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Mission A Flame in Your Heart | LAW Mission to Yumfla

Short Change Hero





OBJECTIVE 1: No Other Will Do
Suggested for Spacers, ORDC, Medics & Humanitarians

The vicious Fires of Susefvi were thankfully short-lived, dissipating under the tropical rains and ocean spray, but the scars left by the Sith still remain. Yumfla, the seaport capital of the Rimward Trade League, was sundered in a devastating attack as a show of the Sith Order’s power and strength. With the city razed and countless lives lost, the malignant armies returned to the iron curtain that divided the Sanrafsix Corridor, leaving only patrols and scouts as a reminder of the consequences for resistance. But just like a phoenix, life in the Outer Rim always rises from the ashes.

A relief mission to Yumfla is underway, organized by the Trade League remnants and Spacers Alliance. Together, they hope to restore a small semblance of peace and stability to the planet as it finds itself in a new and uncertain Outer Rim. Work alongside -or as a member of- the Spacers Alliance and ORDC to bring food, water, and medicine to the people of Susefvi.


OBJECTIVE 2: Worldly Acclaim
Suggested for Politicians, Diplomats, and Consulates

With its recently-elected leader killed and former president Mya Jesel missing in action, the future of the Suarbi System Republic is uncertain. In her stead, Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher of the Rimward Trade League stands as the interim leader of Susevfi for the trials ahead. There are many concerns to address, but the question of whether Susefvi joins the LAW is heavy on the minds of both its citizens and the LAW’s consular assembly.

In the partially restored presidential palace overlooking Yumfla’s coastline, interested political leaders convene. Their agenda is centered on the fair induction of Susefvi into the League of Autonomous Worlds. Diplomatic entities gather to discuss terms, enact defense partnerships, and establish new lines of trade. Join the consular team and help to ensure a positive outcome for the people of the Suarbi System Republic.

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A job came across her comms. Linking herself into not only Belazura, but also the old channels for the Scar Worlds gave her access to most of the people who were looking to do some good in the galaxy. Dani Stellaris still was finding her place out here, but she knew between the race circuit, it was helping people.

Try your best to be nice, and if you can’t at least be kind. That was the mantra her people gave her before she left for the main galaxy from Firefist. And today was part of that. Spacer’s Alliance had taken up the call of do-gooders with starships, and that was right in the Fallanassi’s wheelhouse. Her ship, the Pick Up was specially modified to allow for it to land and serve as a small meeting house, small hospital, repair shop, and galley.

Landing outside Yumfla, she was not expecting this level of destruction, but still, she had a job to do. The Nova Courier was landed and slowly converting itself to a small canteen of sorts. Free water, and food stuffs, some actually cooked, even if it was by a droid. Tasted like spiced sawdust, some of it, she thought, but it was here.

And a warm meal went a long way.

Location: Susefvi, Phoenixwatch Partnership Camp
Objective: Obj 1, Dispense Aid
Tags: @

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

At the city outskirts colourful tents surrounded a fortress of prefab structures. Men and women dressed in white and green dispersed food and medical supplies within. The wounded and sick were screened and categorised into a simple traffic light system.

As a volunteer Pyeth had seen to those in the least danger, younger and healthier folks who looked upon him with curious eyes but no more curious than the children. A small girl clung to his soft feathers whilst he administered the burn pack.

"There you are. All done." Pyeth said and the child looked at him in surprise, then smiled and thanked him at her parents behest. He simply nodded and smiled behind his beak.

"I need to replenish my supplies, can you take over for the while Claire?"

A young woman nodded in affirmative and Pyeth retreated from the crowd into the tent that extended outwards from his U-Wing. Inside was stacked full of crates, supplies provided to him by the Phoenixwatch. A local charity that had been formed by many of the displaced Doctors and nurses. Men and women simply using their expertise and experience to perform a great duty.

Pyeth turned his head about to the rear most compartment partly sealed by a plastic screen. He stopped by it feeling the intense warmth radiating within, nearby a console had been rigged to report on the thermals and humidity. He did his best to mimic the conditions of home world, albeit at much greater temperature.

32 degrees, 94% humidity. Slightly too warm, he regulated the temperature by opening one of his ships vents allowing warm air to escape. With careful monitoring he was able to close the vent and silently wonder how much Nadira would tease him. He broke the seal and stepped inside, kneeling and eventually lying himself against the floor close enough that he could inspect and brush his wing over the smooth shell.

A light tap revealed it to be still soft, suggesting to him that weeks before it's hatching still remained. Only once the shell had hardened and grown brittle would it be time.

"Look at me." Pyeth scoffed, "preening over you in wonder."

He liked to think the fledgling life contained within could hear him. Nearby the fox like Rishii hound groaned, prompting Pyeth to scratch behind their colourful ears. "Do not fret, I haven't forgotten about you." He chuckled and content in the eggs safety he retreated to continue his work.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl


I need to get to my ship on Qi-Ko! I need to retrieve it! Corbin thought this over and over, concentrating hard. But nothing happened. He had been on Qi-Ko investigating some ruins when he heard about the Sith attack. Out of sheer desperation, he felt that he absolutely needed to be there in Yumfla. And then, suddenly he was. He had no idea how he had done it. He knew it was possible. The Archives spoke of an old Tradition of the Aing-Tii that was adept at travelling by folding Space itself via the Force. Some Jedi had apparently even figured it out. But it was not something Corbin knew how to do. And yet, he had done it. The only problem was, he could not seem to recreate it, and his ship was left stuck behind Sith lines.

Corbin gave a sigh and gave up. Unfortunately, he had other matters to attend to right now anyway. He made his way to the Capitol Building. Well, what had managed to be rebuilt in the short span since it had been demolished. It wasn't exactly a priority amongst what had needed to be rebuilt, so for now it only had one meeting room. That was enough.

Force-Tech and other companies and volunteers had already begun rebuilding across the city, as well as offering aid to those who had not been able to evacuate. The ones who had survived... But Corbin was stuck playing leader, simply because there was nobody else, and everyone in Yumfla looked up to him. Life was so crushingly busy. He owned the most lucrative business in Suarbi, maybe even the whole Quence sector. That was a strain in itself, even after he had passed off the titles of CEO and President to others. And now, he was being required to stand in as what could potentially be seen as a political role. It made him miss the days when he was but a boy, training with his father in Mandalorian Core martial arts and hunting or learning at the Jensaarai Enclave academy. He had always been busy, but it had always been fun. This was anything but. Still, it needed to be done. And as a Warrior of the Light, he had a duty to do what he could.

Though he had not been born here, he had been raised and accepted here. This was home.

What she enjoyed most about her life was that she was not from anywhere, but it made it so that she could be from everywhere. Once her ship was set up on the world of Susevfi, she had a few things to do. Nothing too major, but she was here to help folks. And get some information for her own goals. Uniting people who were working to sustain themselves, and would be able to share some of that information with other planets.

Maybe a chance meeting of finding someone who was ready for a race, swoop, or starfighter, really. She’d be down for both. Or learning a new trick to make sure that she could update one of her racers to get her some more speed, or maneuvering.

Always looking for an extra edge. Some folks went for that in war, but no, Dani was a racer. She helped people, and then she spent that money to get her kicks another way. She had set out the ship and opened up her water purifiers, and food processors to the public. A few droids were left at the ship to manage that, and protect what was hers from anyone who was going to try to steal it.

And with that? Dani took her swoop, the non-racing one, but one that still was adorned with various sponsorship and part-manufacturer stickers, down to the seaport. She was hoping to run into anyone who wanted to talk, maybe do something to give them a little smile, with the Force. Some beings said use of it in that way was not really unprofessional, but what did her people do, but use it for their own ends?

Creating a Fallanassi illusion to bring joy to some downtrodden family? That would be worth any ‘effort.’ The blonde pulled the swoop down the former main drag of Yumfla, near the water.

It was a mess. They really needed help.

Location: Susefvi, Phoenix Watch Camp
Objective: Obj 1, Dispense Aid
Ambiance: NA
Tags: Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris

Notable Equipment:
Pyeth's Lightsaber
Pyeth's Spear

Tearing into the crate Pyeth handed out a half dozen dehydrated bread packs. The nutritional value of each pack wasn't significant but it would be enough to keep them alive. Being a recently conquered system it was difficult getting in supplies, although the Sith had abandoned a conquest of the system they hadn't made life easy.

In the vacuum they created, pirates and desperate brigands had filled in the gaps leaving charities and agents like him to pick up the pieces. It lacked the recent excitement of duelling Sith but no one ever said Jedi work was always exciting.

His ear tufts flicked up a wave of excitement filling one of the smaller crowds gathered outside. They stared and climbed above the flood defences, pointing and shouting about some pod racer. It was a small but welcomed distraction from the drab day-to-day fight for survival.

He glanced back at the Twi'lek volunteer, a nurse who was assigned to support him. Thankfully, they had dealt with the worst injuries shortly after arriving a couple days past. Now, it was mostly scrapes and scratches which she was happy to attend to.

"I am going to see what the commotion is about. Can you hold down the fort until then?" He asked

"Of course, Dr Raffinki. If anything comes in I'll contact you on Comms."

"It shouldn't take long." He nodded and stepped into the gathering crowd. After finding enough clearance he took to the wing, bolstering his speed enough with Force Wind to carry him towards the pod racer.

Far as he could tell they were a professional featuring sponsors and familiar manufacturers. The Rishi tracked the swoop across the landscape. It wasn't moving at speed and it was for that very reason he could intercept.

Coming into proximity he twisted his body and veered violently to the right so he was trailing the speeder at its side. A Force empowered tail wind helped him match the speed and Force Wind helped him mitigate the vortexes left in the driver's wake from their perspective it might have seemed like a large bird was tracing them.

"Hello! Can you pull over?" He hooted in hopes of drawing the driver's attention.

' ' - Mimicry

Separators by Lossa Darcuhl

Short Change Hero


Tags: Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris | Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki
Objective 1: No Other Will Do

Location: Yumfla, SUSEFVI


Coastal sand and pebbles stirred up in a whirl of dust as Jacen's freighter landed on the rocky coastline beyond the felled walls of Yumfla. Even from his viewport, the spacer knew things were bad. The sky was grey with smoke still lingering from fires across the city. He breathed in salty air mixed with the smell of soot, plasma, and blood. The smell of war. Jacen's heart rarely felt the weight of the galaxy around him, but something about this place stirred him. It was the senselessness, he suspected. The sheer pointlessness of the Sith's assault on the Outer Rim. Susefvi may have been home to the Jensaarai or whatever they called themselves, but from what Jacen had heard along the trade routes, that bunch was closer to Sith than Jedi were. Even still, Yumfla wasn't some Force cult temple... it was a city full of men, women, and children.

All he could do was shake his head and march down the landing ramp, where his boots crunched the cakey sand.

After their big meetup on Comet Chaser Station, Jacen half expected to see BR-8 BR-8 or Inhye Oh-chai Inhye Oh-chai somewhere in the city proper. Maybe delivering food or playing with the locals. The thought of that commando droid playing one-eyed jacks with the town kids brought a warm smirk to Jacen's face. It may not look it right now, but there was still good in this galaxy. The Spacers were there to make sure it reached Yumfla.

Jacen walked the streets a short way, stopping for a moment to spend a few talons at a ragged produce stand. He tipped the woman well and offered her a kind smile. The bright red fruit crunched pleasantly between his teeth, tasting tart and citrusy with a strange sweetness hidden in there somewhere. Jacen quite liked it. He spat a few seeds into the sandy cobbles as he walked, eyes out for either a local official or one of the Alliance captains. If he found neither, then it was off to the nearest cantina -or what was left of one- to find somewhere to start... and maybe a good Corellian ale while he was at it.


OBJECTIVE 2: Worldly Acclaim​
Suggested for Politicians, Diplomats, and Consulates

As negotiations continued with the exact terms of Neo Kamino's inclusion into LAW Sâs Pen'kar took it upon himself to go and expand others knowledge of his people amongst the future senators. Arriving aboard the Council Presidential Consular class cruiser the "Kinroa" the Neo Kaminoan looked out the viewports at the devastation and rebuilding that had started. Wow the Sith Order doesn't mess around, its worse than the reports. He thought.

The ship touched down and out down the boarding ramp walked Sâs Pen'kar two other Neo Kaminoans along with a scribe and four clones. These ones wore the armor the ancient Kamino armor smiths made for the old republic, before Palpatines Empire rose. Turning back to the Female clone Sergeant with her helmet off revealing her white hair "Sergeant Unload the materials to where the dock master designates, I will return shortly." She responded with a salute "Yes sir!"

Giving a bow to the local dock authority the group made their way to the meeting room. It was amazing how much damage was done, and the sheer resilience of the people to rebuild so quickly was a beacon of hope. Following their host the group finally arrived in the not so long ago rebuilt room. Seeing Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher he gives a bow "Hello I am Sâs Pen'kar President of the Neo Kaminoan council. I arrive with some aid but mostly to engage with other hopeful leaders in LAW." The other Neo Kaminoan's follow suit but the Clone security travels a little ways to coordinate with the local security.

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