Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A faulty saleswoman, (Maja Vern)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra looked over the wares before her, having come into the main city on Alderaan for supplies for the Order as well as looking for old droids she could scrap and information about the force or the Galaxy's history in General. And that is something she found today as she inspected the file though had not accessed it before glancing up at the saleswoman. [member="Maja Vern"] was her name, and it was force sensitivity that brought her to come to this woman's wares... she was curious though if this woman knew and if this woman realized she was selling a fake. "Interesting, what is covered by this holofile exactly?"
Maja considered the woman in front of her. 'What did she say her name was? [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]? Did it matter? Why did she even tell me her name? Still, it it meant she'd buy this useless piece of junk, I'd listen to the names of all her family. And what an easy mark she is - even telling me she was a collector of ancient history holofiles.'

Maja had to stop herself from smacking the palm of her hand on her forehead.

Remembering that the best lies had an element of truth, Maja responded, "I was recently on a forsaken planet that was composed 99% sand and 1% dust. I was told it contains the history of Krayt Dragon's on that planet, including their almost extinction due to Jedi killing them for their pearls. Lightsabres or some such."

Maja had heard someone in a bar selling a pearl and thought it a good touch for this story. She smiled her best smile and hoped it was enough for the mark to part with her credits. It usually was.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"So you were on Tatooine and you say that this contains the history of how Krayt Dragons went extinct because they started using the pearls for their lightsabers.... while that is possible i would hate to tell you that this file is a fake, Resistance, please explain." The VI appeared as it leapt from Alexandra's datapad and onto the counter, a hologram being projected and bowing to the woman. "Sorry miss but if you must know this file isn't nearly old enough to be reliable information, and i was manufactured." The Vi bowed to both Vern and then to Alexandra before disappearing.

With a soft smile she laughed and shrugged. "Ill buy it anyways, i could re-purpose it as a memory core in the end, though i have a question for you miss, you know that calling me an easy mark is quite rude right." She tapped her head, it was cruel to intrude on someone's mind, but she didn't trust vendors and force sensitive ones were something she trusted least of all. "You do know the force touches you and you are sensitive to it, no?"

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja assimilated the information quickly. She'd learned not to think too long or the mark might think you're up to something. But how she processed the information wasn't typical considering the news she'd received.

'She's going to buy it. That's good. But knowing I think of her as a mark. That's got to be a guess right? A good one I grant you but not even Jedi can read minds. Right? And Force Sensitve? Perhaps she thinks I'm an easy mark? What's her angle?'

Her smile might have disappeared for a fraction of a second but to the outside world the mental process lasted a heartbeat.

"Sensitive to the Force? Is that valuable?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra didn't say anything as she looked utterly dumb founded at what had been asked just now, her eyes deep in thought before she smiled and shook her head to the woman. "Noo, being sensitive to the Force is not valuable in any sense of the world but it is a gift that allows for a high understanding of the universe around us, it is what Jedi and Sith are and what i am, and i apologize on intruding on your feelings, but i can tell from them that you think im a sucker and that im also trying to rip you off."

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja was never lost for words. Never. Not ever. Yet her mouth opened and closed like a fish gulping for oxygen after it had been landed. And that's just how she felt, like a fish that had foolishly taken the bait.

And now she was trying to think but without thinking. She counted to five in Huttese, wondering if this woman's abilities included translating thoughts back into galactic basic?

The frustration must have been written all over her face. "OK, you can get into my head. But telling me that sort of skill doesn't have value?" She half snorted, half laughed at the thought that being able to read minds was valueless. "Think of how you could clean up on the Pazaak circuit? Listen, with your skills and my ambition, we could go places."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I cant actually read minds, i touched your feelings... if i had gone far enough to read your mind you would have felt it and it would have hurt, alot. No i touched your feelings and instead of winning Pazaak how about this, i teach you what i just did to you and perhaps one day you can do that... though i wouldn't recommend such as it is quite dishonest and lacks any sort of honor in the least sense of the word." She smiled at the woman, having just offered to train the woman in the force though her reasons were to teach the girl there is more than just ripping people off that could be made into a living, something of a greater existence.

[member="Maja Vern"]
Mama laughed that half snort, half chuckle again. "Let's get this straight. You'll teach me this gift and I can win big on Pazaak?". The concept of right and wrong or a moral code was - for the present - lost on her.

Then the chuckle gave way to a broad grin. "Oh, you're good. Very good. You nearly had me there. I agree and before you know it I've handed over my life savings and you've long gone. We'll I've got news for you sister, I don't have any money. What you see on the table in front of yours all I have in this world. Sure, I don't starve and I'm clothed but I don't have a fancy apartment or fast speeder. Is the offer still valid?"

Her voice spoke louder than the words she used - her tone said that she'd uncovered a scam and the silver-haired woman would quickly move on to a richer target.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"The offer is still valid, though i can assure you that if you accept there is a chance you might not stick to that original plan of yours, though i can't stop you if you do." She crossed her hands behind her and then as an after thought glanced over her side to make sure that no one was taking notice of the conversation and if they did she would try to reach out and touch their minds to divert their attention, most it worked on but there were a few that stared a moment longer than Alexandra had wished they wouldn't. Curiosity is a pain in the ass for sure and these people all look for marks like this woman did, the one thing she was waiting for is a thief, though she knew one wouldn't be that stupid.

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja did something she'd never done before. She stopped and thought about her options. Usually she would talk first and work it out later but this woman had affected her mind. And not just because she sensed her feelings. No, it was because Maja couldn't work her out.

Deep down, the young girl still thought that Alexandra wasn't on the level but she couldn't work out her angle. In Maja's world, everyone had an angle. But more than that, she was intrigued by Alexandra.

"OK, you've got me. Teach me what you know and let's see where it takes us."

Then, as an afterthought, "How long will it take?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"As long as you desire, i will teach you what i can but i cannot promise it to be quick or easy, my own skills are due to years of study and training... more than a decade and only recently have i achieved something good... i even have much to learn though, so much that i will not be able to complete it in my life time." She cast her gaze down for a moment before sighing and speaking again, this time as if doing so to shoo Maja from the path only a moment ago she offered. "It will change you, whether intentionally or not, and sometimes not for the better. So i ask of you the simple question of are you sure this is what you want to do, as it is possible that such a thing will claim your life if you do not tread carefully."

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja looked puzzled. This wasn't the response she was expecting. Either this woman was the best con artist in the galaxy or she was genuine in her offer of help. No con artist would make the pitch so challenging. Ten years just to get good? But then Maja had nothing but self-belief in her locker, so it might have taken this woman a decade but she'd do it quicker by far.

Reading people's minds? Maja looked at what she'd amounted to in the short life she'd lived this far - not much longer than 10 years. It amounted to virtually nothing. And this woman knew how to live - her clothes said as much. Even if she didn't teach Maja to read minds, she'd most likely get her out of her current lifestyle.

Without thinking with any more detail that this, Maja made up her mind. "Its a deal. Where do we go from here?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Remote compound in the middle of the forest... Not that far but it is still a decent way from there and the route we take is up to you, would you rather it be on foot or by airspeeder, either will get us there and it doesn't matter to me which is better for you to get there." She watched the woman, she was confident, that was something that Alexandra was appreciating in this instant that this woman had a level of pride for what would come and she crossed her arms as she stood there to look over Maja.

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja puzzled over the choice of travel. If it didn't matter, why would she choose the long and more tiring option? Unless it was some sort of test? Is taking the air speeder the soft option? But then it was her choice - and she wanted to ride in an air speeder.

"I choose the air speeder - the quicker we get to wherever we're going the quicker the training can start, right?"

Maja seems to be excited to go, but you get the sense that she's not grasped the gravity of what's being offered.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra clapped her hands and nodded before turning and starting off towards where she had left the speeder she had taken here... only she hadn't. Oh how this was a test and the girl would have to figure out that there was no speeder before Alexandra would begin to leave the city, it all depended on how fast [member="Maja Vern"] figured it out, though Alexandra had memorized the streets and move through them like she knew exactly where her speeder was.
Maja left the few items of junk behind on the table she'd been using as a makeshift shop. She called to the vendor next to her to take the items and add them to his stock. It may have appeared kindness, but to Maja, the items were worthless and would only slow her down.

After. A few minutes following Alexandra, a look of puzzlement crossed Maja's face. "Most people take the speeder to where they're going. How far away is it exactly?"

Her voice wasn't a whine, but it was certainly a little tetchy.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Maja Vern"]

"Only a little ways more, i was walking around for quite a bit before i happened upon you." She continued to walk, navigating the streets as if she had been born on them and had to survive them on a daily basis. That wasn't it though, no it was the fact she remembered every detail and could map out her path which would lead them in a literal circle, though if Maja noticed it was up to her to realize what Alexandra was doing?
Maja continued to follow Alexandra, her mood not improving. Were they heading west, north, east or south? The position of the sun suggested they were walking in a a very large circle. It may be a large circle, but it was definitely a circle.

"Are we lost?". Maja was nothing if not forthright. "Are you sure we're going in the right direction?"

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Very observant, are we?" She didn't even hesitate, only just keep on walking without a second thought as to where she was going, she would wait for the woman to completely figure out what she was doing before she taught her anything, even if it took all day.

[member="Maja Vern"]
Maja kept in step with Alexandra but the occasional tut or sigh gave way to progressively louder and more persistent sounds of frustration.

"Either you're lost and you won't admit it or you're playing a game with me. We can't be walking in circles on purpose.". Finally her rudeness overcame her and she stomped to a halt. "OK, what's going on? Clearly this is some sort of a game for you. Are you taking me to this wood or not?"

To any bystander, it looked like a petulant child was having tantrum with its parent.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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