Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Festering Hatred

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"

Location:Dantooine, Plains

Go scout Dantooine they said

Need to know its status they said

Jeez.... she was not cut out for this kind of peaceful work. She was a warrior of the Echani, combat was her forte-how she understood the things around her.

Walking around a planet and its citizens did NONE of these things. In fact the only thing it did for Marona was give her a reason to sneak on the battle vessels regardless of assignment from now on.

But she supposed this did have it's own purpose, as much as she detested it. But why not send someone suited to these things? A Bothan or something? Meh.

She took a moment to lean against one of the cave walls, her vibroblades sheathed on her back. She viewed the enviorment around her. The landscape had its own beauty at least.
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[member="Marona Rayheart"]

"Enjoying the pandemonium?" A voice would ring out from deeper inside the cave, seemingly from nowhere. It was Circe, attempting to lure the woman further into the cave in an attempt to determine her motivations for being here. Perhaps she could prove to be another worthwhile pawn in the games of the female Sith Lord - but who could tell at a time like this?

"Why are you here?"

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"

Marona knew better, she knew such a calling was more likely than not a trap.

The thing was she didn't particularly care right now, after the amount of time she had to spend scouting.... she welcomed conflict-well more so than already present.

But then that seemed intent on IG boring her for now.

"Seems intent on avoiding me, actually"

She drew a single place from its place at her back-itching for something to happen.

The voice continued its questioning-she was not an idiot though, as much as she wished for battle she was not about to risk her overall mission in the process.

The voice did succeed in luring the echani into the cave though, Marona did not particuarlly care-yet.

"Not much point in answering an echo if you ask me"
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[member="Marona Rayheart"]

"I am hardly an echo, young woman. And if I were you, I would certainly be careful who you antagonize." The shadowy form of a woman, flickering as though it were some sort of blackened and smoky hologram, looked at her with white eyes, a smile on her face as she continued to ponder more about why the girl was here. "I sense a great deal of hatred within you... That's not good, not at all. You should relieve it through more enjoyable pursuits."

What pursuits, she had no idea - but she had to get to the bottom of why the woman had such strong feelings.

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"

"Zero visibility means echo"

The Echani shook her head at her state, she spoke
the truth. if she didn't like that it wasn't much her concern but.... the girl felt weird...

Ha... weird, now who sounded like the enemy?


Though she wasn't exactly sure the thing was visible... that mattered greatly, most of all if she got to swing her blade.

Her face contorted in anger with her next words, the then had no right to prod her!

In spite she let the words ring from her mouth.


She was seething with anger, the source of her hatred rather apprant.

Freaking force...
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[member="Marona Rayheart"]


The woman dropped her facade, revealing her blonde hair, paled skin, and lithe frame. "I'm sorry, did you just call me a Jedi?" Considering that Circe was a straight-up Darksider, this was an egregious insult. Or was it just humiliating?"

"I'm not a Jedi. I'm the exact opposite of what a Jedi is, woman. Pay attention."

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"

"Pray tell what the opposite of a Jedi is, in a warriors terms"

Marona didn't particuary care what the sith and order claimed differences-like a Jedi master or a sith lord-a Jedi in light, or dark. It mattered little to her.

They all swung the giant glow stick they called a blade.

They both applied the force to reach their ends

They were all Jedi

Jedi fragmented her life, she could give a dam less what one thought of her.

"Makes ya feel better, my terminology is rather broad"

Her tone was void of much care, her hand wrapped tightly around the hilt of her blade. Perhaps she was being to forward, but she couldn't help it around the force users-they brought out the worst in her.

"Dark and Sith, light and the order, long as you wield the force and your... lightsaber? In my eye that's a jedi-dark or light or otherwise, matters little to me"

She crossed her arms over her chest, her words satisfied her... she wasn't sure what the woman would think though..

"What care would you have about my hate anyway?"

It wasn't a concern of hers so why should the force user care?
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[member="Marona Rayheart"]

"The opposite of a Jedi is someone who ignores the power of blades in exchange for that of the Force itself. Not to mention someone a bit more... darkly aligned."

She reverted back to her shadowy illusion form, stepping closer to the woman before bringing a clawed hand to her chin.

"There are distinct differences between the two. I hope to educate you on such..."

She stepped forward, hand out as though she were beckoning.

"I care because I am quite empathic - I can sense emotion to a tee. And your hatred is most uncomfortable to be around..."

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"
"Blades.... are pretty effective"

Marona said with a light chuckle, power of the force huh..... sounded like a Jedi to her. But hey, who was she to critique beliefs? She hated the Jedi yes, but beliefs were beliefs.

"Educate me? Educate a complete stranger huh? Now why would you bother with that....."

Marona was quite suspicious of this woman appearing out of nowhere... what did she want with her?

She was making her uncomterable.... with her hatred? She couldn't really control what seeped through her being though... meh the force really confused her-that sensing was annoying.

She held her hands out, like she wanted her to come closer? No... she was not a fool, she was trained better than to just run into trap signals.

"Can't really help that"

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[member="Marona Rayheart"]

"What good is a blade if a blaster bolt's been sent through you? Or perhaps a real bullet... Or grenade shrapnel?" She smirked. "Blade wouldn't protect you then."

A fair enough point, if one knew the weaknesses of a standard lightsaber.

"I prefer to educate those who have little understanding, so they may gain from it."

Considering that the woman before her seemed to believe she was a Jedi, despite her darkened aura, education was certainly an issue.

"Now come on... Don't be shy."

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"
She had a valid point. Though the force had the same weakness.... did it not? Marona hated the force-hated Jedi. However.... understanding meant she could better combat it right?

She made a fair point, as much as she hated to admit it.

"Fine... I don't mind learning"

And she did, any weapon was a good one, knowledge included.

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[member="Marona Rayheart"]

"Jedi are light and fluffy, or steeled and serious." She sighed. "I personally prefer the light and fluffy ones. They make the best cuddle buddies." Her mind flew back to Aleidis Ijet.

"Then there are neutrals. Not too dark, not too white. It's like green tea - in between the two different extremes." Seemed simple enough.

"Then there are the Sith. Chaotic, hedonistic, or occasionally sinister." She paused for a moment.

Any new questions?

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