The Quez ranch was huge, supporting a large herd of nerf and a huge flock of Dantooine turkeys. these, she had heard, had become The Mand'alor's favoured war mount, though as she leaned against the fence and watched them, she really struggled to understand why. they were not fact they were incredibly stupid. They weren't particulalry agile either...maybe it was because they were fast?
There was one way she could find out just how fast, it was only a slight detour from her reason for coming here and she was certain that so long as no real damage was done, she could get away with it. She contemplated it for a moment, the hopped the fence, landing on four white feet, not the two she'd been on on the otherside.
Hunters instinct kicked in and she ran low around the perimeter of the field, wolves head held low. Nervous gobbling began as she drew nearer, but she aanaged to get close enough without causing too much distress before loosing a long howl and pouncing in their midst. The effect was far better then she'd hoped for. the flock scattered in all directions, huge the toed feet hammering against the ground, their gobbling reaching a pitch that would no doubt draw [member="Joanes Quez"]'s attention, if he had not already been watching her.
There was one way she could find out just how fast, it was only a slight detour from her reason for coming here and she was certain that so long as no real damage was done, she could get away with it. She contemplated it for a moment, the hopped the fence, landing on four white feet, not the two she'd been on on the otherside.
Hunters instinct kicked in and she ran low around the perimeter of the field, wolves head held low. Nervous gobbling began as she drew nearer, but she aanaged to get close enough without causing too much distress before loosing a long howl and pouncing in their midst. The effect was far better then she'd hoped for. the flock scattered in all directions, huge the toed feet hammering against the ground, their gobbling reaching a pitch that would no doubt draw [member="Joanes Quez"]'s attention, if he had not already been watching her.