Kitsune was unsatisfied by the changes brought upon Primeval; it was a corruption of its former self, now bastardized into something lesser than its original cause, purpose, ideals. Disgusting on how those conquerors and hellrazers of the past have been eclipsed by a new generation of those self-motivated in their own delusions of greed. No longer were the values of Primeval were being held, a direct insult to the previous Host Lord, Anja. Furthermore, now with the death of Anja, her previous agreements were now in shambles... Sigh, her disappearance was a tragic loss. Kitsune sighed, and Zenko, her right-hand and prime bodyguard, quickly brought her vibroblade katana to her.
She disembarked her Theta-class T-2c Shuttle with Zenko and three other elite Samurai warriors, armed with vibroblade katanas, followed. Behind her Theta-class T-2c Shuttle, the Saboath Destroyer ISS Mikoshi landed on the surface of the planet, and a fighter squadron of twelve Saboath Starfighters flew over them. As she waited for her forces to assemble, an escort of three HMP Droid Gunships hovered over them and an army of six NR-N99 Persuader-class Droid Enforcers, twenty four Single Trooper Aerial Platforms, and three hundred Samurai warriors marched forward, organized in neat rank-and-file structure, from the ISS Mikoshi. These warriors were veterans of Dominion of Bastion and Echo'la, playing a crucial role in their conquests, and originated form the Usagi Clan.
The Usagi Clan specialized in rapid deployment, speed and agility above all. Trained in the arts of Stava and K`thri, they were able to move at super human speeds at the cost of strength. Armed with Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifles and light armor, these men were specialized in rapid attacking maneuvers and overwhelming enemy defensive positions. In order to accomplish the latter, they utilized Hitodama-class Grenades in order to clear out positions and furthermore, had katana vibroblades to accommodate for close-ranged combat.
"Proceed to the capital of Belkadan."
She disembarked her Theta-class T-2c Shuttle with Zenko and three other elite Samurai warriors, armed with vibroblade katanas, followed. Behind her Theta-class T-2c Shuttle, the Saboath Destroyer ISS Mikoshi landed on the surface of the planet, and a fighter squadron of twelve Saboath Starfighters flew over them. As she waited for her forces to assemble, an escort of three HMP Droid Gunships hovered over them and an army of six NR-N99 Persuader-class Droid Enforcers, twenty four Single Trooper Aerial Platforms, and three hundred Samurai warriors marched forward, organized in neat rank-and-file structure, from the ISS Mikoshi. These warriors were veterans of Dominion of Bastion and Echo'la, playing a crucial role in their conquests, and originated form the Usagi Clan.
The Usagi Clan specialized in rapid deployment, speed and agility above all. Trained in the arts of Stava and K`thri, they were able to move at super human speeds at the cost of strength. Armed with Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifles and light armor, these men were specialized in rapid attacking maneuvers and overwhelming enemy defensive positions. In order to accomplish the latter, they utilized Hitodama-class Grenades in order to clear out positions and furthermore, had katana vibroblades to accommodate for close-ranged combat.
"Proceed to the capital of Belkadan."