Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Gray Meeting

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin

~A Gray Meeting~

Log #: 12
Location: Forest Moon of Endor
Time: 9:45 AM
"Scouring the Free Colonies Territory has given me nothing! Sure, I've heard leads on [member="Gray Raxis"] but all they do is lead me to this place. The Forested Moon of Endor. Aside from the wildlife and long destroyed imperial structures here, I see nothing of pure interest. I guess I'll stay here for another three days. If he doesn't land here by then...well I'd better move onto the next world in this system. Aside from that, nothing interesting had happened. I haven't encountered any Ewoks yet which would suggest the Ewok Holocaust caused by the Deathstar possibly killed off all Ewoks. Though, that can't possibly be the case!"

"Currently I'm camped out in a god-forsaken cave. I've found rebel along with stormtrooper armor in these caves and bones of many creatures. Suggesting, that something lives in these caves. Though determining by the spider webs, it had to be a giant spider. Possibly one of the biggest seeing as how a Rancor's skull in here, and it looks recent because organic matter is still on it which had attracted many insects and scavengers alike. Sure, might not be the wisest decision to camp in a cave but hopefully these automated turrets and probe droids I've set up will keep the perimeter safe. Plus, this area leads directly uphill to a old imperial landing pad. Which surprisingly, is still in good condition! Now as for my ship...well let's just say I left it outside and the next day...there were dead bloody animals around it..."

Astrid clicked the button on the datapad, closing down the facecam and voice recorder. She then pressed a button on the side of the datapad which caused it to power off. She walked over casually to a camp table and placed it atop the table before walking outside of the tent she was currently in. The tent was a five man, but all she was was a single woman with an objective. Plus, the mercenaries had died on the second day in the caves...

Astrid's violet eyes looked out around towards the wall of the caves. Watching for movement of any kind. While it didn't look like it, she was also using the force as she did so...searching for any sign of a force signature whilst also searching for any nearby biological life within a 20 meter area. What she was met with, was disappointment.

Astrid turned away in disgust before walking back into the tent and changing into something more worthy. She walked out in a tight black armorweave jumpsuit with ballistic combat armor on over the jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was void of anything for the arms and no armor was on the arms which is how Astrid likes it. It gives her arms more range of mobility rather than restricting them. Though, it did appear and injury was present on Astrid's right hand where some bandages were tightly wrapped up around her wrist and forearm. A thin metal exoskeleton stretched across her hand, giving it increased mobility. Which was needed due to Astrid having her hand broken by one of the sith lords she fought during training. Astrid pulled up clipped on a black gas mask which solely was just for the mouth along with a pair of combat goggles, allowing ballistic protection for the eyes without wearing one of those heavy suits of armor.

"You know...I should just go search around this cave. But what's the use, I can monitor my probes which are around the landing pad from here." Astrid said annoyed to herself before grabbing the same datapad from the camp table and walking back out. she then sat herself down upon a nearby rock and waited, watching the live recording carefully.
Gray had come to Endor about a request from a local tribe of Ewoks. They were having some problems that they could not deal with on their own. He had no idea what this problem was, but he had flown out to the planet personally to see to the matter. He came geared out in his newish Reclaimer Armor. He had his pistol strapped to his right leg as always with his lightsaber hilt hung next to it. He had brought his new Arc Shadow Rifle he had just gotten as well. He was ready for whatever the problem might be.

Gray found himself on the planet soon enough. He spoke to the local tribe of ewoks and learned what it was that was the problem. He was told that they were being hunted and slowly wiped out by a giant spider in a cave not too far away from their village. They had gotten extremely cautious as they moved around as well. It had seemed they had spotted a group of other beings near the cave, and it had begun to prey on them. Gray didn't know if this was good or bad news. The group could range anywhere from pirates to explores to poor crash victims. He figured he would need to help them out, and he could do that by killing the spider. He was glad he took the arc weapon with him now. It could real do some damage to the creature even if it was durable enough to withstand blaster fire. He headed out towards the cave to deal with it ready to be ambushed just in case.


Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Gray Raxis"]
{You got all the toys, while I'm still writing up my armor :p }

Astrid's violet eyes watched the datapad carefully, they brightened slightly at the arrival of the ship. Then a man walked out, without his helmet on for a few brief seconds. Gray Raxis. Astrid smiled wickedly at this current revelation before setting the datapad and standing up from the stone she was sitting on.

Astrid crouched down low, slowly making her way over to a large stalagmite which cleverly hid her body from view yet still allowed her to watch Gray from her hiding place. Her violet eyes swept over the broken entrance to the cave before her eyes caught a glimpse of a shadow of a man, before finally seeing Gray Raxis in full person. He was tall, Astrid would give him that. Though, she did hold the element of surprise and was faster than him due to her smaller size and less encumbering equipment.

Then an idea popped into Astrid's mind, she brought out her right hand ever so slightly whilst moving her fingers in a trance. If this worked, and she hoped it would...she could command the spider to attack Gray. Suddenly, a large black spider fell down from the ceiling.


Small multitudes of spikes ran down the back of the spider and it's flesh appeared to look durable as granite. Though, scars were visible on the spider ranging from small cuts to a large burn. Despite all of this, the most striking feature was it's size and that it was albino. It was bigger than any recorded spider to date.

Astrid nearly let out a gasp of shock but tried her best to hold it it, whilst the spider just stared into her soul blankly. Astrid crawled close to the spider before whispering for it to attack Gray Raxis, or just the man with the big rifle on his shoulder.

Before she knew it, the giant spider was crawling quickly towards Gray Raxis, rearing up on it's hind legs once it got close enough exposing it's thick underbelly, immune to minor slugthrower rounds yet vulnerable to heavier rounds. This would be a fight...Man versus Nature....Armored Soul versus Nightmare Scar.
Gray found the cave soon enough with less effort needed than he expected. He could see signs of something going in and out of the area regularly. He knew the interaction was going to be dangerous, so he closed his eyes and began to look out at things through force sight. He wasn't sure what the spider would look like, seeing how ewoks were so short, but he knew that eventually he would know. He entered the cave slowly as he took in everything going on. His rifle was readied to fire at any time. As he went in, he saw a person hiding behind a stalagmite. What were they doing there? Hiding from the spider or was something more going on here? As if in answer of that question, a giant life form dropped from the ceiling of the cave to the ground. From the shape of it, it was clearly the spider in question. The person didn't move in reaction to the spider and it seemed to be focused on him despite being the farthest one from the spider. It was also unusual for a spider to directly attack instead of try to ambush prey. Something more was going on here after all.

Gray readied his arc rifle as he planted his feet. He pulled the trigger to charge the shot and then released to send a bolt of electricity at the spider's head. He kept on firing at the spider aiming for the head every time he did. He kept his eyes closed while he looked through the force. He didn't want to lose track of the person hiding or what they might be doing. He was sure that they had something to do with it, but lacked too much proof at the moment. He also was sure the spider wouldn't be able to handle the constant assault of electricity at it's head. He had hit it with 10 shots already, and could keep it up for awhile longer until the spider dropped dead.


Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Astrid kept her gaze shifted around the corner of the stalagmite while watchmaking Gray in particular, she could care less if the spider died of the electricity it was receiving head on. She noticed that Gray kept his eyes closed, which couldn't mean he was trying to be cocky. No, it had to be dealing with something portraying to the force, but what? Astrid diverted her attention from the current brawl towards her back. She reached her right hand back and held a sword aloft in her hand. She would've used her lightsaber...that is unless her master, Darth Vaildra, didn't destroy it in anger at her.

Astrid twisted the sword backwards in her grip to where the blade was facing behind her, away from her body. She peered over the edge of the stalagmite again to see Gray kill off the Spider before grabbing a smoke grenade from her combat harness and throwing it towards Gray. It exploded upon impact with the ground around Gray, letting off a thick gray smoke which would blind a normal person temporarily making them subject to attack.

Astrid smiled slightly once the smoke exploded before standing up and slowly walking towards Gray, whilst typing in something on her left wrist, issuing a command of some sort to the probe droids who were around Gray's ship. They then retreated from the ship and began to fire upon Gray once they had made it down the ramp. There were only two probe droids in total behind Gray Raxis, who were armed with standard blaster technology and a minor slugthrower attachment capable of piercing light-medium weight combat armor.

Astrid continued walked forwards, flipping the blade back over in her left hand to where it was facing outwards towards Gray Raxis. "Gray Raxis...Hero of the People, Savior of Friends....Yet! You didn't save all of them...does, what was her name? Oh yes....Katelyn Thanewulf ring a bell?" Astrid's voice came out mechanically and like that of a male due to the voice modulator in her face mask she was currently wearing. She was trying to tempt Gray to attack her, trying to provoke him to let his guard down so that she could strike.
Gray watched the spider fall to the electricity being shot at it from his arc rifle. The giant terror was not as threatening as he had thought it would be, but at least the ewoks would be safe from the it's sticky webs and toxin kiss now. He saw the person make a motion as it went down, and then suddenly he was being shot at by probe droids with a smoke screen all around him. The smoke screen didn't effect him that much because of his use of force sight instead of his eyes. A few shots from the droids though managed to hit his armor. His armor had blocked them, but he didn't want to take too many hits. He crouched down to minimize his hit box and switched his rifle into arc mode. He took a shot at the nearest droid and electricity shot forth from it to hit the droid. The beam bounced from the little probe droid to the next one and then another after that.

As Gray attempted to take out the droids en mass, the mysterious person dropped down into the smoke with something like a blade in their hand. They began to speak with a metallic voice from behind the smoke. He wasn't sure why they ventured into the smoke instead of opening fire on him from their original position. That didn't matter though, because the person seemed to know him. They knew him fairly well it seems. So this whole thing had been a trap, and he had walked into it. He just had to deal with it though, but what bothered him was what they had to say. He frowned slightly under his helmet. He said in response as he staid low, " Kitty Kat? She took off without a word and never told me where she was going or if she was coming back. So you claim you know what happened to her? Depending on your answer, I may let you walk away from this right now without anyone getting hurt. Oh and so you know when I say anyone, I actually mean you." He needed to figure out their game, and getting them to talk back was the start of that.


Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Astrid continued walking through the smoke, listening to the sounds around herself along with reaching out with the force to allow herself to walk towards Gray without stumbling. She continued walking forwards until stopping when Gray began to speak. A metallic chuckle double be heard through the face mask after Gray had finished talking. After a few seconds of silence, Astrid began to speak again...though there were hints of poison in her voice despite talking through a mask which changed the tone and pitch of her voice. "...Oh Gray, haha...always acting clever. You know...I totally forgot you were force sensitive. Mostly because you never showed it..."

Astrid took a few more steps towards Gray before she could feel around more with the force, identifying Gray's weapons. A lightsaber, that could spill trouble. The armor, not so much as long as she could somehow breach the armor...say a stalactite. Astrid then began to talk again towards Gray before reaching up her right hand in the air, beginning to slowly shake a stalactite, feeling the stone crack through the force as it broke free of it's rock reinforcement from above. "...Whatever happened between you and Katelyn, hmm? Last I guys got into a fight of some sort...or was it that you got in bed with her? Ehh....that's not truly important....Now, your question....Oh, Yes! What did I do with Katelyn?..." Astrid's voice soon overtook a dark and serious tone as she spoke, breaking the stalactite from the ceiling as she did so. "...I--Killed HER! She was weak, defenseless...broken. Serenity, her love...left you left her alone! You want to know what her dying words were..." Astrid paused only briefly to angle the stalactite into position before continuing on. "...Tell Gray, that I love HIM! Can you believe that!...Too bad she's dead you will BE!" With those final words, Astrid sent the stalactite hurtling down towards where Gray was currently located, those it was set a few feet in front of him, to try and disorient him.
Gray could feel the venom in the other person's words as they spoke. They held something against him, something personal, but he wasn't sure who they could be or what he could have done. He had done some things in his past he regretted doing now, but this person didn't sound like one of those people. No their hatred was from something else, but he couldn't place it. What they said was terrible, if it was actually true. There was some truth to it, but it very well could have been a lie. The issue with him and Kat was a fight, but not that big of a fight. They would have easily gotten past it soon enough, but she had left to do her own thing. She had some other plan in mind after all, and she went to go do it. What happened after could have been anything, and he did try to look for signs of her when he could. He didn't find any signs, and figured if she didn't contact him it was because she didn't want to. So what did all of that have to do with this situation happening now? He would figure it out soon enough.

Gray could feel the other person using the force, and that got him on edge. He kept in his spot, but was ready to move in any direction he needed to. He could hear the rumbling from above between words. He shifted his sight up enough to see the loosening of the stony spike above him. He knew what they were up to now with all of this talking. They wanted to unsettle him and distract him from their next move. They were clever, but not as experienced it seems. How young was this person he was dealing with? The situation was getting more and more unusual. He waited until they finally made their move, and darted off to his right. As he did, he shifted his gun back to its single target mode. He took a shot at the person where they were standing at. He didn't know if they would be quick enough to dodge it or not, but really hoped they were not wearing cortosis lined armor. He was not bothered by the spraying of the stone from the impact, even though a few shards managed to hit his armor. He was glad he was wear phrik armor right now. He did get an idea though from it. As he took his shot with his rifle, he focused on the force and then propelled some of the flying stone shards towards the person's location as well. They had electricity and stone shards flying at them from different directions.


Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Gray Raxis"]

Astrid's eyes watched Gray as best as they could as the smoke began to clear up, allowing her better physical visibility along with granting her better focus. Her violet eyes caught him as he dodged out of the way of the large hunk of rock that fell downwards at him before he fired off a shot of electricity. This was soon followed up by a small volley, probably up to six varying sizes of rock being thrown towards her left side. Astrid had two choices. Risk taking on the lightning which could mess up her electrical arm though it was highly unlikely. Or, she could take the small volley of rock shards to the body and maybe even suspend some with the force. Astrid chose simply, by dodging the blast of electricity by rolling towards her left.

Astrid stood up upon both feet, her eyes staring down at Gray while she used the force to maintain her surroundings. Using the force, she was hinted at when the the rock shards would make impact. Instead of moving out of the way, Astrid decided to face them head on. Mostly due to the current position she was in, she was close to Gray Raxis...which could give her the ability to counterattack easily.

Astrid brought up her left hand into a semi-closed fist and closed it tightly once a medium-sized rock chard went hurtling towards her face. She caught the rock shard in her hand before throwing it in a vertical arc towards Gray who now stood across from her. Most of the other rock shards missed. Save for a few lucky ones, One in particular went flying for Astrid's eye...she hadn't noticed it as it left the ground after the rest of the rock shards had. The small rock shard slammed into one of Astrid's goggle lens, making it useless. She felt a few other rock shards strike her in the chest though the blunt of the impact was absorbed by the suit she was currently wearing.

Astrid brought up her right hand before ripping the goggles off of her head and towards the ground. Astrid sighed in annoyance due to being hit minority by the attacks but she shrugged off the pain as it was mostly minor. Astrid then outstretched her right hand towards Gray, curling it up as she did so...trying to lift him up in the air and choke him.
Gray watched as his opponent dodged the electrical attack to take the stones instead. That meant they were more worried about it than the blunt trauma of stones striking their body. He could use that information, especially since his weapon could do some damage if it hit them. He just needed a plan of action now on how to get them into a situation that they could not dodge his attack. As he thought though, they began to try to use the force on him. They tried to lift him up and choke him, but the assault was directed at his head which was protected from force attacks by his armor. If she kept it up though she might get it done, but this gave him his opening.

Gray launched his wrist rocket at her feet as she tried to lift him up. As it flew towards her, he used telekinesis to lift up the broken droids into the air. He moved them to surround her with them. If he got them around her, he would switch his gun back to arc mode. He took a shot at the nearest one with it and hoped to bounce enough electricity around her she couldn't escape so it would hit her. He didn't know if she would be able to react in time to his actions though. It was possible for her to escape if she realized what was happening soon enough. He just hoped it would work. He didn't want to deal with a drawn out engagement just yet.


OOC: Once again sorry for how long this took. Also I said she, but he doesn't know that. I just got tried of trying to go with the none existent gender neutral terms.

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Gray Raxis"]
((OOC: You can do the flip/unmask part now))
Astrid reached out through the use of the force, trying to sense what Gray was planning to do with his body movements while also physically watching him encase he tried anything while she was trying to use the force to her advantage. Her violet eyes stayed upon Gray for a few minutes before she broke contact through trying to choke him and using the force when a wrist rocket when towards her feet. She was quick to respond, using the force to throw a rock in front of herself whilst jumping out of the way of the immediate blast radius. Though, Astrid wasn't expecting a counter assault with the destroyed probe droid parts being used to surround her. She had half expected for them to be thrown at her, not surround her.

Astrid was just about to use her telekinesis to break through the ring of droid parts around her before electricity suddenly arched through the droid parts, making them conduct the electricity along themselves. This caused their to be an almost droid-part wire around her which carried the electricity around her like a ring on the finger. Though, she was th finger and the ring was the electricity and droid parts circling around her.

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