Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Forest Overnight

[member="Auswyn Nothrael"] [member="Kassandra Distorith"]

Soliael stood on a small cliff edge overlooking what appeared to be a ruinous empty land.

It was one of the last barren areas on Exocron, one of the few parts of the planet that still resembled naught but rubble and dust. For miles beyond view stretched nothingness, dry desert and ruinous lands that contained nothing to speak of. It was the last vestige of what Exocron had once been like, of what the planet had been before the gods of Moross had arrived.

Today he would be changing that.

Behind him stood several people. A few of his disciples, some noteworthy members of the Crusade who had aided him in the past, and a few unknowns who had come to witness what was about to happen. There were also those who would lend their strength to him for what he was about to do, and those who could learn from seeing him do it. All sorts had accompanied Soliael to this barren ruin.

He smiled slightly beneath his mask as he turned his head and looked back at them. To those that could sense the force he would appear a beacon. The Darkside was wrapped around him in thick layers, power ebbing and flowing from the ground to fill him near to bursting.

To most the feel of his power would be familiar. It was something that permeated the very air here on Exocron, his touch on this world was noticeable to even the most base apprentice. It had taken him years to change Exocron in the way he wanted, and the strength that it had taken was in no way minute, augmented by the prayers of his followers and the strength they lent him. He turned to regard the crowd behind him, facing them with a slight smile.

He stripped the mask from his face, then spoke.

“Those of you who wish to learn, watch.” He looked at a few of them, then regarded those in the crowd he knew not to be so foolish. “Those that wish to aid, come.”

This would take time.

The unblighting of a land was no easy feat, and he suspected before the day was done, they would all learn something.

Auswyn Nothrael

Exocron was something of a new home, for her, and it was the longest she'd stayed in one place since the death of her father. The man that had brought her into the fold, the one she had called 'master' and had taken as 'lover' was rather absent as of late and she ached for his proximity, and prayed that the ache would pass, would not fester. She had spent so much time aboard his vessel, and for some reason she had been left behind. Something she was not yet ready for.

Even so, it was a concern that it would pull her down, make her revert to how she was before, alone and moving from kill to kill... but the Gods sustained her. Gave her what she needed when nothing else would, or could - a place to focus the wild, avid fixation she felt, the devotion and zealotry she was seemingly predisposed to that had applied to her father, that without him had left her in a vacuum until she happened upon the scent and high of murder. And now here she was, back on track. A focus for all she was more than willing to do...

...and this was an opportunity. Many things were - so when he, [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], spoke to learning and to aid, she was uncertain what she could do to help, but she was most eager to learn. She sorely wanted to help in any and every way.

[member="Kassandra Distorith"]
Crimson eyes gazed over the barren landscape stretched out before them, her armor clad form standing some several yards away along the edge of the cliff. A faint breeze toyed with her raven curls as her hands fell to rest briefly upon her lightsaber hilts, one bound to each thigh. It was not that she expected to need them, it was simply a matter of habit and comfort for fingertips to brush across them before folding neatly at her waist.

A soft exhalation of breath preceded her canted head, gaze traveling over those assembled as Soliael began to speak. A smile curled her lips at his words, steps carrying her to the polite, precise distance from Neth that protocol dictated. Her lambent gaze lit upon young Auswyn, lingering there a moment and wondering what brought the girl here and away from the one she called Master.

Hmm. A most fascinating puzzle.

"My power is yours to command." Kassandra said softly as she returned her attention to the deity standing in their midst.
[member="Auswyn Nothrael"] [member="Kassandra Distorith"]

Exocron wasn't a world of rich minerals or powerful life. Up until a year ago most of it had been a wasteland. Changing that was difficult, but in the end it was worth it.

Altering the environment was not so much an effect of ones own Force potential, changing an entire world was far too vast a project for that. Even he couldn't do such a thing, not with all of Moross' force users at his back. No, the changing of a world came from the planet itself. Dromund Kass, Korriban, Byss, all of these worlds had been shaped by innate force energies, guided and changed.

That was what Soliael would be doing today.

The Sith Lord cast a glanced back towards the gathered people. There were quite a few here today, and he was sure that many would memorize his face. The mortal vessel of a god. How interesting that was to them.
“Pay close attention. Then follow.” The force users would see what he meant.

Slowly Soliael closed his eyes. He began to reach out, not to the force within him, but to the life around him. The tiny plants of the desert, the insignificant insects, and barely recognizable vegetation, the vast ocean of moss and mushrooms that lay within caves beneath the desolation.

The earth began to swell, a wave of power radiating from the ground.

Auswyn Nothrael

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Kassandra Distorith"]​
Her eyes strayed but a moment - a strange feeling creeping upon her at the supposition of being watched, however brief - to one raven-maned woman, whom she did not know so well at all. That of her absent master had been nearly all the company she had kept, save for that which their duty to the Gods required, though she remembered faces well; they were remembered much better than from within the hazes and druggery of her life prior to this.

'Pay close attention, then follow' the directive came, nagging her attention back, and the pull would effect after a moment.

Such clarity, though in the end the company of other women was something so frequently taken for the fact that they were no easy lure, comparably, in the years of her haze. Just so, her eyes were pulled back to that of the vessel of the God before her, as the works began. Very close, discerning attention would be paid to the current and swell of the life around them, the energies intrinsic to that, and that of the Force itself interactive with it.

Her sense was no great well, but any being with the access to such things would see what she was seeing now - a building surge, out to shape this land before her very eyes. What works the Gods could do, if such massive, wild energy could be brought to bear!
There was no need to speak, a simple nod of her head acknowledged his words as he turned and shuttered his gaze. The Lordess sunk herself into the ebb and flow of the Force a moment later, its warmth stealing through her very veins. Crimson eyes fell half-lidded as she stood on the edge, senses attuned as Soliael began to work. Manipulating the energy that existed, and inducing the power already present to multiply and expand.

It was as if the earth was waking and taking it's first breath as the power swelled and emanated from the earth in a powerful wave. A faint smile curled her lips as she reached into the earth, long familiar with the altering process. Though, in the past, she had mostly turned it to destructive purposes, its capacity for the beneficial was equally as limitless.

Kassandra began in the same manner, a faint sigh escaping her lips as she 'reached' into the earth. To the dark, dank caves beneath the surface that held a sense of the familiar. Of the caves deep beneath the surface of Korriban, where she'd been abandoned to fend for herself as an Apprentice to Darth Thanatos. These caves did not hold the same echo of life and energy as those long ago had, but the memory burned across her mind's eye nonetheless.

A shiver traced the length of her spine as she coaxed the power that lay dormant within, manipulating it until it slithered forth like a waking serpent, power undulating up and out of the depths. A fraction of the Lordess' mind was still upon Soliael, watching and waiting.

| [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] | [member="Auswyn Nothrael"] |​
[member="Auswyn Nothrael"] [member="Kassandra Distorith"]

His eyes closed.

The black flecks running across the orange of his iris became a non-issue. He instead focused on the feeling before him, the sense of the growing power. He could have likely killed all of them with this strength. Summoned a storm, radiated lightning, torn a whole in the fabric of the atmosphere. It would have been so easy, using this strength to end them all.

Too easy.

Soliael smiled slightly, and he began to twist the power that lay in a lake before them.

He focused, the Sith beginning to draw upon the energy. The wastelands before them slowly began to freeze. The air became cold, the sands becoming still, the dunes became solid. Slowly the wastelands became a tundra, a lifeless hulk transformed into its cold weather cousin. Clouds began to shape within the skies, black and dreary.

Slowly, snow began to fall.

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