Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A flavour for every Jedi…


A Padawan had the bright idea that the Grand Master should hold a session to empower the minds of all Jedi to remain strong in this dark time – when the shadow of the Sith looms large over the Republic. Or maybe a mass Meditation session? Or even a grand tour of the facilities on offer at Ossus?

Which all sounded perfectly reasonable suggestions to Corvus.

So she decided to pick a little from each suggestion and add a subtle addition and came up with…

An ice-cream picnic…

With the new menu at the Ossus Academy now in full swing, and with a mini-heatwave forecast, Corvus decided to use the gardens of the Jedi Academy to hold an impromptu gathering. Perhaps less formal than the initial suggestions. It was more about turning up…eating ice-cream and chatting.

And so the doors were open to Jedi and non-Jedi alike. Those with a crimson lightsaber were politely turned away at the door – given they weren’t on the list – and whoever turned up could sample the delights of the many varied flavours the Jedi had voted for as their favourite.

The list was…varied!

Bobba Fett’s Carbonite Crunch
Caramel Krill and Electric Berry Eel
Helium Honeydew Sherbet
Honeyed Lipana Berry Sherbet
Pickled red kelp with sea salt
Vweilu butter ice cream with ryshcate chunks

There was even a prize for those that could match the flavour to the Jedi. And there was a stall that served the standard galactic fare too.


So Corvus stood there, with her vweilu butter ice cream with ryshcate chunks in a small pot (there’s a clue to one of the answers if ever there was one) and wondered who – if anyone – would turn up. If not, she’d have a lot of ice-cream to eat…
Of course the usual midday snack for an officer of the law was a steaming mug of stimcaf along with a few freshly baked doughnuts. That wasn't the case today whatsoever. There was a heatwave moving across the land and it was in full swing, even pushing the hardiest of the pedestrians and daywalkers towards the edges of the streets that were concealed by shadows. It wasn't terribly humid but anything amount of moisture in the air always made it worse - which was why it felt even more terrible and dreary than the twin suns baking Tatooine.

The Special Enforcement Officer hadn't really been cordially invited by the Jedi Order to help himself to a snack, but he had indeed caught wind of the little event across the Rangers' channels. Even if a plethora of space wizards and their cosmic magic gathered, there was always a chance that danger might make an appearance or one of those little younglings could even be the next Dark Lord of the Sith. Whatever it was, Marcus wanted to be there to make sure it didn't happen.

And to also make sure all of that ice cream didn't melt.

"Are you really going to try the Admiral Snackbar?" Miranda, his artificial companion, buzzed in his earpiece. "I can assure you this: it's a trap."

Marcus rolled his eyes at the lame joke and snatched it up anyways. "Aloha Snackbar! The Sector Ranger chortled before chomping into it.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Ossus Academy
...ascending the stairs towards the main entrance of the Jedi Academy his footsteps would take him on a casual but calculated route. Andras had heard of the Ossus Academy but until today he had never personally seen it nor had he set foot inside of it. Today was something of a special occasion though. The Mandalorian had dressed for the gathering too, he had forgone his Neo Crusader Armor for a much simpler tunic and trousers which were tied together by a master belt that went without any visible weaponry. A Terentatek Duster that fell to mid shin topped all of it off. Visually he may appear similar to a drifter but he was clean shaven today ensuring that the rough edges of his chiseled jaw were easy to make out the same as the rest of the contours of his face...

...once he was atop the stairs leading to the main entrance of the academy Andras would have been met by a representative of the Jedi who politely asked his business to which he'd respond...
"Ice Cream." his usual manner. The Jedi meeting him might try to read his mind, look into his thought but would find no success due to the natural resistance Andras genetics afforded him. Good try though. With little other recourse than to take Andras at his word the Mandalorian would have thanked the Jedi after asking for directions to the garden area before moving around and carrying on his way. No crimson lightsaber on him after all...

...when Andras had finally made his way into the gardens of the academy he would admit that the architecture of the academy was impressive. It had stood the test of time after all. Gazing out he would note the faces of those who were in attendance before his arrival then he would make his way to the snack bar where he was informed all manner of ice cream and delights of that nature could be found. Interesting, so many choices and yet he knew he could not likely settle on just one being that variety was important in anyones life which is why he finally said while browsing...

"Give me a Wampa Claw to start."...

...he would take his treat in the right hand while rubbing his chin with the left, perhaps an Ewoko Taco next and then a combination of Caramel Krill and Eletric Berry Eel to follow but he had to be careful. Ice Cream would go right to his hips if he didn't watch himself so while looking around he would raise his Wampa Claw to his mouth and continue to contemplate his infinite options...
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Marcus Foster"]

Sor-Jan Xantha


He could never grow cold to looking over the fertile fields or vibrant skies surrounding the Jedi Enclave. It was everything he imagined that Ossus might have looked like in the ancient times. But, in the time of the Clone Wars, Ossus had been a dead world. Long dead. Its toxic atmosphere deterring all but the most fool-hearty of Jedi Researchers. To be standing on this world was nothing short of a miracle.

Then again, he felt the same that there were still Jedi in the galaxy. The sudden reappearance of the Sith, and the artful execution of Order 66, had left the boy with the belief that he might see the fire of the Order extinguished.

But, strange as it might seem, that was a different time. A different place. A different galaxy for the most part. One with a Galactic Republic that had spanned the stars with no rival. Which, from what he gathered of history, in turn made the Galactic Empire into that much more an unbreakable giant. Nearly a thousand years later, and the Galactic Republic and the remnants of Palpatine's Empire still waged wars in varying political permutations.

None of which had anything to do with why the small Anzat was here.

Making his way through the verdant courtyard, the young Corellian passed through the crowd until he spied a familiar Jedi. A master whose quiet wisdom and beatific repose had been apparent from the very first time that he had met her. Crossing toward the woman, the tow-headed boy bowed his respects toward [member="Corvus Raaf"]. "There seems a wealth of options here, Master," the youngling remarked politely, straightening back up. And then flitting his head to one side in order to bounce an errant strand of hair from out of his face.

"I'm curious which would be your favorite," the boy inquired softly, his head turning as he nodded to indicate the plethora of desserts and ice cream flavors. "I can't seem to make up my mind," the boy confessed, turning his attention back toward the Jedi Master.

All of the flavors sounded good to him.

Well, maybe not caramel krill. You'd have to be certifiably insane to want that.

Or [member="Zak Dymo"].

Which, arguably, was one in the same thing.
Wearing a simple gray tunic and bleeched leggings Mantic strolled down the stairs of the jedi temple to the lush garden beneath. The location was beautiful and for a moment Mantic felt a bit of a loss in his heart.
They would most likely relocate with the governmental move to a new more secure location. The jedi order belonged at the capital of the republic so there was no questioning it of course.

Ah, well. Better enjoy it while we can. He headed toward the ice cream stand only to stop as he passed the grand master of the order, upon he bowed to her.

"Grand Master." he offered and then naturally proceeded to not take her time.

"A Yummy Yoda please." He finally ordered after some time of serious consideration.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Marcus Foster"] [member="Andras Garon"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
Kaia Starchaser hated being on the ground. She hated it so much. Her life was in space. Her birth was between stars, during a hyperspace jump. Her brother and aunt had told her this story thousands of times. Maybe that was why she was antsy. She was pacing. Her ship needed some refueling and a few minor things tweaked, and she didn’t want to run all the way back home. Not yet. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Kaia and her father buried the hatchet.

As it were.

He was fighting the darkness in the galaxy, and he didn’t try to make an excuse for what he was. Kaia was a Jedi, she was using the Jedi Academy Network of training to learn her things since the collapse of the Levantine Sanctum. The Silver Jedi bothered her. They didn’t seem to have their ducks in a row. Shouldn’t they be fighting the darkness? But no, the Sith were running rampant. The dark-haired tattooed Jedi was wondering just what was going on, but there was a meeting of… Jedi on Ossus.

Maybe she could go speak to them. Running her hand through her thick hair, she made her way to where they were meeting. Maybe it was a tactical meeting. Something about how they were going to end the plague of the Sith? She could only hope. But no, she turned and found…

Was this why the Republic was losing? Still, she should probably... y'know... smile.
[member="Marcus Foster"] | [member="Andras Garon"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Offer ice-creams and they will come. Corvus hadn't exactly had a dream or vision on the subject. No naked indian had given her words of wisdom, but she figured that given the draw of Falcon Fudgebar's, she was bound to attract some people to the picnic.

Some she knew by sight, like the Republic Ranger. Others were new to her, so she smiled and nodded as they ordered their choice of ice-cream. And yet others approached her directly.

She smiled at the young Knight. "The benefit of choice is the opportunity to try more than one. But I often wonder do I go with what I love or try something new. You now when you see someone else's choice and wish you'd picked that one instead."

She shrugged. "Me, I love Vweilu butter ice cream. The ryshcate chunks are just an added bonus. What about you?"

She nodded and smiled to Mantic as he walked past. "And it's Corvus, OK?"
The atmosphere was relaxed, and despite that the very idea felt somehow naive perhaps this was exactly what they needed. A corner of peace and tranquility.
Not many had come to the event. Most were probably busy, he too had weighed in the option of not coming in favor of training. Or investigating sith appearances in Republic space. But in the end he had trusted in the grand masters judgement. If she thought he needed an ice cream he sure would not object.

Perhaps the ice cream was not what would draw the crowd but the idea was that of something completely different.

Licking his ice cream Mantic winked.

"Yes Grand Master, of course." he knew she would know the joke, and he knew she knew that he would never stand down on his principles on a public appearance. But it was all meant with good intent. He knew she knew that too.

This was a moment of calmness and for Mantic it meant meditation - albeit in a slightly different form...

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Andras Garon"] [member="Marcus Foster"]


Togorian Barricade
If there was an award for standing out the most in a crowd ... well Piraiba would have had a whole trophy case dedicated to them. Togorians were an increasingly rare sight since the Sith Empire had almost wiped out the entire race. He also really couldn't help it that most people found themselves eye level with his stomach. However, in this particular crowd he also had his darkside aura to draw attention.

The feline wasn't a Sith anymore, but one's dark presence didn't just wash out overnight. It had at least faded as his resolve in his Sith teachings had faltered.

Still the Togorian took steps to fit in, seem less intimidating, and to reduce any potential offense others would take. He had taken off his old armor and wore a beige tunic and and pants that had to be custom tailored to his unusual size. His two lightsabers were willingly given to a Jedi Knight who had been assigned to follow him to insure that no harm came to him or to other guests.

Yet despite all of this you really couldn't hide the fact that a ten foot tall, eight hundred pound cat had approached the ice cream bar to debate over the choices.

After several moments of deliberation he finally pointed towards the wookie paw. The Togorian then very slowly and very carefully did his best to grip the ice cream stick between two claws as he examined it.

His feline tongue lapped at the ice cream a couple times before his maw parted to take a bite out of it. He really tried his best to seem civilized ... though there was ice cream on some of his whiskers.

"Oh this tastes much better than Wookie," exclaimed the beast in his deep booming voice.

Well... Piraiba tried, but he was a somewhat simple creature.


The Only Black Jedi in the galaxy
Finally Arriving after many troubles putting on his traditional robes, which differed from his usual republic commando suit, Jordun arrives at the grounds and quickly runs to see if there is any ice-cream left, "I swear on Jar-Jar's Grave, if they eat it all..."

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