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A fine day for a hike (Ryn'Dhal)

Talon Sky

Shadow-tainted Heart of Light
Two months had passed, and Talon Sky was beginning to get this Jedi stuff.

The young man crested a small hill, smiling to himself and humming a song from his childhood. Some advertisement for fruity, oaty bars or something. He didn't really remember it, but it was just sort of....there. Just like Talon, most days, before his morning caf.

In a weird way, despite hating the constant cold, the Half-Echani lad almost missed Rhen Var. For the past few months it had been his home, though now he walked along the surface of an Outer Rim world known as Voss. It was the home of the Silver Sanctum Coalition, as Talon understood. Or at the very least, it was where the main temple was located. But today, Talon was off to the local forest; his mission was to find the ruins of some ancient Jedi settlement named Mimbara or something equally strange, and meditate at the peak. It should be an easy enough trek, though the masters had insisted Talon bring his lightsaber and a blaster just to be safe. Though the indigenous fauna ought to keep away from the Padawan, there was no harm in being safe about it.

And Talon was happy, too, to be away from....well, everything. The rules, the structure, it all wore down on Talon. In many ways Talon was a great student; he was physically capable, he hardly complained, and he was dedicated to doing his best. But Talon still had trouble with meditation, with calming his mind and focusing....and, despite being with the Jedi only two months, Talon already had a 'discipline record'. He felt like some of the Jedi just lacked a sense of humor. After all, what was the point of being a powerful space wizard if you couldn't use the Force for a laugh or two?

The edge of the forest neared. Talon smiled wider and hoisted his hiking backpack up, the soft wind gently billowing his shoulder length silver-white hair about. Today was going to be a good day, he could feel it already!

As the morning wore on, a sound would faintly reach the youths ears. At the distance, the nature of the sound would be hard to determine, other than the fact that it was semi-rhythmic and non-organic.

Likely, as most curious young padawan, [member="Talon Sky"] would end up seeking the source of this disturbance in the natural serenity of the forest. As he would approach closer to the source of the noises, it became clearer, of her were familiar, as to be a sound akin to objects whirling and arcing swiftly through the air.

In a particular clearing in the forest, complete with a gently babbling brooke, was a lone entity. This individual was sparring, alone. A lethal dance with a pair of fine, deadly metal swords. Perfectly balanced in their curved beauty, they complimented his natural agility, this cloaked, masked individual danced back and forth with its unseen for.

To the untrained eye, it seemed almost as if this person was performing an intricate, beautiful dance. But, to one's knowledgeable in saber forms, this individual was seamlessly flowing between a modified Ataru and Soresu forms, weaving attacks and deflections into the martial dance they performed.

So engrossed their practice this masked individual was, they didn't quite notice the arrival of a spectator to their humble clearing.

Talon Sky

Shadow-tainted Heart of Light

Talon stumbled through the woods for a bit, being drawn to the sounds of the masked Jedi's training....both by the sound, and by the subtle draw of the Force that Talon still couldn't fully control.

The young Half-Echani wasn't meaning to be rude, but he couldn't help but watch and appreciate this Jedi's skill. Using a lightsaber properly was one of the things Talon looked forward to the most; if he had half of the grace this being had with those metal blades, then Talon would make a fine warrior indeed.

Finally, the masked entity's training session ended, and Talon gave the Jedi a respectful nod from the side of the clearing. "I don't mean to intrude on your training, Master, but....that was fraking awesome!"
The Knight finished with a flourish, sheathing their blades in a pair of sheaths that rest across the small of their back, at intersecting angles. They heard the youth approaching just before he spoke, masked face turning suddenly to face the young padawan as he approached.

At his words, the masked Knight couldn't help but laugh heartily. It was a strange, soothing, almost musical noise, if slightly muffled by the mask. "Your timing is impeccable, truth be told. The last padawan who approached me whilst training, caught me completely unaware, and in the heat of my session. It made for a.... needlessly intimidating introduction, suffice to say." The Knight laughed once more, striding towards the youth.

At a distance of five paces, the masked Knight bowed in greeting. "I am Knight Ryn'Dhal. I will take the liberty of assuming you are a new padawan, as I don't recall seeing your face before." That voice, was still soft, soothing, and melodic. A stark contrast to the graceful violence previously exhibited by the masked entity moments before. "What is your name?" At this closer proximity, Talon would be able to see bright, almost glinting, golden eyes peering out at him through the thin slits of the mask.

Were it not for being on Voss, a known Jedi world, home to hundreds of Jedi, Knight Ryn'Dhal would not be difficult to mistake for a Sith, just from their shrouded appearance alone.

[member="Talon Sky"]​

Talon Sky

Shadow-tainted Heart of Light

Talon watched the being laugh and approach; in any other circumstance, it would have made the young man wary. But Ryn'Dhal seemed....trustworthy. Calming, almost. And after all, if he had meant Talon any harm....

When asked his name, the Padawan suddenly remembered he was in the presence of a superior in his Order. The Half-Echani snapped to attention and bowed, almost apologetically. "Talon, Talon Sky at your service," he spouted, the young man's 'proper' upbringing showing through. "I'm glad I didn't startle you, then. It doesn't seem like a wise way to get a head in life."

Talon was grinning again.

Another burst of laughter. "No, it really isn't! One might find themselves...." A sword was drawn, and displayed in such a manner to show the youth that it was indeed sharpened to a razors edge, and worn from combat, minor abrasions and notches in the blade itself. It was surprising well maintained, with all the wear and tear upon it. ".... cut... short?" One could almost hear the elevated eyebrow at the silly pun-play.

The sword found itself returned to it's home in it's sheath behind the cloaked figure. At this range, the youth would notice several things about the masked Knight's attire and equipment. The robes worn were armored, albeit lightly so. adequate protection, but not impeding movement much. A pair of twin, curved-hilt light sabers were at each hip. And oddly, the individual chose to wear a belt made of fur? But beyond that, everything asides from the swords and the saber hilts was black upon black in color. And the mask. The somewhat unnerving mask. Without the personality evident beneath the mask, it on it's own would likely strike some level of terror in any individual who came across it.

"So, Padawan Sky. What brings you out into the forest this day?" The musical voice queried. A broad stretch would be given as the figure turned, motioning with a nod of their head towards a collection of large rocks near the brook. From the distance it looked like an idea resting area, considering there was a satchel near them as well. "We're not playing hooky on some classes, now are we?" the masked Knight teased, another bought of musical laughter punctuating the joke.

[member="Talon Sky"]​

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