Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Face From The Past


Location: Bothawui
Objective: Find Komi
Tag: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax


There weren't many faces that he'd see again that made him feel regret, one on the other hand had only recently brought that out of him.

It all started when he was tasked with investigating a ship close to the planet Cularin, a vessel that had been left abandoned after a successful takeover by suspected pirates. Upon entering its empty hull not much had been moved other than the crew who seemed to have left in quite a hurry. There was however the ship's cook who had been left behind, he had managed to stay hidden in the kitchen freezer and was lucky Silas had found him before had had frozen to death. After getting him wrapped up warm, he was able to give him some information regarding what happened.

The cook described seeing a young girl being the ring leader of the operation. They were only here for the people and nothing else, which seemed unusual for pirates considering they'd also take any valuables that were worth a few credits. There was one thing he said that proved to be most useful. While shivering away he heard the girl mention a planet called Bothawui and from the sounds of it, they were looking to keep a low profile in the fishing village of Fey'starn until they had figured out their next course of action.

Silas thanked the survivor for the information and called in transport to get him back to alliance territory unharmed. In the meantime, he was going to check the camera feeds to get a picture of this girl and send it to the correct authorities. Some of the cameras had been damaged, but the main corridor feed was enough to give him what he wanted. When rolling back the video, it didn't take long to see a bright explosion and smoke come from the back of the ship. Then, only a few minutes later a lone figure appeared from the chaos to show her face.

Silas's eyes widened slightly as he realised who it was, his feet naturally taking a few steps back while a hand went to cover his mouth in astonishment. It was her... it was the girl who he had let down all those years ago when he was only a mere padawan.

Komi was alive...

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


The red headed girl stepped out of the Krovos-class Rapid Assault Transport as soldiers shuffled those barely braking adolescents out, though none wore chains around their arms and ankles they all did disengaged slave collars. She had spoken to a few and had no prior life to being in the slave pits and transported inside shielded containers. Of course the crew played ignorance up until the last moment, it was hard to know if all we're innocent in Komi's eyes, but all of them where guilty by association. Far as she was aware the inhabitants of the last ship had been completely wiped out.

There was a strong Kainite presence in the Village and its inhabitants to scared to do anything about its temporary occupation, it was not just the village but the local area as a whole. Soldiers patrolled, new strange walkers moved along side more familiar Kainite armored and transport vehicles. What was happening was war games for the 23rd Blackened Valkyrie Regiment.

Com Jammers prevented the news spreading out, and checks on the borders was maintained by Umbra Commandos. Far as things went Komi was sure this was a good place to temporarily bring her hit marks, it would perhaps be the last time she needed to do this as now a large batch of potential retainers where being taught by herself and others trusted to meet her expectations.

Apparently the local governor was turning a complete blind eye to the ongoings. It was not information the girl knew, but the man hand been bribed with a good stack of credits and illicit goods. That was what she heard earlier in the month and not that she knew the name or what those goods where, but he was an avid user of Slumm and a batch of that was used to sweeten the pot.

Not all of the area was exposed to war games as the place she landed in was neutral camp where the highest influx of soldiers congregated. There was a reason this location was chosen as neutral camp however. Teresa scouted each place personally, and favoured this one for the more scenic trails she could take Galatea along. Komi could feel her excitement build at seeing the young lady.

First she had to speak to the existing retainers below her. "Ruko, Chip, Dezard, have them cleaned and fed if you will. Once they've had time to rest, explain the situation to them. Make sure their collars get cut off today. If not I will see if I can get Teresa to lean on someone to have it done. Just let me know later if you are having issues. These bunch where locked in a crater and pretty much cattle for their old masters. They will easily see the value in the lives I've set out for them." Of course these new potential retainers where for a future project she herself was devising.

Dezard slightly bowed placing an arm across his chest. "I will see to it Komi," he said in a soft voice. "Lady Zambrano is part way down the river." No doubt that would have asked next he thought. The boy had a soft smile as he looked at the sweet and hard working girl who seemed to be enjoying herself.

He knew there was no chance but the boy had a crush on her. Though how she spoke about that Braze Braze person he felt as though there was no chance. Apparently the treehouse they took up from Lothal belonged to that kid, and she spends an awful lot of time in there lately often coming out exhausted by the end. Dezard and even a few of the others have been wanting to ask but neither of them have yet.

"Thanks, you know me all to well. Anyway I'll catch you later." She said she turned and moved away before giving opportunity for the others to respond. Her next destination was already set in stone after all. First things first was to see if someone would take her down on their speeder bikes. They where more receptive to her requests than the other Valkyries.


The Blackened Valkyries arm embracingly folded over Galatea slinged securely against the woman's chest. Teresa would listen to the coo's and odd sound the baby made as she strolled along side the sounds of running water. It seemed to calm the little one well and the quiet she got it between the distant booms and Little Galatea's cries seemed like a gift.

She watched over the flowing water rippling and reflecting the light while her legs carried her forwards. It was not so much longer the sound of a speeder bike came up from behind. The sound of its repulsors was enough to awaken her child momentarily. With a little bit of bouncing and hushing Galatea fell back off to sleep.

Her eyes glanced towards Komi who was now quietly approaching. The woman gave a simple gesture to keep quiet. The soldier further behind also took the same hint electing to push the speeder away before returning to base. "How was your little operation Komi?" Teresa asked in a hushed tone as the redhead came running up besides the Valkyrie.

"Hello Lady Zambrano and yes, a good batch indeed," She replied matching the same volume as her mistress. "I feel a little sad that there will be no need to do this anymore or perhaps for a while at least. After all I intend to start using my rewards for myself I think. There is something I would like to get." She said not so much thinking about her words.

Though that sense of self made the woman smile and could not help but be curious as to what Komi so dearly wishes. "Do tell," she cooed eager to know. As far as servants go Teresa only relied and trusted one, the red marks that adorn her face and neck suggesting they expand further was a deep display of her loyalty to the dark sider.

The girl turned her head towards her Lady, and with a soft smile. "I am thinking perhaps some weapons finally. I've been training hard at the everyday. I have other motives too, but I assure you its to benefit us both," She felt a little hesitant to continue. "I don't enjoy feeling like a burden when something happens and there is danger. For example, when you fought that man... your urm... yeah. I was shocked and pani—"

Teresa softly chuckled cutting the girls words off. Seeing Komi's expression from her reaction was all to amusing too. "Look," The Valkyrie held her hand out placing a top the teens head. "Though you panicked, you still charged forward like a little warrior. The day I took you Komi, I never hand intentions for you to fight. Mealy elevate your place in the galaxy where you had the freedom to do what you wished under my service."

Once more her feet began to carry her forwards as one hand was still resting and supporting the child in the sling. "From start to finish, you made me proud my little retainer. The fact you chose fight over flight in that situation shows me that you are indeed loyal and have the will to survive. I will see what I can do about getting you something easy to learn. I'll see if anyone from the infantry will offer them selves to teach you."

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Location: Bothawui
Objective: Find Komi
Tag: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax


The information he had discovered from the survivor was invaluable, and before long Silas was already in the atmosphere on his way down to the surface. On his way to the planet, he ensured his ship was camouflaged and invisible to anything that may detect him on entry. The last thing he wanted was an entire Sith patrol chasing after him, especially after discovering this opportunity. He was unsure about was how many people Komi had brought with her, if there were a few he could easily catch them by surprise and bring Komi back to the temple in no time. If there were more on the other hand, he'd have to be especially careful.

Finally breaking through the clouds his head looked down to see a considerable amount of activity down below. Did she bring this many people and equipment, or was there someone else already here waiting for her? Nonetheless, there was only one way to find out. Carefully, he'd fly a few minutes away from the village and landed in a small wooded clearing which provided some cover for his ship. Landing too close would risk damage or the destruction of his ship, and that was the last thing he wanted when he was by himself.

Silas jumped out of his shuttle with a small grunt and nonchalantly shut the cockpit door behind him with the force. He was going to be traveling light by only bringing his lightsaber and a ranger finder that would help him scope out the small fishing village from a distance. The goal was not to be seen like most missions of this nature, but the main goal was to bring back the young Komi with him.

She had been suffering long enough from the Sith's fruitless promise. It was time to free her from the chains that kept her in this ruthless cycle.

His journey to the settlement itself wasn't long by any means thanks to fair weather, as well as the fact he had landed not too far just in case of a quick escape. In the distance, Silas could see smoke rise from the different huts that littered the village area. Most were still being used by the locals and new residents who had recently made themselves known.

Silas was soon going to find out who they were.

Kneeling on top of a hill, his hand reached down to the range finder strapped to his belt and raised it to his eyes to look down into the village. It appeared soldiers were patrolling the perimeter and keeping guard. They were holding good quality blasters too, one he was sure Komi had gathered from many raids before. It was going to be hard to get into some primitive place unnoticed, but when he looked further upstream he caught a glimpse of two figures that made him disregard that entirely.

"So she still keeps you hostage? let's see if we can change that..."

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