vibrations of the ship as they broke through Zonoma Sekot’s atmosphere. Unbuckling himself and moving to the rear of the ship Raejar drew the droids attention. “Where are you going Master Raejar?”

“To get the welcome presents ready. I’m not going down there without gifts for our precious hosts. Keira taught me better than that.”

“I don’t remember stopping off to buy any gifts.”

“Forget about it Buzz… Forget about it.”
“Master, we can’t land at the coordinates given to us, the best I can do is a few miles south of the location.” Buzz chimed over the intercoms as Raejar donned what little armor he’d been able to procure. The best part about having a guardian who had been in the Republic and was a Mandalorian was that you never had to worry about weapons or armor, you were prepared for a fight no matter what. While Raejar’s training in combat had come in a later portion of his life he’d caught on like a natural, it was to be expected when you were of a species that could smell or hear someone approaching long before they reached you. Nothing in Raejar’s training had ever been aimed towards fighting Vong and their living biotechnology. Raejar remember hearing of the stories of what they did to the galaxy, how the Jedi had almost been unable to stop them the first time, and once again in recent years under the reign of the Sith the Jedi had been just as weak. Was this the reason why Alkor wouldn’t train Raejar in the ways of the Jedi? He had mentioned the coddling of apprentices.

“Coming down now sir, but there are three lifeforms moving in, I wou-“ Buzz began to explain before Raejar butted in.

“I already know what you would suggest Buzz, we turn back and go home. Forget about the mission.” Looking down to the rotary blaster in a bin Raejar’s eyes narrowed slightly. They’d come all this way and force be damned if he was turning back now. On his hip were Verpine Shatter pistols in holsters that Keira had got him at the beginning of his training. Slung across his back was a slugthrower rifle, and on a bandolier, he’d ‘procured’ from Keira’s gear was an array of thermal detonators. The armor the boy wore was nothing but shell spider silk, not much good against the weapons of the Vong but it was all he’d been able to get his hands on without drawing too much attention to himself. “Lower the landing ramp and hover over the area.”

As per his request Buzz halted their descent and the landing ramp slowly began to lower with the whining creak of rusted metal. One-day Raejar would be able to afford any ship he wanted in the galaxy besides the old junker he was forced to fly. Reaching his hands down into the box Raejar came up with the rotary gun in hand. Something the average human boy wouldn’t be able to heft, let alone fire. Raejar wasn’t the ordinary boy. He was a Mahanaim and displayed his traits with pride. The slightly toned biceps of the boy flexed as he began to walk to the edge of the ramp with no issue.

Looking down to the clearing Raejar saw the three individuals that Buzz had said would be there. They hid in the trees and underbrush as though Raejar couldn’t see them. As though he couldn’t smell the stench of their unbathed bodies. Left leg stepping back to balance himself against the recoil Raejar smiled. How proud Keira would be to see the boy she raised taking the fight to others. Finger pressing into the activation stud and holding it Raejar listened to the sweet song that the weapon sang. The whirring was the melody and the sound of blaster bolts flying free and striking the trees and those who hid behind them the lyrics. Raejar never took his eyes off the trees as numerous bolts tore into them, bark flew free, screams penetrated the air as those who were hiding were torn asunder. The smell of ozone and burnt flesh assaulted Raejar’s nostrils.

The boy did not let up till all that remained of the area were charred stumps, and bushes set alight. There was nothing left besides the shredded corpses of Yuuzhan Vong who hadn’t worn their armor. They’d gotten more than they bargained for with Raejar. “We’re clear Buzz. Put her down.”

The fight had ended without issue and Raejar regretfully had to return the rotary blaster to its home in the crate. He’d already have to explain to Keira why it had gone missing and why he’d took it when he got back home, he’d rather not risk losing it in the wilderness of a dangerous world. Alright I’m heading off Buzz. Remember if you don’t hear back from me in five days return to Mandalore and tell Keira of what happened. Then deliver a message to Alkor telling the son of a Kath hound I hate him.”

“As you wish Master, but I do believe I should accompany you.” Buzz chimed in his vocalator carrying across the emotion of worry all too well.

“These people hate technology, if you’re with me you’d be in just as much danger and just as useless. Plus, someone has to return if I don’t make it.”

Standing behind Raejar, Buzz’s photoreceptors dimmed slightly as its head dipped. The droid was far too good at displaying emotions. Walking over to it and rubbing its chrome plated head Raejar offered a smile. “I’ll be back, once I am we’ll take you to get one of those oil baths you keep asking for, yeah?”

“Do you mean it, Master?!”

Nodding his head Raejar took that as the droid being satisfied. “Remember, five days.” Walking down the ramp Raejar watched it close waving at one of the few friends he had in the galaxy. He hadn’t had the time to go out and truly make friends after fleeing his homeworld, and being taken in by Keira. Her and her kids were family to Raejar, but he never truly had friends till Buzz. So despite how annoying the protocol droid could be at times, Raejar wouldn’t give him up for control of the galaxy itself.

Unslinging the slugthrower rifle from his back Raejar looked down to the datapad in hand and set off. It was finally time. He’d see just what it was that Alkor wanted him to find in these journals.
Less than five minutes on the ground alone and Raejar was already running for his life. On his tail were two Vong who whooped and yelled their Amphistaffs raised high into the air. “Infidel!!!” Raejar heard clearly over their shrieks. The boy was only ahead of them due to his speed, yet even then they were always catching up. Yuuzhan Vong weren’t slow, especially outside of armor and they knew the environment in a way that Raejar never could or possibly would. They seemed to know every bump, shift in terrain and even root that stuck out of the ground. So, every chance Raejar got to put more distance behind them was cut short. Sweat poured down the boy’s face, some falling into his eyes causing them to burn. Gritting his teeth Raejar kept pumping his legs, he’d literally only just started into the jungle when four Yuuzhan Vong fell from the trees above in an attempt to ambush him. Once again they hadn’t been wearing their armor so the first two fell fast from a few slugthrower rounds due to Raejar hearing them before they made their move. The latter two had been more intelligent and disarmed him of the rifle before chasing the boy.

Dodging to the left and ducking Raejar barely dodged a thud bug that flew over his head splatting into another tree with a sickening crack as the chitinous shell shattered and the creatures’ intestines painted the bark of the tree. Hearing the buzzing of another being thrown Raejar jumped to dodge it to feel a sudden burn in his ribs, it felt as though a dagger had been sat in flames and then plunged directly into his side. Eyes opening wide Raejar let out a shriek of pain. Shell spider silk was known for being able to protect one from even
vibroblades but the insect the Vong had thrown sliced through it like a hot knife through nerf butter. Clutching at the wound Raejar rolled to the left as the buzzing came back. Blood flowed freely from the wound, thankfully the silk had protected him somewhat, without it Raejar was sure the wound would be far deeper.

Once again, the bug returned, closing his eyes and whipping out one of the verpine shatterpistols, Raejar shot the creature out the sky. A bit away from him he could see the smirks on the Yuuzhan Vong’s disfigured and horrid faces. Snarling one raised their amphistaff and hurled it like a spear, the creature flew straight and true nearly catching Raejar as the boy rolled once more. The creature struck the ground immediately slithering after its prey. Head rearing back and mouth opening wide the creature spewed out acid at Raejar. The acid struck the silk and was quickly followed by the faint hissing as the fabric was eaten through. Pushing himself to his feet and running Raejar tore at the shirt as the heat from the acid neared his skin. He couldn’t allow it to touch him. Stripping off his shirt mid run Raejar tossed it to the ground.

What would Keira say if she saw him running? What advice would Alkor give? What words would the Mistress offer him? These people came to mind but in the face of danger Raejar could think of no solutions but to run. The Yuuzhan Vong had the advantage of terrain knowledge, but Raejar had them outpaced in terms of speed. Even a Mahanaim couldn’t run forever though, Raejar could feel his legs wanting to give out, they quaked from exhaustion. There would be no more running after this, he had to stand and fight.

Digging his feet into the ground Raejar turned on his heels mouth opening wide. The special organ of the Mahanaim flexed as Raejar let everything build up. The same way he had when the Liphon had been chasing him, just like when the authorities surrounded him and try to take him prisoner for the atrocities he’d committed in the mistresses’ name. That rage, that sense of betrayal, the will to live built up in Raejar, he felt the strange energy coursing through him once more as though summoned by his very will. Opening his mouth Raejar released a hellish shriek that cut through the air with it a wave of concussive energy followed. The scream amplified by this mystical energy instantly brought both the Yuuzhan Vong to the ground clutching their ears. Their own screams of pain rising to match the one Raejar had released. Even the Amphistaff lay on the ground flopping back and forth. Next came the concussive wave of air that had been built up and released. While Vong were immune to direct uses of the force they weren’t immune to the indirect effects. The bark from trees nearby were torn from their places flung at haphazardly speeds, twigs broke free, and rocks flew at the Vong peppering them.

Acting while his foes were still down Raejar drew the
shatter pistol releasing two shots through their skulls ending them before they could recover from the effects of the scream. The Amphistaff had already started its retreat into the underbrush fleeing the horrifying shriek. Raejar could barely believe he’d survived. Trying to smile he suddenly felt his stomach shift, his vision darken, and the boy fell to his knees coughing. At first, it was a few specks of blood that soon became globs, the faint taste of metal was on his tongue and Raejar knew he knew he’d screamed his throat raw. He had yet to learn how to fully control the scream of his people, they weren’t meant to rely solely on their throat but more so their special organs. Kneeling in the grass Raejar just wanted to sleep but knew it wasn’t safe. Looking up he saw a blue figure standing among the trees. The man wore dark robes and beckoned for the boy to follow. Raejar could see no features of this figure as it drifted away not even waiting to see if the Mahanaim followed.
Rising to his feet Raejar felt the exhaustion the wracked his body, his legs shook wishing to give out. The wound on his left side continued to drip the blood onto the green grass at his feet. Raejar couldn’t just give up at this point. He hadn’t come far at all and he felt a strange draw to the specter. It was as though it was made of sheer energy. The energy Raejar had used to release the scream earlier, the same he’d felt on Togoria, yet nowhere near as dark and malevolent. Holding onto the tree trunk next to him Raejar pushed off to move after the being. For every step Raejar got closer the specter got further. If Raejar tried to speed up, the phantom would go faster. Always just ahead of Raejar, but as the Mahanaim followed he’d realize that all signs of hostilities had vanished and the further in they went the more the force became prominent. Raejar could feel it, the building of the malicious energy as he followed the wraith. Even when listening to the wild around him Raejar couldn’t hear anything, as though all living creatures had vacated the premises deeming it uninhabitable.

“Who are you?” Raejar asked the phantom. The question might as well have fallen on deaf ears for as much good as it did. It turned out that it seemed like more than just Alkor had selective hearing when it came to questions. Looking at the specter Raejar finally noticed that he could almost see through it, he’d suspected it to be some ghost or illusion. Force users could do that from what he heard, but now he thought of it more as a lost spirit. Why was it leading him? Was Raejar perhaps walking into a trap of some sort? Was the spirit vengeful of being confined to the mortal plane? Grabbing onto a tree to balance himself, Raejar wondered if he should turn back. He hadn’t even checked his datapad recently.

Reaching do his pocket and drawing out the small datapad, Raejar almost found his breath ripped away. He’d been nearing the cave. The specter had actually been leading him the way he needed to go. If he had continued running from the Yuuzhan Vong he would’ve ended up even further away from his goal. Sliding the datapad home, Raejar began to take a step to chase after the specter to find it directly before him. It should’ve been impossible, it had kept moving.

“COOMMMEEE” This one word sent a chill retreating down Raejar’s spine, his blood instantly chilled and his body shook as the power of the being bared down on him. The baleful energy pressed on Raejar’s very consciousness threatening to dominate the boy. Raejar wanted to speak but he couldn’t find his voice. He wanted to deliver some snarky comment in the face of someone or something with far more power than himself than he could comprehend but Raejar was no Keira. Biting his lip, the boy nodded. Now as he was face to face with the phantom, Raejar could see every part of it and what he saw was horrifying. It fed on every fear of a youth or even adult. A fear of the unknown, the fear that you’d never know the one who killed you, the fear of not being able to connect with another. This specter had no face, all Raejar saw was darkness beneath the hood. A darkness that threatened to consume him, to devour the boys very essence if he did not obey. It seized Raejar’s heart as the Specter leaned closer before quickly turning away and floating off in the direction of the cave.

With the attention of the spirit no longer focused on Raejar he gasped realizing he’d been holding his breath the entire time. The rancorous energy began to retreat with the phantom and Raejar followed this time not eager to see how it reacted if he disobeyed its command. What had Alkor gotten him into? Why had he sent him to this world? Did he know about the spirit? Who was the person Raejar was sent to learn about? Who were the others? There were far too many questions running rampant in the boys’ mind and nowhere near enough answers.

As they progressed forward with Raejar keeping a decent amount of distance between him and the horrifying figure which acted as a guide fog began to fill the area. A thick fog, even the trees around Raejar became difficult to see. Eyes squinting the boy was unable to see a thing. Not even the specter. “OPEN YOURSELF.” The voice of the specter echoed from within the fog. The voice seemed to come from all directions assaulting Raejar’s hearing.

“Open myself…” Thinking back to his lessons with Alkor, Raejar’s eyes closed. He’d been taught how to open himself to the force on Togoria, but the sheer torment, the memories, everything that had assaulted Raejar’s mind on that day still haunted him. His mistress had even tried to get him to give himself to her. There was no other choice however. Raejar could either risk upsetting the spirit, getting lost in the fog forever or open himself to the force as commanded. He made his decision. Closing his eyes Raejar opened himself, removing the barriers he kept in place in fear of being controlled or letting loose the dark energy. This time as the gates creaked open Raejar didn’t feel the deep malevolence or suffering that had been present on Togoria. While there was, of course, some present there it wasn’t overpowering the young boy.

When he opened his eyes Raejar found the fog had retreated from him crafting a thin path through the trees. At the end of it stood the specter standing next to the mouth of a large cave. Approaching Raejar cast a glance to the spirit who simply nodded before turning and walking into the fog. “Thank you…” Raejar said to the phantom as it vanished but he was offered no words in return.
Limping into the cave, Raejar turned back to see the fog begin to form itself around the cave entrance blanketing it from view. The baleful energy was so thick in the cave that it was nearly tangible, Raejar could almost taste it as he stood there feeling every ounce of the darkness seeping into his pores. Calling him deeper into the darkness. Still allowing himself to be open to it what Raejar noticed was that while there was a significant buildup of the malevolent energy it didn’t have the same feel as a place like Togoria. The cave held no true acts of depravity in mass, no genociding of the planet, no sacrifices. It was just there. Many powerful beings had walked through this cave, their power so much so that what Raejar had felt on Togoria was dwarfed, the energy that the boy possessed was nowhere near the magnitude of those who had frequented the cave. Shivering at the thought and thinking back to the specter, Raejar went deeper.

The cave was naturally lit by crystals that had found themselves embedded in the walls, they glowed a vibrant violet lighting the way ahead. Yet no matter how far Raejar went the darkness ahead kept extending further and further back. The deeper he went the stronger the dark energy became till it reached its Zenith. In a circular chamber, there was what appeared to be a library. The walls of the cave were lined with bookshelves, which were laden with thick dust. Against the far wall, there was but one desk and above it a crystal to offer light. This was, in fact, a library, Raejar marveled at the books that lined the shelves. Each one unique in its own way, all humming with power. With the knowledge that Raejar could claim. The books spoke to the boy. ‘Pick me’ they screamed wanting the young boy to open them to learn from them.

Walking to the nearest shelf Raejar began to look across the tomes, he saw many names he never knew but was sure he’d eventually become familiar with. Hands gliding across the spines as he walked down the line Raejar noticed one book in particular. It hummed with a power stronger than those around it. This energy, however, was repulsive, just from rubbing across the spine Raejar’s fingers felt as though they had been burned. Snatching his hand away he took a step back from the tome eyeing the words on the spine. They read ‘Cthulu Plaga, the undying’. As with anyone the words ‘undying’ caught Raejar’s attention. It made him wonder just what knowledge the tome held. Did it hold the knowledge that would grant one immortality? Was it just a figure of speech? What was it truly? Reaching out for it Raejar felt the book urging him to open it, to read from it.

Reaching out and grabbing his own hand, Raejar stopped himself, though not without effort. He could feel his arm shaking as he yanked it down to his side. Alkor had warned him about the other tomes, Raejar was not yet ready to learn from them. Yet right next to the book on Cthulu there was one listed ‘Eversio, The unforgiving Zealot’ That was the book Raejar had been sent to read from. Reaching out and snatching it from the shelf he wasted no time in retreating to the desk that had been set up. Instead of the violet crystals that lined the cave, this one was a crimson red casting its luminescence on the solid, wooden desk.

Placing the journal on the table Raejar took his seat and simply stared at the book. What information could it hold? What secrets did it carry? What was it that Alkor truly wanted Raejar to learn from it? Taking a deep breath and centering himself, Raejar reached down and opened the cover of the book. The words were written in basic thankfully, the first words he came across seemed to be a quote or statement about Eversio. ‘Never have I known a man to say so much without ever speaking a word. His presence is chilling, he finds humor in no things. C'thulu speaks of him as the Guardian of the Code and I believe it to be true. He is no philosopher like Jen'jidai Pyros or Jen'jidai William Reign, nay, he is as cold as Hoth, he is as unforgiving as the raging waters on Kamino. He sees clearly. There is no truth but the Jen'jidai truth.’

The man seemed every bit to be like Alkor stated him to be from the quote alone. Cold, in control of his emotions at all times. A being of power. The more Raejar touched the tome the more he felt as though he was one with the individual who had written it. It was as if the voice of the creator spoke directly to Raejar’s mind, instructing him on what he was reading. Turning the next page Raejar was welcomed to yet another quote. ‘Do not confuse movement with action’

What in fek does that mean? Raejar thought, trying to find reason and meaning behind the words. Perhaps it had just been a mistake on the writers part, but from what the quote before said Raejar didn’t believe the man was one to make such a simple mistake… No, the words meant something. But how wasn’t movement an action? You still had to move, that in and of itself was an action. Perhaps he meant it for something else. The quote boggled Raejar’s mind but he turned to the next page rubbing at his temples with a hand. Perhaps the later pages will say what it means?

Reading on, Raejar let himself become consumed in the writings of Eversio, he opened himself to its words. This was different from the lessons one was taught by droids or by standard learning in schools. This did not tell one of equations, nor of galactic figures painting them as heroes and villains. No, it showed everything for what it was… Gray.
What had once started out as a boy in the Jedi order had grown into a man, a disciple of the Jen’jidai. Perhaps one of the most famed of their order. Raejar had spent numerous hours poring over the pages of Eversio’s tome. Absorbing the knowledge like a leech and learning more about the figure. It had been more than just hours, those had turned to days as Raejar found the personal notes of Eversio that made mention of force abilities, that spoke of controlling the force but to control those abilities one must be in control of themselves first. The fiery emotions of the darkside could not be allowed to rule ones’ actions as they were not Sith, the Jen’jidai did not give themselves over or enslaving themselves to some code in the name of power. No, they were superior. The Jen’jidai took charge of not only their emotions but their fate and their power. They would not be the ones bound in the chains of the darkside, instead they would be the ones that enslaved it.

Sitting in the center of the chamber his hands pressed together in what one would consider a prayer or meditation was Raejar. The young Mahanaim was going over the details he’d read in the tome. While he hadn’t completely finished every time, he ran across one of the notes of Eversio, Raejar thought it best to practice on them. Arranged around him were small pebbles that Raejar had been trying to get to levitate over the course of a few minutes. Eyes closed and sweat beading on his forehead, Raejar reached out opening himself to the currents of the force. Not all at once, but little by little so the energy in the cave or the force in its totality wouldn’t overwhelm him.

Eversio had a firm understanding of both the light side of the force and the dark. He had described what it was like being an apprentice, what it took for him to truly come into his own and access his abilities. That knowledge was slowly becoming Raejar’s. Was this what Alkor had truly sent him here for, not just to learn control of himself but to learn more about The Dark Jedi so he could mold Raejar into a follower. Could it be that the man had ambitions to see a return to the order? Alkor had been mentioned in a few pages of the journal which had illuminated some of the mysterious man’s past to him.

Honing his focus on one of the pebbles Raejar did not think about their weight but more so wrapping the force around them. In his mind’s eye, Raejar saw it as though a hand were picking up each pebble. Guiding the energy, Raejar called on more as his awareness spread to the other pebbles around himself. The jedi avoided emotions when it came to using the force, they’d rather empty themselves of it and give themselves over to the force. Sith sought to break the force, bend it and make it a beast of burden through their emotions such as hate, rage, and lust. Instead of doing either Raejar used the less fiery emotions, focusing on his love of Keira to coax the force into doing as he wished. The pebbles began to rock to and fro under the pressure of the boys’ powers and slowly one after another they began to rise. First, the main pebble rose to Raejar’s eyes, hovering before him though shakily. The others began to join it.

Excitement filled the young boy's chest as he watched the pebbles begin to float in the air. As he began to imagine them twirling about his focus was broken by an all too familiar voice. Aw, such a cute trick. Do you truly believe that is anything in comparison to what I could give you? The words brought back many memories, some of those in hindsight weren’t pretty. It took you three days to get that far. A little trick. All following some… Book. I could grant you so much more and far faster.

Rising to his feet Raejar whirled on the mistress, his fists balled he looked at her. “I may never truly be rid of you but I shall never allow you to have me. You will instead be mine.” A smile was on the Mahanaim’s lips as he slowly began to close the gates on the force, letting the energy slowly disperse and as he did so he watched as his mistress turned to nothing more than dust. This was just the start, there was a faint chiming now coming from Raejar’s belt, it caught his attention and as he clicked the receiver he was welcomed by Buzz’s voice.

“Oh, thank the Maker you answered. It’s been day’s Master, is everything alright?”

Stopping Raejar didn’t know how to exactly answer the question. He’d just been enlightened to the force in a way in which he didn’t believe possible, he’d seen it was able to control his gifts through Eversio, and through Alkor he was able to see the true potential that lay ahead. “No, everythings perfect.” Walking to the desk and grabbing Eversio’s tome, Raejar looked around at all the others. All potential knowledge that would one day be his, his to not only learn but possibly share with a student of his own. “I’ll send you coordinates for pickup, and lets take the long way home. I have homework to do.”

Walking towards the exit with the black tome in hand Raejar never looked back. This cave was meant for the heirs of the Jin’jidai, and he was now one of them. This knowledge would be there when he came back, and perhaps one day he would be able to read into the books on other’s he had heard mentioned in Eversio’s tome. Such as Cthulu Plaga, and William Reign.

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