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Private A glimpse at the past self


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

It wasn't too uncommon for youths of strange minds and stranger desires to yearn for teachings far outside the norm for the other places of darksider learning. Oft thought of as esoteric or too eccentric, the students and the academy itself had a growing reputation for being distant. The studious souls being clad down by the harrowing chains of occult learning, it could lead one to ponder on how many first years ended up as part of the constantly growing graveworld that was Yalara.

Kaila's would be one of the next ships in line to dock at the port, allowed to move in after a large cargo ship had made its run...

The whole of the port always had a flow of traffic despite the reclusive reputation this place had, littered with vultures who had scavenged any place that held the dead. These.. Corpse barges as people had taken to calling them, were the top source of traffic.

Upon stepping out into the Yalara air, it would assault the nostrils with the stench of death, and burden with the weight of the dark.

It was ripe here, an oppressive aura..

Several undead creations walked about, most of them seemingly mindless drones that were tasked with sorting the newest of the undead that had been dropped off thanks to the corpse barges.

A small, bat-like creature would land near Kaila. Watching her with little red eyes before a few more arrived, all landing close by to gaze at the newest person.

Perhaps the best way forward would be to use the check-in here at the port, after that it would only seem natural to go through the door into the lobby.

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The astromech whined at Kaila from the back seat of her N-ETL as the sleek black Noobian starfighter pulled into orbit only to become part of the orderly traffic of Yalara for a time. She ignored him for the most part, but she had to agree with the droid about one thing: this place looked utterly dead even from space.

Landing sometime later did little to change their minds, The absolutely alien sight of Undead going about their daily routines leaving Kaila speechless as she slid down the smooth hull and onto the landing platform, leaving her droid alone with it's thoughts for the time being. A routine that it would unfortunately have to get used to, considering the nature of it's new owner's work.

Kaila had seen enough undead on dreary Dathomir to be used to their presence, and quite reluctantly, the smell. Even so, she tried to keep her breath short and her golden eyes peeled. Rumors in the seediest corners of the empire spoke of a world where one could dispose of unwanted bodies and undead toiled away like any other worker, but to see it for herself was as intriguing as it was uncanny. Tomb stalking fiends and mindless hunters of dust and bone that brought food into her lockless prison, those were the undead she knew.

Yet they hardly seemed to notice her now, not even the great hulking mass of stitched flesh seemed to react, and that was good enough for her right now.

Allowing her sidelong glare to soften and wander elsewhere, she came up to the check in display and began entering her information.
The majority of which was a blank slate that read "Unknown" or "N\A" in several key fields such as her homeworld or occupation. The only useful pieces of information seemingly being her name, the fact that she was Vahla and that she was arriving from Jutrand.

Also the reason of her visit, to which she simply replied:


There were of course necessary codes confirming her citizenship within the Empire, although they were practically useless outside of a bureaucratic setting as attempts to dig up more information about the girl using said codes would likely turn up nothing but a hospital stay in occupied Mandalorian space long before the empire's withdrawal from the galactic east. Otherwise, It was as if the woman was a ghost.

Honestly it annoyed her to no end even filling out these forms, which always reminded her how little even she knew.

Taking a deep breath to refocus, she finished the last of her inputs and glanced over the strange landscape behind her while waiting for the machine to process it all. She caught sight of the strange bat-like creatures watching her in the background, pulling down her hood to get a better look while allowing golden hair to spill freely over her shoulders.

She could feel their presence in the force which was definitely inclined towards the dark despite their harmless appearance. Sith spawn perhaps? if so they were uncharacteristically cute...

She decides to wave at one.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

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Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

The creature would not budge, just blinking a few times as it and the rest of the little sets of eyes kept looking at her.

After a time it took flight, landing on the archway into the main lobby, hanging down while still watching this newest visitor.. Almost as if the creature guided them?

Once into the lobby, behind a fancy desk and terminal, Kaila could see a strange pair of ears sticking up.

When approached, she could now see a petite woman in a fancy black dress. The woman glares up at them for a moment, smiling faintly.

"Another interesting visitor appears on my doorstep, your log is just as interesting.."

Her suspicions were easy to see, but that was the point.

"Pray, share with me the real reason you decided to willingly step within my web."

This admittedly petite woman was making a simple demand, perhaps the visitor knew about this woman? Her appearance was indeed rather striking compared to others, and if they did know who was making this demand, then they knew to answer quickly.

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Kaila's eyes trailed the bat-like creature into the building, the young apprentice deciding to follow soon after. Outwardly at least, she seemed almost unassuming compared to the strange woman at the counter. She wore a cream colored tunic, robes that would have looked almost like a Jedi's if not for being black and worn by travel. It made for a stark contrast to her pale skin and golden hair, and those golden eyes that clearly seemed tinged with the dark side, marring an otherwise picturesque face of the Vahla people.

"Forgive me, If I knew more I would have said more. I suffer from a sort of Amnesia" She answered the woman's question with her head lowered in shame.

"As for my purpose here, I am an apprentice and scholar of the Dark Side who has developed an interest in spirits and the Undead after an extended stay on Dathomir. I was told there would be an academy here that may know more than I"

There was a certain hopefulness about her, a curiosity in her eye cautiously hoping to be satisfied. But the woman sometimes inspired curiosities of her own wherever she went. Her signature in the force seemed different, as if trying to hide something from others. To the most insightful, it felt as though there two in her place, and dark tendrils seemed to follow her shadow where even she could not see.

Even so, she was either oblivious or ignoring it.

"Is there such a place here?"

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

The chair emits a faint creak as the woman leans forward, an apathetic expression adorning her face as she watched something. This spirit, they had entered the wrong place... For the creature watching them could so easily ruin their fun. Adeline held higher insight, one could say her mind was covered with eyes in a sense.

A master of shadow itself, a reaper.

After a moment she leans back, gazing at the new guest.. Her previous glares at whatever were to be a threat to the being that lingered. While she could do something right now, she was curious if this newcomer could handle it eventually.. If not, then they were not welcome here.

"Amnesia.. Interesting."

Adeline taps a blackened claw against the wood of the desk.

"This is indeed my academy, a place for the occult and those who seek to tread the abyss. Such a path is not for everyone, for if you delve deep enough your very soul becomes tainted. I offer teachings here, along with rooms."

Her claw stops tapping.

"Apprentice for whom?"

Another demand for information hidden behind a mildly soft tone.

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The apprentice looked a little surprised to learn that she was speaking to the Academy's master and not just an employee of sorts. Then again she should have guessed. This woman looked to be the only living thing here, and she supposed no undead would have the skillset required to meet with and sort out the newcomers. At least, not the ones she'd dealt with before.

Still, she would have figured the woman would see that Kaila was above need of warnings such as the one issued. Her own golden eyes were proof enough of the dark side's grasp on her soul already, and she doubted even this tomb-world could prove frightening nor evil as her own master.

Perhaps an arrogant assumption, though who could blame the apprentice after what she'd experienced?

"Apprentice for whom?"

And yet the woman's question gave her pause.

For all the privilege her position afforded her compared to imperial citizens, revealing her loyalties always carried a certain risk. A risk that she would reveal herself to enemies of the Kainate, that what little honestly she may glean from whoever she spoke with would become masked in deceit in an effort to hide themselves or their true intent.

And yet, what choice did she really have? Failure to answer honestly may erode any chance of cooperation.

"Apprentice to the dark lord of Korriban and master of The Malsheem" She finally answered, standing a little straighter, chin held a little higher. She may as well embrace the power of Kaine whilst invoking her master's name.

"Darth Carnifex."

Still, she may as well reaffirm her purpose here, lest the wrong picture be painted.

"My reasons for being here however, are my own. Though the addition of a briefing would have made coming here far more simple"

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"So was I once, strange thinking back on it. Am ambitious young apprentice seeking knowledge on something forbidden for many a reason... It's as if I am taking a glimpse of my past self.. How charming really."

The way she spoke, the way the woman carried her tone and vocal pattern.. It made it hard to tell if she detested the man, or respected her old master.

"I could have figured your reasons are your own, when he desires something done he sends a professional."

It would be a statement that Kaila had to take with a grain of salt, if she really was sent here to spy or any other foul deed... It would be foolish to send someone who didn't even know the basics of occultism or the control of undeath.

"A lot of the rules here under my roof are simple enough, but one I always stress is that when here.. You are my apprentice, and my word is law."

A rule any Sith should understand.

"What kinds of classes are you seeking? I would personally pick one that comes to mind and stick with it, failures end up in the undercroft."

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"Forgive me... I had no idea you were a Kainite" Kaila's bearing seemed to shift upon that revelation. She held certain views of the other sith lords who did not ascend via the Kainate's upbringing, assumptions that would surely be unwelcome outside her master's circles. But this woman was neither a boasting aristocrat nor even a fellow Malsheem apprentice. This woman had ascended beyond Kaila's rank and title, Beyond dependency to their shared master even. She had been trained by the most powerful Sith of this age, and risen to chart her own course.

In some that way at least, she was exactly what Kaila wished to become.

"A lot of the rules here under my roof are simple enough, but one I always stress is that when here.. You are my apprentice, and my word is law."

"Understood..." She bowed her head slightly, the arrogant pretense with which she entered quickly fading. Partly because she had a newfound respect for the master of this Academy, but also because she worried that this woman's method of teaching would not be unlike that of their master.

<<Do you fear her? The way you fear him?>> A thought not entirely her own lingered in the back of her mind, like a voice only she should be able to hear. It would have been obvious to anyone else what was happening if it were their own minds, but Kaila's was clouded even still. It caused her jaw to clench for but a moment as she tried to ignore the thought.

"What kinds of classes are you seeking? I would personally pick one that comes to mind and stick with it, failures end up in the undercroft."

"Combating or perhaps controlling the undead, and anything to do with... Spirits" She was quick to answer, running a hand through her hair while she tried to process it all.

"How to combat possession, if such a skill can be taught. Or at least prepare for it ahead of time"

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"Combatting possession it is then, luckily for you there are open seats in the class."

She opens a drawer, searching for something for but a moment before taking out a key. She gently spun the ring around her finger while idly gazing at Kaila, or that is at least what it seemed like.

"Dorm thirteen, you won't be sharing the space for now."

Swiftly she flung the key to Kaila.

"If another student kills you, and nothing had caught them.. To me it proves they had not only the right, but they were obviously better and more deserving to take my time. This same rule applies to you, never get caught, and stand tall over all who challenge you."

She leans back in her fancy leather chair.

"Class starts tomorrow morning, taking place in the east wing. Simply follow the signs to the demonology and spiritual class, you and a few others will be taking this lesson... It will take some time before you all can properly defend yourself against more powerful beings."

The fact that the class had many open spaces should be hint enough that this could get rough.


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She noted how quickly the woman chose to teach of Possession rather than the Undead, which Kaila assumed to be the simplest and therefore most likely choice. So she surmised that classes on necromancy were either full, or she knew something that Kaila did not. Even so, she said nothing.

Instead, she reached out with the force to stop the key mid air, allowing it glide gently into her hand with only a subtle gesture, as if she were used to catching things in this manner. She turned the key over once or twice, surprised to see a real key in this day and age as opposed to the usual cards or remote switches that dominated the rest of the galaxy. One had to wonder if it made these dorms any safer, having a true lock that could not be fooled by crossed wires.

She'd benefit from such advantages, it seemed.


Kaila looked up, affixing the key to her belt not far from not one, but a pair of lightsabers that were revealed by the shifting of her robes. One of which seemed coiled by those spectral tendrils.

"What do they call you...? What should I call you?"

Many other questions came to mind too, of course. Questions such as How many students where there? Why did it matter if she were caught, considering the Sith celebrated displays of strength? What did she mean by Demonology? How did this place even come to be? But Kaila supposed some of those questions would be answered in due time. Anything to clarify the mystery surrounding the Academy's headmaster in particular should take priority. It would certainly make herself more comfortable at least. And she was quite curious about her fellow apprentice, even if they were no longer bound to the same master.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

She paid little mind to the sabers, there were few things she feared... And a lightsaber was not one of them, not even close.

"Names, nicknames, titles.. Darth Keres, or Lady Keres if you so prefer. It matters not to me, most call me a demon while some prefer to see me as a protector."

The name Keres had great potential for stories depending on who had shared them, still to this day her name and actions were rather unknown.. Yet for some, they knew what all this woman had done, and what all she was doing.

For if Kaila knew, it would either sour her view of this woman, or only further inspire.

"I would assume by that little flicker in your eyes that you still contain many questions within that mind of yours."

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"Darth Keres...?" For the second time since she had arrived, Kaila realized she had failed to comprehend just who it was she was dealing with. It was plain to see it on her face, the way her glossy lips pursed, the way her pupils subtly dilated. She knew that name, or at least a handful of the stories associated with it.

Perhaps it was true that the actions of Lady Keres were not widely discussed, but her newest student was nothing if not studious. Doubly so as of late, in an effort to refamiliarize herself with the empire that she had been apart from for far too long. Perhaps it was the Darth's past as an Imperial commander which she referenced in the word "Protector".

"I would assume by that little flicker in your eyes that you still contain many questions within that mind of yours."

"An old habit. One my master allowed to remain"

In truth Kaila was unsure if he had meant to or not. His machinations were sometimes difficult to place, and the possibility that she was always meant to be a Seeker could not be dismissed.

"Forgive my asking, but a new curiosity comes to mind. I've read a little about your time as a commander while refamiliarizing myself with recent history"

"May I ask what made a woman of your talents settle here on Yalara after everything?"

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"The warfront seems to be doing well enough, I have my doubts that the Republic can strike far into our territory. They still have the dark empire to deal with as well, many resources spent helping stop some undead tide from Korriban that happened some time ago.. I had been with the attack on Coruscant itself. And I must say that not many of the younger Jedi match what we have at the Jutrand academy. I think they recently bolstered the number of students there.. Some ceremony if I recall correctly?"

There were of course other reasons she was here.

"The fact you did ask such a questions tells me you do not know enough, I will forgive this ignorance for it is commonplace amongst the general populace. To keep it simple, there are many things far worse than war and the ambitions of those around the planning table. I work to keep said things not an issue for everyone, and yes this includes our enemies."

Adeline stands, giving her back a much needed pop.

"It is much easier for me to control the larger issues while others such as the fellow occultists here tend to everything else I cannot get to at the time."

Her words made it sound simple enough, easier to build something when you have plenty of helping hands and tools, yes?

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"Forgive me, This is my first time within Imperial borders. My mission has kept me away for quite some time"

That she knew of, at least. In fact, this was was the first time she'd been allowed to walk among the public since leaving that hospital. There was a wealth of data and random information in that head of hers and yet only a fraction of that expansive library came from raw experience. Something she planned to correct once her stay on Yalara was at an end.

It seemed that she'd have a well equipped teacher, her answer suggesting that she settled comfortably into the role of a true sith master, leaving the imperial war machine to pursue her own agenda as their shared master had done before her.

Though something about her choice in words told Kaila that it was not without challenge.

"Jedi..." She decides to pursue a different curiosity as to avoid prying too far into the private affairs of Keres too soon.

"My research suggested they would be weaker, their teachings seem almost nonsensical. Though I acknowledge the bias, As I've never fought a fully trained Jedi before" Yet another matter of experience that she planned to solve soon enough.

"Mm, you mentioned students. Have you also taken many new students as the Jedi have? I know that the ancient Sith Empires shipped a great many Acolytes to the frontlines in an effort to bolster their ground forces against the larger Republic upon the initial return. or do your students have more domestic duties?"

Kaila was legitimately curious about how the academy worked in relation to the larger empire of course, though she also wished to know how many potential competitors she'd need to keep an eye on. Both for her own safety, and in case any of them became a nuisance.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
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Equipment | In Bio

Location | Jutrand

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"We do not take in new students very often, even if the number of students are low we hardly make exceptions. The arts learned here are not for many, I would prefer most ambitious young souls go through Jutrand first before trying here.. Their duties vary, depending on the lessons learned. Our most common export would have to be labour and the necromancers that were taught by myself, the Order and the academy benefit greatly from the simple labour the undead are able to do."

She then adds in..

"The occultists however, they remain here or are placed in locations I deem worthy of the attention."

Adeline seemed to not explain further.

"Anything else?"

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Kaila was unsure how to feel about that explanation. Specifically about Jutrand. She had never once set foot in the academy, not according to her memory(or lack thereof) and not according to any imperial record. She was picked by Carnifex after the hospital incident, that being the only fiery demonstration of her potential. Not the trials of an Acolyte. Did that make her special, or a black sheep?

Her training was undoubtedly befitting of a Sith, but still unorthodox compared to the other Imperials beyond the Kainite sphere.

"I understand if you do not wish to answer, but if I may..." She asked after a brief pause

"What was it like? Your training under his lordship? I thought I had a basic understanding of the man and how he operates, but lately I am unsure"

Ironically it was her first visit to Jutrand that broke all previous understanding of her master. Not the Academy, but the gentle care afforded to his devout servants at the Kaggath. It almost felt like...

<<Jealousy. Jealousy for that Witch>>

An emotion that unnerved her. A need for approval that she saw as a weakness, yet inescapable.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Yalara

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"My training was akin to the same kind I give my own apprentices, bones broken, flesh cut.. Limbs torn and pulled. There wasn't a day where I wasn't in the highest level of pain our body can understand, by the end I turned into a sharpened killer. Using my own broken bone sticking out from me to stab into his very flesh time and time again, but alas that level of torment can only do so much to ready one. There are levels of hell so vivid, that the esoterica of it all cannot be understood by you."

She spoke of fates far worse than death.

"If you want my opinion on the man... I value the teachings that were given to me, enough that I spread them to this very day."

Hardly an opinion on the man himself, more so just his teachings...

"Any other little curiosities?"

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Kaila did her best to produce an outwardly neutral response, but the Darth's seeming praise of their master's methods somewhat unnerved her. Still, it was a valuable insight, to know that her training was much as the same as any other whom her master had "taken in". Even so, the fact that Keres felt it would leave her unprepared for whatever hell was being referenced to, or that she herself would never understand it, that was a thought perhaps even more dread.

"I... see" It also begged the question; what had she gotten herself into?

She had to remind herself this needed to be done. She could not afford to be caught lacking by some spirit ever again, nor could she afford to lose any opportunity to bind, eliminate, or control that which already haunts her.

"I appreciate you humoring me, I find these little details insightful even if small. But I suppose that is all I wish to ask of you for now" She would nod her farewell, preparing to leave until Keres was ready to teach.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua


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