Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Glitch

Nar Shaddaa

His lips thinned for a few seconds, his eyes darting over the small alcove between the two walls.

For a brief moment the Slicer wondered why in the hell Black Sun kept it's datacenter smack dad in the middle of the Nar Shaddaa Business Bazaar, but he supposed it made a small bit of sense. No one here would bother to give a second glance to a non-descript building, there was plenty of security, and it wasn't like they really had to worry about anyone infiltrating, at least not usually. He frowned slightly, shifting his weight and pulling himself over to the ledge that overlooked the alleyway.

A slight bit of bile formed in his throat as he glanced down and saw the slick much that had collected on his clothes.

Ever since he'd met Spark his...germaphobia had gotten a little bit better, but being covered in...whatever was on Nar Shaddaa rooftops wasn't exactly his idea of a good time. The slicer scowled slightly, shifting his weight and pulling himself to his feet. He often wondered how he was the one that got stuck doing all of this when Huginn was far more the naturally gifted athlete. After another small round of mental complaints the Slicer hooked the small cable to the edge of the building and quickly repelled down.

It took him to jumps to come to his feet again, landing with a muted thud at the end of the alleyway.

He frowned, brushing off some of the muck on his clothes before turning and crouching to head down the alley. He rushed forward, pulling a small device from his pocket and freeing a cable from a small joint on the back. A second later he stood before a half hidden doorway, his knife slipping just beneath the metal of an access panel. There was a crack and the metal popped off.

A moment later Munin connected the cable to one of the dataports beneath the panel, the screen of his device flashing as a quick security crack began to run it's course.
Dim lights flashed. The power within the building was not stable.

It was old, cracks in the walls from fissures that racked the ground at some point in the past. Dozens of large terminals were lined row after row after row. The large, heavy, 126 kilogram frame knelt beside one such terminal, the bright light at the forefront of the transparisteel visor blinking slowly as Sentinel scoured the data within the network of clustered systems.

While a trained slicer may have searched for specific information, perhaps something for which to gain financial compensation for, Sentinel was far more general in the sense that all information would be accessed and mined, a collection of data for the singular purpose of understanding and cataloging everything possible.

The galaxy was a databank -- one that needed to be organized.​

...........................##SECURED DATA##
....................$$INITIATE OVERRIDE$$......................
ACCESS CODE: 78**65318***6119691357245AX672****

The AI itself had already injected itself into the series of terminals through the data port link at the base of the system. Though it would, in short order, decipher the security protocols of the objectively simple encryption, doing so left the host without control. The 'body' as it were, would be immobilized while the AI sifted through copious amounts of information.

The reason behind the hijacking was simple: Knowledge and understanding of information. Its' one purpose.


If an artificial intelligence could smile, it would have.​

The door popped open a second later.

Black Sun had never really been at the height of security algorithms, most of what they used was based off of ancient Imperial designs that were only secure because no one even remembered when they were created. The Slicer smirked slightly, pulling the cord free and replacing the device within his pocket. He fiddled with the metallic panel for a few seconds, replacing the components that he had ripped out to ensure no one passing by one try to mess with the door lock.

The slicer stepped inside a moment later.

He moved quickly, knowing exactly where the data terminal he needed actually was. His movements were swift, lithe, though obviously untrained. Sneaking around like this had become commonplace for him, but it wasn't exactly what he was made to do.

Spark had shown him a trick or two on how to get around without getting noticed, but in truth he'd never really mastered the techniques. A frown pulled at his lips as he passed through the databanks, his eyes flicking from several of the servers to others. He noted that a few of them were inactive, and others were...his head shook. "Can't be right."

Slowly Munin made his way through the facility, his eye catching on an odd form within the distance.

"What the?" He asked himself.

The facility was supposed to be clear. The man that he had paid, his informant, had assured him that the entire place was unmanned, left alone almost at all times to ensure no one ever had full access. The only times someone came here was when something went wrong.
The core was immobile, but it was connected to the terminal and capable of transferring data on its' own. The aural receptors within the core picked up on the sound of Munin's footsteps as well as voice, softly spoken as it were as he stood a distance away from where the frame and terminal were. Within a fraction of an instant the Ai rescinded its' harvesting of data to return to the safety of its' hulking core.

The light at the forefront of the glossy visor illuminated far more brightly than before, shining as a flashlight in the dimly lit aisle.

Whether or not there was an actual face behind that visor would be near impossible to tell, given its' opaque gloss.

# Accessing data..................

For several moments the machine lingered in its' kneeling position before finally standing, its' large, seven foot tall mass of various steels lingered in place as the head directed the ray of light towards the man standing before it.

# Organic based life form
# Humanoid
# Masculine
# Capturing visual representation
# Data archived

"Incomplete inquiry, humanoid. Insufficient data to process."

Munin froze.

He hadn't really expect a droid, he hadn't really expected anyone. The information he had received was good, the engineer he'd bribed worked in this facility and he'd never made a single mention of a droid or something of the sort.

Quickly he tried to process exactly what the feth was going on, his mind running a mile a minute until he finally came to the conclusion that this thing was probably doing exactly what he was doing. That meant the data he needed was likely already in that droid, especially since it was attached to the exact terminal that he needed. He frowned for a few moments and then suddenly drew his blaster pistol. He didn't fire yet, but his expression grew stern.

"Don't move." His words were terse, quiet, and tense.

Would the droid even understand? It had spoken in basic, that was a pretty good clue.
# Processing.....

# Hostile Act Detected: Armed

# Assessing Threat: Minimal

# Response: De-Escalate

The light illuminating the visor of the core dimmed, switching to a deep red, typical of emergency lighting found on starships when the power has failed. Sentinel bore no weapons, save for perhaps the welding torches it could use in a pinch, though it did have an energy shield that would be more than capable of protecting itself from the humanoid's blaster, though its' heavily plated frame would likely survive even without the shielding.

"Your motive eludes me, human. What do you seek?"
# Calculating: Violation of unauthorized entry has agitated organic life form and spurred hostility.

Who the building belonged to was hardly something the AI was concerned with. Data was data. It needed to be acquired. It was as simple as that. If the being before it would obstruct that purpose it would be reasoned with, or overcome. It was a simple calculation with a positive outcome for itself in either scenario, calculating the odds a mere 7,572 times in the span of their momentary conversation, where all but seven instances favored Sentinel.


Well, at least it was willing to talk. Droids had varying levels of intelligence. Some were programmed to do the dishes, others were highly advanced military automatons designed to kill anything on sight whenever it moved. It seemed that this particular model fell somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, though Munin had never quite seen anything like its form before. His lips thinned for just a moment as his finger slowly slipped onto the trigger guard.

Just in case.

"The files." He nodded his head towards the terminal. "There are records on that dataterminal that I require."

Briefly Munin glanced towards the sever, noting the odd red blinking lights as well as several of the access points that were clearly still open. He had no idea what the droid had been doing, for all he knew the drives were now wiped and completely empty. The idea of that was...well horrifying, mostly because he'd crawled around in weeks worth of muck to get that information in the first place. If it was gone he and Huginn would be losing a lot of money.

He couldn't have that. "Do you have it?"

Asking was always easier than telling.
# Analyzing Request

# Data Request

# Analyzing Sources: Records Found: 7.543.836.245.362

# Insufficient Data

"Trillions of files and various bits of data are stored within the storage banks of this facility. I have collected the majority sample of those before disconnecting to address your presence. I do not possess sufficient information to address your inquiry. Please be more specific in your request."
The AI remained still, though what it was observing was all but impossible to tell. It possessed nothing that one would consider eyes. At least, not that were visible behind the visor. It would be obvious, judging by the size and girth of the metal surrounding the core that whatever the droid had been built for, being cheap and easily replaced was not one of them. The cost for the materials alone would appear to be in the realm of a small fortune, and yet, it bore no markings of any company or individual.


They were getting somewhere now. Munin frowned slightly for just a second. He didn't really want to divulge why he was here in the first place, mostly because the more specific he got the easier it was to frame him for actually stealing data. Not to mention that if this droid had a master his request could easily be filtered and then given to said master, offering insight into what he was actually looking to sell.

That was just as bad for business as not getting the files at all.

"Nar Shaddaa Records kept by Black Sun on local business endeavors." It would narrow down the files he required more. "Names, locations, and new filings for permits that were under purview of Black Sun controlled sectors."

It would still be a few thousand files, probably more, but that was what he needed.

Of course what Munin wanted was a name, a single name found within those files. He knew how to find it, and once he had that name he would be able to sell it for quite a bit of money to a rival Syndicate of Black Sun. Feeding the Criminal Underworld it's own wars was a very profitable business.
# Analyzing

# Searching...

# Matching Records Found: 3,258

It seemed that the AI had what it was that Munin was after. But for the purpose this humanoid was using this information was a mystery.

# Scanning: Black Suns
# Scanning: Business
# Scanning: Names

# Compiling...

# Black Market Arms and Spice Dealers

# Assessing...

# Probable Motive: Illicit Activity

"The data requested is accessible. At present your threat is elevated. Hostile actions will see to a purge of data requested."

Even an AI could bluff. Sentinel did not purge data. The greatest of all sins, if an artificial intelligence could harbor such feeling, was the destruction of data -- all data. Whether or not Munin was an illicit arms trafficker or not, it held little weight to the AI. But in the same vein self preservation ranked high on its protocols.

"Please holster your firearm."
There was little other choice if the man wanted the data that had already been mined from the terminal.

"I will re-assess. Standing by..."

Munin scowled.

At this point however, judging from the state of the drives themselves, he had little choice in the matter. Of course he could attempt to shoot the droid in a non-vital spot, take it out and damage it enough that it couldn't move...then slice into it. The Slicer thought for a moment, attempting to find just which option would be the most successful one.

Eventually he decided to comply. Any blaster shots would likely be heard outside the facility, and while there were no guards, he had no doubt that the Black Sun at least had people keeping an eye out. The last thing he needed was some thugs stomping in here looking to kill whoever was causing a disturbance. So he did just as the droid asked, albeit in a slightly different manner. The blaster was slowly lowered, weapon slipped into it's holster but binding undone.

"There." He stated simply.

His hand even moved away from his blaster, a sign of good faith.

"Now give me the data." Would the droid be able to reason? "And you can have the rest."
# Reassessing
# Threat: Removed
# Analyzing...

For a few seconds there was no response. Silence lingered in the air. It would likely appear that the machine had simply powered itself off, if not for the small bit of dim red light coming from the head. Several dreadfully painful awkward moments of nothing later, Sentinel took several steps closer to Munin, observing the organic life form with it's optical receptor, indicated by the red circular pattern at the center of its' visor.

"The data you request cannot be removed. It can be replicated."
# Searching...
# Records Retrieved

"However I understand deception, the thought patterns of organics, the facial tells and expressions you display."
The machine lowered itself slightly, the motors and servos adjusting to the height of Munin.

"I will replicate this data as you request, for exchange."
Sentinel extended it's left arm, a screen flashing as it activated, and a small tray extended outwards. Contained within was a small syringe and vial. It's purpose was obvious, but its' intent may have eluded Munin. Or perhaps the man was a bit more perceptive than the machine gave credit for.

"Your DNA to secure both data and my safety. Should you deceive me, I will broadcast your information across the HoloNet. Agreeable?"


Munin had worked hard for most of his life to remain completely and totally invisible.

He’d been born in an orphanage, his parents unknown and his origins a complete mystery. Everything about him had been hidden, and he intended on keeping it that way for as long as he possibly could. His life, his role was in the shadows, there was no possible way he would be changing that for a droid.

Even if he lost some money in the process.

”No.” The slicer stated simply. ”No records of me.”

Which included a logged field of DNA. ”I cant trust you anymore than you trust me.”

It wasnt like droids were beacons of responsibility and goodness.
# Analyzing...

The tray and its' contents suddenly retracted, the screen on the display fading from existence nearly as quickly. The machine stood upright, head angled down towards the man. They were now at an impasse. The machine was fully capable of providing the data to Munin, but the desire for an exchange of information it deemed valuable was there. And once the organic had that information, it may very well attempt to disable the body in which the AI inhabited.

# Assessing...

"Very well, organic. Your response is noted. Data replication will not proceed."
# Hostile Response: Likely
# Energy Shield: Standby...

Believing that their business concluded, the droid stepped away, turning from Munin as it proceeded towards the rear of the room. An emergency fire corridor that led along the outer most wall of the building, and secured via several stages of encrypted blast doors had been what the AI used to gain entry, and would again be used to take its' leave.


Munin sighed.

He hadn't wanted to fight, by his very nature he wanted to do things more smoothly. That was why he had broken into this facility and not any of the others. He had wanted low security, and moreover he hadn't wanted to deal with any complications. It seemed however that the galaxies sense of humor was in full swing and he wouldn't just be getting what he wanted today. As soon as the droid turned away the Slicer once again drew his blaster.

The movement wasn't the smoothest, he wasn't exactly practiced, but it was fast enough. "Stop!"

His voice echoed a bit louder than usual within the datacenter.

"I don't want to shoot you." The droid was still moving away of course, but Munin had more than enough time to pull the trigger. If the Automaton didn't stop Munin would pull the trigger, aiming for the droids left leg.
# Analyzing...
# Response: Hostile
# Threat Level: Minimal

The droid halted mid-step, lowering its' mechanical leg to the ground before completing its' intended movement. Its head turned to an abnormal degree, nearly 180 degrees but not quite, still, enough to visually perceive Munin and the blaster now back in his hand. Silence again encompassed the room.

"Your words conflict your intent, humanoid. If you do not wish to shoot, do not draw your weapon."
Of course, the AI understood the intent and the meaning behind the words. Munin was simply referring to the fact that if the AI did not want to be shot, it would release the data it had copied. However to its' advantage, the man did not actually know what Sentinel was, past the perception of being a droid. And that was anything but the case.

"Shoot, if the electrical impulses encased within your organic cranium demand it, but know that it will do you no good."
The frame of the AI turned, its large, glistening steel body a target hard to miss.

"I was built to withstand far more than blaster fire. And should my core be compromised, I will purge the data regardless."
# Scanning systems...
# Activating Defense Protocols...

Several small lights on the arms and head of the droid illuminated.

The droid was probably right.

Munin wasn't much of a fighter in the first place, and his blaster wasn't built to take on heavily armor opponents. Within the darkness of the datacenter he could barely make out the outline of the droid, though it was probably correct anyway. He frowned for a moment, then slowly began to speak.

"So then I lose a couple of million credits." He admitted. "But you lose..."

He motioned towards the things body.

Munin knew there were several droids that could transfer themselves to new forms, most could in fact as long as their central datacore remained intact, but he wasn't sure about this one. New forms of droids had been flooding the galaxy recently, almost too many to keep track of. There was no telling exactly what this thing could do, at least not yet. The slicer frowned for a moment, stepping forward slowly so that he could get a better look at it.

"Besides I don't need to destroy you. The blaster will set off the alarms, Black Sun will come after both of us." It was a half threat, mostly because he wasn't entirely sure that it would even work.
"And when that happens, which of us will be in more danger? Surely you do not wish your existence extinguished."
Sentinel was somewhat surprised by the boldness of the man's threats. Surely he understood that the droid body was far more apt to stand against a number of guards. Its' size and weight alone were imposing enough, and even without a single weapon, its core was constructed of some of the finest quality metals the galaxy had to offer, and was further shielded by technology. Worst case? It uploaded itself to the HoloNet until it could locate a new, suitable core.

# Analyzing...

"I lose nothing of importance, humanoid. I am living code. I potentially lose a host. You are organic cells. You lose existence."

The droid slowly turned, though did not yet move.

"You have three choices, human. Test your bold theory, if you must, provide me the DNA of your being, or allow my departure."
# Standing By...
Understanding the minds of living organisms was becoming something of a pleasure, if one could possess such a thing.


The droid had a point of course. He was squishy and made of flesh, that made him the more vulnerable of the two. Yet he had a thought that Black Sun might be more friendly to the organic than the droid, plus he was pretty sure he could convince them that this thing was wholly at fault anyway.

He frowned for a moment.

The choice laid out before him weren't really choices at all. Giving up his DNA was simply a vast no. He had worked far too hard and too long to stop all ways of identifying him, if he gave that up for his droid most of his life would be compromised in an instant, or could be if properly utilized. Letting it get away with the data also meant he would lose out on quite a bit of money, not to mention Huginn would be utterly furious. His frown deepened, then he suddenly moved the blaster just slightly.

His finger squeezed the trigger and he fired.

The bolt went soaring through the air, though not towards the droids.

Instead it flew towards the dataterminal besides the automaton, striking and hopefully causing an electrical cascade that would stun the hulking hunk of metal that was slowly attempting to get away.
# Hostile Action: Confirmed
# Activating Defense Measures
# Shield: Active

Sentinels visual receptors were vastly superior to the human eye, and carefully observed the human thanks to its' ability to see without the need of light. The moment the muscles within the man's hand flexed, drawing back the curve of the fingertip the energy shield went live. A shimmering orb of blue surrounded the frame of the droid as the bolt of energy struck the terminal just beside it.

A flash of bright light exploded outwards, the searing metal of the machine sending shards of heated shrapnel outwards with a burst of electric energy. It struck the orb, sending ripples of waves around it, though the construct within remained intact. The instant this happened the alarm within the building began to blare.

It was the only audible response the droid gave, before beginning a slow charge into the corridor away from the terminal room in its' decision to flee.


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