Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Farmer and a Plow

Most people that knew him would tell you that he had grown up on a farm. The beautiful Corellian fields outside of the city of Kor Vella had seen him as a scrawny pensive child and witnessed him grow strong with hard work. He still remembered the smell of freshly turned soil. The mineral rich scent coupled with the sounds of animals in the distance it was all he could ever hope for.

His nostalgic thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his ship captain coming to inform him of their arrival. The large Kandosii-type dreadnaught loomed proudly over the world and Ordo's assistant came to move him to the Shadalaar dropship that was loaded with gear and equipment for the new farms. He had informed the Levantines of his plan to purchase and build farms on Tabaqui with the promise to keep the qorld clean and undamaged as possible. They had been kind enough to allow it despite knowing who had owned the company and Ordo would likely never forget it. The 8 dropships were soon loaded and Ordo's hover chair secured before they departed for the world below. The starport was not in current use, a problem he would help remedy as soon as he could, so they planned a landing in an open field to begin the work of building the first farm.

[member="Seydon of Arda"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] @Anyone in the sanctum or clan ordo that wants to help with a farm and starport.

Freynk Porkins

Freynk walked off the ship holding his tool bag and coveralls. The big mando had hired him to help with a ship and kept his services through generous means to help build a farm and set up the machines that would be needed. He walked over to the big crippled Mando and set his bag down. His pale green eyes nearly as light as the Mandos.

"Well big guy," Freynk started, "what do you want done first?"

Freynk pulled a knife from his pocket and bent down to take a red fruit from a pouch on his bag then cut a piece off. Held between his knife and his thumb he popped it into his mouth as he waited for the big man to answer.
Ordo looked over at the man who was about as plain as any one man could be. He was a good worker but about as down to earth as you could hope for in a galaxy of self important hero types. Ordo looked down at the ground and back up to the man.

"Grab a handful of that dirt and let me smell it." Ordo said as he looked at the man. "I want to see if this is a better site for store houses or fields."

Ordo had been on a farm for 17 years. He was raised that way, he watched his siblings grow on the farm and when his parents were killed on a delivery he had done his best to run the place by himself. Now after all these years he felt most at home and happy with dirt between his fingers and a plow in front of him. The man stuck his fruit in his pocket and bent down grabbing a handful of rich black dirt and rubbed it between his bare hands then held it up for Ordo to smell. Ordo took a deep breath and noted the metallic smell, the moisture, and the faint smell of organic matter.

"Fields." Ordo said smiling, "The smells like a crop field. Have the workers mark it off and put the storehouses closer to the treeline."

Boots were hitting the ground before the ramp even got a chance to fully settle onto the soft earth. Everything seemed vibrant and green here on Tabaqui. Delila knew only what she had read of the planet in [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] 's reports. Semi-hostile natives, but primitive. A settlement of Miralans in the northern mountains. There was a shiny new Firemane outpost in a valley too, hand-in-hand with Salacia Consolidated. Breathing in the clean air, it was nice to have a change of pace assignment. Etti IV was fine but seeing the same thing day in and day out often left her a bit bored.

"Ropo Squad, break off and follow those workers. Secure the treeline. Get the Engineers in here to start cutting back the brush, I want a clear space around those storehouses. I've heard these natives can pop up from underneath a pebble."

Firemane soldiers in crisp uniforms quickly fanned out. Engineers, a Firemane catch all for a construction team on steroids, quickly moved out with powered hand tools. Delila held her gun over her shoulder, looking out over the land.

"Yes, yes. This is a fertile land and we will thrive. We will rule over this land and we will call it.....This Land."

Freynk Porkins

[member="Delila Castillon"]

Freynk was not a farmer...he was barely a businessman, but when it came to engineering, well lets just say even a broken clock gets it right twice a day. He picked up his tool bag and tossed it obwr his shoulder as a perimeter was set up and hia team assembled on the spot Ordo had pointed out for the storehouse and base camp.

He took a deep breath and tried to think if he had ever once breathed air so clean, so fresh. He ran a hand through his brown hair and pulled the fruit from his pocket and cut off another slice to pop into his mouth. He looked at the team unloading materials and set his bag down again and ran to help start framing for the temporary staging area. Aoon the wall frame was made, then another and the two lifted into position and screwed together. Two more walls were framed and up being screwed to the first. The quick build techniques of the Mando engineers along side the plans Freynk and Ordo had put together made the materials staging area go up fast and soon after the area for the farm houses and barns were being dug by excavation and mining droids. As long as things didn't get hostile the first day would meet with success.
Judah loved working with his hands. The Jedi had never been a farmer, but he did build well. His wife [member="Katara Starkos"] would attest to the skill he had with his hands. The Lesan Compund had been built with the sweat of his brow, despite the home being built prior to the purchase of the land it sat upon. The red haired Corellisi was the gardener, and Judah had been the builder. Either way, he could not pass up the opportunity to assist. This was the kind of work Judah lived for and found himself gravitating towards in his mid life years.

"What do you need of me," Judah asked the man who seemed to be in charge.

The research was right about him, but at least he was still among the living. Judah's family was important to him and he would love that way was well if he had to.

"I'm a hard worker and will do whatever is needed."

[member="Freynk Porkins"]

Delila wasn't sure why the portly one was eating and observing. It seemed....odd. Perhaps the man was some type of project manager or supervisor. Yet these types of folks normally had flimsy blueprints in hand or a datapad. Well, the man had a bag but from what Delila could tell it was probably just full of more fruit. Her shoulders shrugged slightly. Much of this was not her concern. Hostiles were. So far, so good.

Keeping the blaster rifle about her shoulders, Dells started to make her rounds in the makeshift perimeter. Work was nearly done on clearing that brush line and the lines of sight had really opened up. Instead of sitting ducks they had a real advantage over the lay of the land now. Piles of green wood and branches started to form off to the side, away from all the action.
Rianna had been silent. She kept a vigil over her husband. This project should help everyone. Many would see him know what damage he took. She continued to mend his spine it was long journey for certain, but the end result Jasper would walk.

He was doing one of the things he did well. Farming. She watched his process with Freynk with approval.
[member="Judah Lesan"]

Ordo looked up at the man and offered a smile. He hadn't expected extra help but he was glad for it. He smiled and nodded to the man.

"Worker houses and store houses are in need of builders." He said as worker moved rapidly to get as much done as possible. "Pick a site grab aome tools and do what suits you best. Oh and thank you for the help."

Ordo looked over at his riduur, the one person who hadn't given up on him. She had performed miracles already. He should be dead. He made his way over to her and looked up.

"Thank you, cyar'ika." He smiled sadly, "for everything."

Freynk Porkins

[member="Delila Castillon"]

Freynk opened his bag and began pulling out some heavy duty tools, his engineer's vest and tool belt. He folded his pocket knife and popped it into his vest pocket and set out his flimsi prints. He looked up at the woman walking around with her rifle on her shoulder and realized he was staring. He cleared his throat and jumped in to helping set up the next frame for the next building while a transport took off to bring in some heavier equipment for laying foundations and some powerdroids until the generators could be installed.

He took out a rotohammer and began fastening another frame together and straightened. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and looked over at the red-headed woman. He smiled a little uncertain if she was remotely interested in what they were doing beyond her blaster rifle. He smiled and twirled the power hammer like a blaster on his finger and caught it then did it again spinning it the other way. Filled with confidence of his successful fake blaster twirling he tried it again and promptly dropped the tool on the ground. With out missing a beat he looked up, put a hand on the back of his neck and looked around like it didn't happen for a moment before picking it up to go back to work.
"I'll get on it right away then."

Judah nodded and made his way over to the worker houses. It was a calculated assumption, but if the worker houses were finished first then more workers would be able to help with the other projects. Good thing Judah was planning a spectacular anniversary getaway with his KitKat. The family bungalow on the Gold Beaches was a must as the marriage year was falling on one of the fives or zeros. Judah often liked to revisit how the proposal and subsequent wedding happened. This time though, he had a very special surprise for Katara.

The worker houses reminded Judah of old forest cabiins, very similar to the one he lived in on Corellia. His mind wanted to build this place similiar to his compound, but knew better. This was [member="Ordo"]'s project after all. Strong hands ran along what remaind of the supports of the first lodge he came to, assessing the strength of the unit. The first one seemed stable, it was a good place to start as it needed minor repairs. If Judah could finish one lodge by the end of the day, then perhaps some of the crew would not need to sleep on a ship. The Jedi, he planned on sleeping under the stars, provided it didn't rain.

Walking back to his own ship, Judah retrieved his tools and quietly began to work. The first task was to deal with the holes in the floor, then address the hole on the roof. Most of what Judah would do before the day was done might not look like the finished masterpiece he was capable of building, but it would be a start, and solve the problems which needed to be addressed now.
"[member="Ordo"] anytime" She was quiet in her voice everyone was beginning to fan out and work, this in a way was how she and Jasper met. Over a project. She did not wish to go too far from him having nearly lost him she had become a bit of a cling on. She put a hand out to touch his arm reassuring him, and herself that they were still here, and that they would go on.

She did however take a few steps away to look at progress of things. One thing Jasper could always do, make a plan and inspire others to do it with him.

"Ner cyar'ika do you need anything?" She was thinking water, movement...whatever he needed.
[member="Freynk Porkins"]

That one should stay away from all weapons.

Most likely trying to impress her. Didn't work. As if Delila was interested in the work....well....not really. It was farming. Not exactly exciting or cutting edge in her opinion. Sure, Delila liked to eat and eating came from farming, so at least she had some mild appreciation for the efforts. Boots walked lazily in the dust as she made her rounds closer to the one trying to build something.

"Might want to make sure thats square. Can't have herds of bests in sub-par structures."
After being more-or-less cleared of being as guilty as her pirate friends/ex-friends/acquaintances, Jame had been glad, perhaps even ecstatic to put distance between herself and Lorrd for a while. Well, wasn't it just her luck when a nice, scruffy guy by the name of [member="Judah Lesan"] had offered to take over her training? Wasn't it even more fortunate that he had carved out a home for himself (and his family - wow, he had a family?) on Corellia. That wasn't so bad. She liked Corellia. She'd worked on Corellia, and had met her brother...

... well, and then lost him. Which had put her in that whole Lorrd mess in the first place. Why did he have to go and...

"There's no use dwelling on it, girl," she mumbled to herself, trudging her way towards the buildings that she'd been pointed to, upon asking after the location of her new master. The kind of work being done here wasn't exactly the kind that she was used to, but she was far from being a snob. It looked like good, honest work. Hard, but good. She could do with building up a little elbow grease. It would probably help in keeping her mind off of things, at any rate. Coming to the worker houses, she stopped in her tracks, not quite sure which one he'd went into first. "Well... eenie-meenie-miney-mo..."

Her finger landed on the first one, the one furthest to the left, outstretched, the farmost point from her shoulder along her fully extended right arm.

"Gotcha. Well, I think."

The decision made entirely at random, her arm dropped and she began making the rest of her way up to the 'chosen' worker house, at first knocking on the door...

"Hey, anyone in there?"

...then not waiting more than a moment for an answer, and slowly, cautiously pushing the door open a crack with a slow, almost measured creak.

"Anyone...?" And there she saw him, the man himself! "Well, there you are, mister! Alright! Been looking for you!"

She slipped through the doorway, and fully into the building, closing the door behind her, though not completely shutting it. She slid her hands into her trouser pockets.

"So, what's doin', boss?"
Judah had been using the force to levitate a large sheet of wood when he heard the voice of a new student. She had been new to the Sanctum and in need of a master. Judah had needed a student from the sanctum in order to advance. The mutual need had helped them find each other. The casual attitude was one Judah would have had a harder time with in his younger years, but the father of a teenage son, and from a certain view a teenage girl, Judah had learned more patience than even he thought possible. Before answering [member="Jame Kaman Dar"], Judah finished patching the roof before answering.

"Well just finishing up with some basic repairs so the work teams can have a place to sleep. Could use your help with the other roofs. Just float the boards up so I can nail them in place."

Everything at this stage was a test to see what she was capable of doing. So each task would be short and sweet. Judah didn't make things hard or unattainable. In order to construct a lesson though he had to know how far he could push.

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