Katelyn Feanor
Two sides of a singular coin
~A Gray Meeting~
Log #: 12
Location: Forest Moon of Endor
Time: 9:45 AM
"Scouring the Free Colonies Territory has given me nothing! Sure, I've heard leads on [member="Gray Raxis"] but all they do is lead me to this place. The Forested Moon of Endor. Aside from the wildlife and long destroyed imperial structures here, I see nothing of pure interest. I guess I'll stay here for another three days. If he doesn't land here by then...well I'd better move onto the next world in this system. Aside from that, nothing interesting had happened. I haven't encountered any Ewoks yet which would suggest the Ewok Holocaust caused by the Deathstar possibly killed off all Ewoks. Though, that can't possibly be the case!"
"Currently I'm camped out in a god-forsaken cave. I've found rebel along with stormtrooper armor in these caves and bones of many creatures. Suggesting, that something lives in these caves. Though determining by the spider webs, it had to be a giant spider. Possibly one of the biggest seeing as how a Rancor's skull in here, and it looks recent because organic matter is still on it which had attracted many insects and scavengers alike. Sure, might not be the wisest decision to camp in a cave but hopefully these automated turrets and probe droids I've set up will keep the perimeter safe. Plus, this area leads directly uphill to a old imperial landing pad. Which surprisingly, is still in good condition! Now as for my ship...well let's just say I left it outside and the next day...there were dead bloody animals around it..."
Astrid clicked the button on the datapad, closing down the facecam and voice recorder. She then pressed a button on the side of the datapad which caused it to power off. She walked over casually to a camp table and placed it atop the table before walking outside of the tent she was currently in. The tent was a five man, but all she was was a single woman with an objective. Plus, the mercenaries had died on the second day in the caves...
Astrid's violet eyes looked out around towards the wall of the caves. Watching for movement of any kind. While it didn't look like it, she was also using the force as she did so...searching for any sign of a force signature whilst also searching for any nearby biological life within a 20 meter area. What she was met with, was disappointment.
Astrid turned away in disgust before walking back into the tent and changing into something more worthy. She walked out in a tight black armorweave jumpsuit with ballistic combat armor on over the jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was void of anything for the arms and no armor was on the arms which is how Astrid likes it. It gives her arms more range of mobility rather than restricting them.
"You know...I should just go search around this cave. But what's the use, I can monitor my probes which are around the landing pad from here." Astrid said annoyed to herself before grabbing the same datapad from the camp table and walking back out. she then sat herself down upon a nearby rock and waited, watching the live recording carefully.