Let me just say that I understand both points of view here, having been on both ends of the stick at times...The frustration that comes from invasions is astronomical, and frankly, was about 75% of the reason I took a two month hiatus from this place. The headaches from participating in something that has a lot on the line in terms of risk/reward will always raise the potential for conflict with other writers, whether because of simple misunderstandings or because of differing points of view. Then there is the stress that comes from attempting to mediate these invasions from the FA side. I can safely say I don't miss that, and it has been a huge burden lifted that has allowed me to get back into writing again.
So what I am saying is, even if you don't agree with the other writers, and believe me, there are some here I will blatantly refuse to write with because our personalities are polar opposites, if you can't come to an agreement through PM, don't throw it all over the OOC thread, let the FA handle it, if they have to, let them file the report so that an RPJ can evaluate the situation.
It's not ideal, but it's the good that comes with the bad. Try and find someone you enjoy writing with on the opposite side in the future, and stick with that.