Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Farewell To Sins

...I have found myself...unable to even muster the want to be here, and its not anyone's fault, or because of this, or that. I simply have a issue where I wear out the new on something, a no longer become interested in whole Disney Canon thing renders my feelings towards Star Wars moot.
I love this site a lot...but I have worn out my characters here, I feel killing of Romeo was the last great idea I had. It shook things up, and bundled people's breeches. I think I can leave for awhile with that being my last true action on the site.
Though I had goals to become part of the staff team at some point, I feel like moving on, and maybe putting all my writing skills I have learned from this site into my fan fictions now. Who knows...maybe when I am done, I'll come back, and link ya'll. I will be staying contact with my faction members to help out anyway I can OOCly.
I truly enjoyed all my threads with you guys, and will maybe one day come back, and restart all over again to bring back a character everyone dislikes.

I love you guys, and hope you all fair well with your lives.


Razz Michaels

Kings die....kingdoms fall...nothing gold can stay...farewell my dearest Romeo until we meet again.

[member="Romeo Sin"]

Razz Michaels

The law will only catch up with only when I do wrong...I see no wrong in my business.

May all your time away put a passion in your heart that burns brighter than a star.

[member="Romeo Sin"]

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