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From the forests of Ossus there have been sightings of a mysterious creature haunting the shadows, after witnesses claim to have sighted a massive hulking creature terrorizing the local wildlife shortly after a light freighter was shot down entering the atmosphere of the planet by republic forces. The Galactic republic have sent multiple teams in to investigate the crash and have even discovered tracks leading into the forest... The cause of the missing people is still under investigation, but the state recommends that people avoid the forest area in the following co-ordinates until the area has been cleared as safe. The Jedi have yet to make a statement on the issue though it is widely assumed that they will be involved in the tracking, ensuring that everyone is safe...
This is your Holo-net broadcast, Serenity Starshower out. ~
Mission Briefing:
From the wreckage of a trade ship which had been importing illegal species onto the planet for fighting and sport, it seems that one of their catches was something a little more than normal, we're sending teams of Jedi into the forest to accompany the Galactic republic forces and aid them in the search and apprehension of the animal, hopefully we will be able to capture the poor creature and relocate it to its proper place. The prints leading from the scene show that the creature is large, and reptilian in nature, though, from the evidence we've received so far, that's all we are able to ascertain...
Ossus was a fantastic planet, the life which sprouted in every direction was nothing less than immaculate and serene to behold, Orphen however, had little time today to take in the beautiful aroma of the flora which spread out in every direction, as he, as well as many other Padawan assembled under the instruction of one of the Temple's Jedi knights had accepted the call to arms in order to give relief aid and guidance to the Soldiers of Ossus in this area. The number of Jedi allocated to the mission was poultry, no more than a couple of Padawan joining the Republic soldiers, the temple were more or less treating this instance as a training mission for the Padawans where were allocated to the task. Visor on, Orphen had been stationed with a group of about a dozen men, armed with plasteel armour and blaster rifles, more of a militia than military, he stood there awaiting the other member who seemed to be there to join them for the mission, a Jedi Padawan by the name of [member="Soma"] ... Orphen hadn't really heard anything about this new entrant, though, he was sure that he would be able to make up for any slack this particular Padawan created...
Orphen was wearing all of his basic equipment and his civilian attire, though, one of his shoto light-sabers was already in his hand, as more of a status symbol than anything else, showing people that he was one of the Jedi who would be helping on the mission, while several of the others were also dressed in their civilian wear, others were also dressed in the more traditional robes of the Jedi order and even light battle-armour in one of their cases...
And so he waited, patiently pacing back and forth as the others began to sortie for the mission which they were undertaking.