"Dangerous.. Huh." He emitted a single chuckle as he paced straight forward to the store; he did not even glance through the rear window.
He bursted in through the door as pure rage flowed through him, as if he was some beast instead of a Zabrak. His expression was serious, it was a wrathful.
Two people were inside the smalll store; one behind the counter and one before him, a clerk and a customer, they were generically chattering until their attention was stolen by Zakir's immidate presence. No other sense controlled Zakir's actions, with swift motions he unholstered the A180 blast pistol from his waistband, almost instantly pulling the trigger at the Zabrak clerk's right arm. He exclaimed to Vaelak, assuming he followed him through the door"Watch over that skrog." He swiftly motioned to the startled customer. He paid little attention to him, as he was focused on the Zabrak behind the counter. He proceeded forth, his blaster pistol aimed straight before him held by his right hand, he drifted above the counter to meet the orange Zabrak laying on the floor, his shoulder wounded of the blast. He pulled him up from the floor, dragging him along to the storage room. Ruto cried of misery, struggling at Zakir's grasp in pain. Zakir threw Ruto in the little storage room right across the counter, shutting it close with no words to add, "Take whatever you find fancy, Sith." He nodded to Vaelak before he took a match from a container in a shelf, flicking the flames on. He then grabbed a hold of an old speeder engine that happened to lay on a corner, he set some fuze aflame before smoke began escaping the small engine, he unlocked the storage door and tossed the engine inside before reaffirming the door shut close."Our work is done here." He flickered lastly at the startled customer, his features hinting distaste, he poped a blast down the startled thug's head.