Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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a few quick questions:

be be de beep be de be beep doodoo be be de beep be de be beep do de dade beep do de da doo be be de beep

(welcome to chaos, lord neoplix. i'm certain an organic being or a protocol droid will be along to assist you)
Broadly speaking, storylines are driven by the factions rather than site staff. Each faction has their own internal storyline, and external stories are largely driven by tensions between factions. Trying to summarize the events of the last several years would take longer than the lifespan of the site thus far. Probably best not to get too hung up on the past. If you can keep an open mind and a sense of humor, you'll do well.

[member="Lord Neoplix"]
Alright, that's cool. Lol I can do that. Just, trying to craft a backstory, and it without an understanding of the current basic sith situation, I'm not sure if i can accurately do it. for instance, questions like heirarchy, state of the empire currently, current leader of the faction, lifestyle, etc...
[member="Lord Neoplix"]

Best Advice I can offer is looking to the Resource Page and reading up on the Timeline as well as the Map Post, It should summarize most shared history of a new writer. For more in depth History best to hit up your faction leader or you can PM me and I can do me best to summarize. Overall you want your history short and sweet, and RP the rest to keep it more fun for yourself.

Also setting up a Discord and involving yourself in chats is a good way to build up a back story. Wish you best of luck in building your character and story.
[member="Darth Carnifex"] is the current DLOTS, unless I've missed something. He can probably help you better than I could, or at least point you in the direction of someone who can.

[member="Lord Neoplix"]
[member="Lord Neoplix"]

The Resources -> Timeline will give you a rough outline of some grand events.

However, there are many small stories here. For example, the current Sith Empire is the third incarnation on the board and many of its stories link up with the past two iterations, and even carrying over some characters and relations to other factions as a result of the histories.

Is there something specific you want to know?

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