Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply A Great Escape



How time changes.

The vast expanse of the snow-capped mountains stretching out above, below, and around me haven't changed in a billion years, and yet everything here seems to have changed in but a handful. Leaning on the railing of the platform overlooking the valley far below, I sip slowly at my liquor, warming me against the cold wind that blows even on a crisp sunny day. Behind me the sounds of good times are dulled by the bay windows that separate the viewing platform from the restaurant, the chilled outside from the warmed inside.

It had been what? two, three years since I'd last come to Galidraan? And how many times had I been standing in this very spot as a child when my parents would bring me back to the motherland? I could count them almost as many as I could count the years I'd been alive. No wonder I took my leave to come back.

Borders between Imperial governments were stricter than they used to be, and hell the Empire of the Lost as they called themselves had an Emperor of their own. But I wasn't here for politics, or to spy. I was just here to relax, as a civilian. Not that anyone would know otherwise, since I'd taken the necessary precautions. I wasn't officially Kazian Blackwood, but these days when was I ever?

When I'd arrived, Galidraan was chaotic. People fleeing the Sith at Tion, people deathly scared they would be next. Maybe so. That was part of my reasoning for one last visit. But up here in the mountains, between the chalet and the slopes, good food and good company, there was no sign of the wars that had just lit up across the galaxy.

I too had begun to forget it all. The cool mountain air was doing wonders for me after spending so long in smoked out cities and the recycled atmospheres of starships travelling between them. Sure, I could get this air on Carlac, but Carlac was... too military. I certainly don't think anyone had built a ski resort there, unless Darth Caelitus had a proclivity for it. Plus, it simply wasn't like this place... a home to me.

Galidraan was special to me, as it was special to so many Imperials. The Galidraani had been the backbone of the New Imperial Order, and though the Blackwood family was deep in the shadow of clans like the Barrans and Tals, and even though I'd been born on Bastion, we held our respect for the homeworld just the same.

My trip here was different than ever before. My father had passed years ago, my mother was living safely on Bastion still, and I hadn't put my skis on once. Of course, that was because I was still recovering from my two months in hell on Ord Mantell and the several times I'd been shot. Bacta had taken care of the physical pain, but the psychological impact... well... it lingered. Arriving here in maturity for the first time at least meant Dantooine single malt could soothe me.

I stared out across the range at a huge bird soaring among the mountains. What a change of pace. No superiors, no war, no trying to please anyone. I was free for just a few days before the climb up the ladder resumed and the war took its dues again.

From behind me I heard the door opening, and pushing off from my lean against the railing I turned to see who would be joining me out here. Someone else trying to escape for a bit?

Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Masters of it All

The Empire was gone, taken from a seat of power to feed off of what scraps they could manage. It had been a long road, for all of them. Amadeus certainly had struggled to figure out a plan for his men in the wake of the galactic ebb and flow. They had never left the cause, not truly. There were still Sith to kill, after all, and kill them they would, until the day they took their last breath. Such was the destiny of Eclipse Company, and of their always fearless leader. Yet, in recent weeks, Amadeus had found himself jaded, his fervor seeming to dissipate with each passing day. One may give up under such circumstances, but instead... Amadeus wished to see home. He had not been to Galidraan in some time, and it was about time to remind himself why he had led so many of his men... no... his friends to their death.

It didn't take him long to catch wind of his cousin's presence on the planet. Kazian was a clever man, there was no doubt. But Amadeus had spent years hunting those that didn't wish to be found, honing his ability to reach through the empyrean and draw a path, as if a tracker searching their quarry. Besides, he had grown rather familiar with the way his family felt within the Force. A Blackwood is a Blackwood, after all. Yet, Amadeus had heard disturbing rumors surrounding his cousin. Whispers of machinations and stratagems in the name of the same Sith that Eclipse Company had spent so much time trying to bring down...

It was time to get some answers.

He quietly stepped out to the viewing platform, his uniform hidden behind a cloak of black. With a cold tone that matched the frigid air around them, he finally spoke.

"Kazian... it's been a long time..."​
"Cousin Amadeus?!" I turned, surprised, to see my eldest cousin coming out onto the platform.

It had been a long time indeed, years in fact. Probably since before I went to the academy.

"This is quite the surprise. I suppose I wasn't the only one to think about coming back to an old family haunt."

I wondered what brought him here. Though he was a Force sensitive, I knew he'd never been part of the Force Corps, which meant he'd avoided their dissolution by Emperor Fossk's regime. What was he doing in the Empire now? Had he come over to the Lianna government that ruled Galidraan? Or remained with the Protectorate on Bastion? He certainly still looked the part of an Imperial son cloaked in all black.

The thoughts I'd come to escape seemed to creep back. All the different factions of the Empire, though peace existed between them for now, tensions were high. I didn't want that to come between family.

"How are you?" I asked sincerely, trying to wipe the thought of politics from my mind.

Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood

Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Masters of it All

Kazian's response was innocent enough. Even those that were the most innocent under a tyrant had their forgivable moments. Amadeus took comfort in the fact that, despite everything, Kazian still held familial values above all else. Even though he now seemed to blindly follow a bastardized version of what their family stood for.

"Everything leads back to Galidraan, wouldn't you agree?"

The question was more loaded than his cousin may know. Amadeus had spent his life atoning for his sins against his people. It was a life long battle, and though he had felt his time was well-spent, Amadeus still wrestled with his troubled past. Yet, he wished nothing more than to support his cousin... though, rumors are rumors... and he begged the Force that he was wrong.

"I have been well... cousin... but I have come to you because, well... I've heard troubling rumors."

It was rather immediate of him, but the Blackwoods weren't anything, if not straightforward. Amadeus hoped that the rumors were false, but there was no way to be sure other than asking his own blood...

He just hoped he wasn't gonna have to spill that same blood across the ancestral floor of their home.​
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"Troubling rumors? If you mean that business on Ord Mantell, I assure you I'm alright. If you mean Onderon, well... lets say its in the past." I leaned forward from the railing and crossed my arms.

"All things considered, yeah, everything has led me back to Galidraan. I hope you didn't make it all the way out here just to check on me cousin. Something else seems to be troubling you."

Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood

Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Masters of it All

His cousin understood discretion, that much was certain. The Blackwoods tended to be good at whatever job they took upon themselves, so Amadeus couldn't fault him for such dedication. Yet, his sincerity was certainly there, for Amadeus could sense that Kazian truly wished to have a valid familial interaction. It was... unsettling, for Amadeus wanted nothing more than to simply have a good relationship with his cousin. Yet... such was yet to be seen.

Matching his cousin's demeanor, Amadeus joined him in leaning on the rail.

"That isn't all..."

A loud sigh produced itself as he leaned into the railing, taking in the cold air as he tried to find the right words.

"I know ISB protocol, Kaz. I know you can't tell me everything."

His words caught in his throat for a moment, until he finally resigned himself to just letting it out.

"The Sith are not the answer, cousin..."

Instead of letting it linger, he turned toward Kazian, leaning to the side as he looked toward his family.

"Don't bother denying it. I am not here to take your head. I just... I wish to know your mind."

His words held the slightest tinge of hope within, and as he spoke, he actively kept his hand away from his blade. There were more than Kazian that had flocked to the banner of Solipsis, but Amadeus hoped that perhaps... just maybe... his cousin hadn't fully given into the facade.​
As my cousin came to join on the railing, I turned back to face the endless mountain expanse. I let him speak his mind, hesitant still, but as he spoke he seemed to open up.

The Sith... a controversial topic. One I supposed he indeed have a right to invoke among family. How many had been torn apart in some way by the Sith and the Jedi in the last war? But how many had been torn apart when the Empire fell?

"I can't deny cousin, the thought of being targeted here has crossed my mind. The people of this world swear fealty to an Emperor that I don't recognize." I took another dour sip of my liquour. "The irony that it would be you," I smirked, "well anyway Im glad that isnt your reason for being here. Let me ask you, Amadeus: have you seen the footage from the Sith attack on Tion?"

Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Masters of it All

His words would not go unnoticed. Amadeus well understood the current state of affairs, and in truth, could hardly fault his cousin for his points thus far. Yet... the question ever remained.... what of the Sith?

Amadeus himself had spent his early years as an assassin to those same corrupt slaves of the darkness. He didn't expect Kaz to hold himself to the same standards. Force knows he hadn't been as intimately involved as Amadeus had. And perhaps in that was what he held onto. He had long ago decided to destroy the Sith wherever he could. Yet... family was family...

And he was entirely too sober to deal with it right now.

He motioned through the window for a server to provide a drink, to which he raised to Kaz.

"To the Empire."

They may not toast to the same empire, but Amadeus still found himself clinging to the hope for those shared ideals.

"In regards to Tion, well..."

His words were caught in the throat for a moment.

"You know the Empire's history with those involved. And I know that the "Sith'ari" claims to break the wheel."

His eyes drifted to his cousin once again.

"They are all the same, cousin. Trust me... if anyone understands, it is me. I had to fight every day for my place in the Empire. I would never be meant for the Knights... and that was, frankly... alienating."

He took another long swig off of his drink.

"Yet, no matter how little the recognition, the EMPIRE came first. GALIDRAAN came first. I care not for who claims hold over our home. Until they are all expunged, nothing else matters."

Another pause followed."

"And the Sith are certainly not the way..."​
I accepted his toast in response to my question, knowing it was merely a way to ease the tensions we were feeling between us.

As he finally came to answer my question, I felt the sentiment, though in his voice there was an unmistakable distain for the Sith that I did not understand.

Galidraans devotion to the Empire, the constant struggle to maintain oneself in the Imperial hierarchy. I understood it well, because it was arguably why I'd spent so little time thinking about the Sith until now. Sure, it had shocked me to learn that the new Emperor was Kaigann Fossk, but what could I have done from the ground below his magnificence? I've only ever lived to serve the Empire. Emperor Fossk had presented an opportunity for me not to need to ask which Empire.

"I cant deny that I do not understand your Force magic, cousin. The Sith... they scare me," for the first time in ages i could speak my mind, genuinely. It felt amazing.

"That butchery on Tion, which might soon be here, on our homeworld, it... scares the hell out of me. The Sith are clearly powerful. I believe in the Empire, above anything else. If there's a few of these Sith that would see our Empire shine rather than burn... well I guess it's hard to argue. I wish I could swing a lightsaber like you and make a change, but I'm stuck looking up at it all, the whole Sith and Jedi bull.

Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Masters of it All

The honesty in his voice was ever-apparent, and though he had, in so many words, confirmed the concerns of Amadeus, he couldn't help but to feel a certain level of empathy for Kaz. After all, Amadeus had been in a similar place, at one time. Lost within the ideas of what he thought was the right path to support his own ideals. But he had seen through the veil, and since had found his own path once again, untethered by whatever dogma he had previously given into.

"They should scare you, cousin."

His words caught in his throat for a moment, which he quickly remedied with a long drink from his cup.

"You know... I haven't told anyone in our family about the details of my absence... or how I became active in the Empire..."

Another long exhale produced itself from his mouth, his demeanor more casual than before.

"I was... an assassin, for the Sith... but I was told to kill some 'rebels' right here on Galidraan..."

His eyes drifted toward the drink he held, the cold air almost pushing him into further uncertainty and honesty with each nip against his face.

"They were innocent. Civilians. I killed my strike team, because I couldn't bear to see such a crime enacted upon our own people."

He looked back to his cousin, a very obvious weight permeating his next words.

"They will use you. Just like they used me..."

A brief pause...

"Just like they used Korvan."

Another long swig of his drink followed, his mind having greater need for inebriation than before.

"Tell me, Kaz... if this new Empire took Galidraan... do you truly think they would do what was right for our people?"​
"I... never knew you went through that." I sullenly swished my drink around a bit, before I sent the last of it gushing down the hatch.

"I've always thought that the Empire would be whole one day. To rule from Coruscant... the Emperor could not only rebuild the nation but make it stronger than it was under Fel. Whatever this Empire of the Lost is doing from Lianna, it isn't working, not when Galidraan could be the next Tion. Anything is better for our people than wholesale slaughter."

"Korvan, though... ha. I think OIT would have your tongue for suggesting that, hell they'd probably even order me to cut it out... but I've wondered too. He was a great man... he was the reason I left Bastion. They say he died a hero, but when he died I was working with his daughter..."

No, I shouldn't be telling him this, I thought, but he's my flesh and blood. Maybe that didn't mean much to in the Empire, but to the Galidraani that meant the world. And Amadeus had been forthcoming thus far, and he was my only living relative, aside from mum, but I was actively trying to keep her out of politics...

"She disappeared on Teta without a word, from anyone. I thought it had been Alliance until I returned to Carlac and they told me about the Despot. Its a coincidence I'm just supposed to forget, these things happen and questions are best left unanswered a lot of the time, but I can't bury this one with paperwork..."

Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood

Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood

Masters of it All

"Only ones that did were the military and the Imperial Knights. The Knights didn't exactly want me in their ranks... hell, Michael Barran and his father Erskine were the only reason I was able to maintain my post at all."

It was a blessing, that much was sure. Without the support of the Barrans, Amadeus would have likely been thrown in a dark hole by COMPNOR, or worse, he would have been cut down by the Knights themselves. But thanks to the noble hearts of the Erskine and Michael, Amadeus was given the opportunity to put those that had manipulated him for years to the sword, and for that he would be eternally grateful.

"Don't tell your mother, by the way... she'd probably cut both of our tongues out."

The statement was followed by a laugh as Amadeus downed the rest of his own drink. Kaz's mom was actually always kind to Amadeus, but she was still Galidraani, and no matter how sweet, Galidraani hatred for the Sith ran deep.

"You are right about the Empire of The Lost... but I must say I disagree about the rest of that statement. Wholesale slaughter is what Solipsis does. Look at his works, Kaz. Look at how many have been displaced... how many have lost their homeworlds... it isn't sustainable."

His eyes drifted to the scenery before them once again.

"The Empire wasn't a perfect system, but we were the best defense against the Sith. And with that defense system gone... I no longer am certain what the future holds."

His ears perked up at the mention of Korvan's daughter. Had something happened to her as well? Amadeus wouldn't put it past the Dark Imperials to pull such a stunt, but still...

"You're a smart man, Kaz. They wouldn't have let you into the ISB otherwise. What does your heart tell you?"​

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