Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Good Day To Beskar

Laura was drifting through space in her new space ship that she had gotten recently from one of her more rewarding Bounties, a Zeltros assassin who couldn't talk her way out being handed in. Pretty one though. But she was on the skirts of Mandalorian space for another reason, a bounty on a rogue Mandalorian who decided to leave his order for unknown reason, but it didn't matter to Laura, all she cared about was the pay.
Laura wasn't finding her target any time soon, so she decided to pull up the file of him. She went straight to the reward and the picture, that was all that interested her.

Reward: 250,000 Credits, as well as Short-Term mining rights on Concordia​
Wanted Dead​
Bring helmet for proof​
Laura turned off the image of the poster when her commlink began to ring. She looked at who was calling. It was one of her contacts on Eshan, the home of the Echani people. She picked up the communicator and the contact began to begin rambling in untranslatable ramblings. "Alright look, I need you to calm down and talk like a normal person." She rubbed her forehead in annoyance as her contact began to catch his breath. He told her that he had seen the guy that she was hunting had landed on Eshan, when she asked why he went back to him annoying rumbles so she decided to hang up and him and punched in the hyper drive coordinates.
Laura pulled out of hyper space in the vicinity of Eshan, near one of it's moons, she descended through the atmosphere with bumps and cracks going through her ship. She knew she should probably have it looked at eventually, but she would put that off as well like she does with most things. She looked around a bit and finally found a space port with an open space, Eshan was popular today for some reason. She powered her ship down and put on her trench coat and put her mask in her pocket and set up grabbed her bow and guns. She lowered the ramp and walked out to take a breath of fresh air with a big loud gasp. "Aaahhhh Eshan... Smells like sweat." She gave a light chuckle to herself and left.
Laura walked down the ramp and took in the local scenery of the Echani spaceport. She looked around and saw false tax collectors trying to scam some people out of their credits and some merchants trying to make a dollar. Then she saw her Quarren contact and she quickly hiked up her bandana around her nose to hide herself from him. It's not that she didn't need the information he had, it's just that she didn't want to hear his rambling, especially from a Quarren. When she got out from the port she took down her disguise and went into the city to find more information about this bounty.
After asking around the city for awhile, Laura finally pinpointed a general area on where she thinks the mark might be. The locals say he has been frequenting the local cantina and talking to one of the dancer's a lot. Laura headed straight to the bar as soon as she heard that her mark was there. She looked around the bar and headed for the dancing table, looking for the girl that he talked to a lot. Laura looked around the table and found her. She was a pretty Zeltros girl near the left talking to some hooded guy. When he left Laura made her move to the girl. She asked about her mark and after some... persuading, she told her that the hooded man who just left was the one she was just looking at.
Laura chased the man down, shoving her way through crowds, but she couldn't seem to catch him. She only caught up when he was on the outskirts of town, she used a bola to wrap around his legs to slow him, then she drew her arrow. She shot at him but he rolled out of the way before she hit him and then he cut the ropes around his legs and charged her. She tried to get out an extra shot, but he knocked her bow to the side so he shot the floor. He pulled a knife and the hood fell from his face, he was very handsome with a small soulpatch and shaggy hair. He tried to charm her, would've worked on most days, but today she was pretty determined to get the bounty and go. She drew her knife and stood a distance from his then charged him.
She ran at him and swung for his throat knowing he'd block, but that's what she wanted. When he brought his knife to defend himself she caught him in the chest with a kick to send him backwards a tiny bit. It obviously didn't hurt him by the way he smirked and teased her, but she still tried none the less. The second attack was a feinted stab, but she pulled it at the last second and stabbed him in the leg. She jumped away when he screamed and drew her smaller bowie knife, but then he pulled the knife and complimented her. She blushed, but only for a short moment then she charged him again with a quick stab to the lower abdomen, she had to kill him to get the bounty. He caught her hand mid-swing and stabbed it, she pulled her arm out, but it was unusable. She knelt from the pain, but got up shortly. He charged her but she punched him in the groin, then rolled to dodge his desperate stab. She then walked over to him, holding her arm, and stabbed him in the centre of the chest.
She took off the deceased's helmet and grabbed his bag and placed it under her shoulder and left for the space port before some authorities came and caused a scene. She reached the spaceport, but someone had looted her ship and taken the parts. She turned and saw her mark's ship and she rummaged through her bag looking for the keys (Or whatever) and found them, she opened up the ship and ran up the ramp. It was a nice ship, medium sized freighter. She turned it on and left for Mandalorian space, she looked at the helmet as she punched in the hyperdrive.
She left the ship and walked towards one of the Mandalorian offices that handled bounty handling. She walked in and saw a lady sitting at the desk and Laura put the helmet down on the desk and held out her hand. The lady sarcastically thanked her and passed her a paper allowing her a one-time right to mine a finite amount of Beskar and said her credits would be transferred soon. She flew over to the moon of Mandalore as soon as she could.
She arrived on the moon and showed her papers to the mining official and, after a short time and some calls, she was allowed into the mine and they let her borrow a small team of two male mandalorians to go down into the shaft with her to assist her with the mining of the beskar. As Laura put on her gear, she could tell that the mandalorians weren't happy giving their ore to an outsider and wanted her to leave as soon as possible.

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