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A Guide to the Pitfalls of Keyboard Crusading

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Disney's Princess
A Guide to the Pitfalls of Keyboard Crusading

A wise man once said: "Everybody needs a crusade." But then he quickly looked at his apprentice and added: "But not everybody needs your crusade." Lol. Thusly, in the spirit of wisdom. Here are a few pitfalls most common to the righteous keyboard crusader of the 21st Digital Century.

Enjoy your crusading. :)


1. Crusading is not Dramatic

It's common to think: My crusading is not drama. Well. Yeah. It kinda is. Especially the more public you get about it. The more private your crusading, the less dramatic it is likely to appear towards others.

2. Nobody is cataloging my Crusade

No. Trust me. Somebody is cataloging your crusade. Whether it's a copied PM, a secretly saved Skype Chat, or an angelically penned 'Book of this person's Life'. Somebody, is cataloging everything.

3. Crusading is not Personal

Yep. Totally is. Asking anybody else to change the way they think, speak, or behave is pretty darn personal to the way they live their life. It could even change their lives forever. But really. Good or bad. Nobody wants to change.

4. My Righteousness is Agreeable

Nope. Totally is not. Nobody else on the whole planet agrees with your comfortable level of righteousness. Not even your God. Even they think you could use a little more work.

5. It's not about Me

Everybody kills the messenger. Even if what you're trying to share is really really really good. The moment you're a political liability. Everybody kills the messenger. Don't take it personally. It's just business.

6. Life should be Fair

No. Heaven is fair. The Gods, are fair. Even science knows how to be fair. However, this small world and all it's interconnect digital realms, like the Internet, are not fair. Because humans, are not fair either. But wait. That's okay. That's how it was supposed to be. The universe did not mess that up and Mother Nature did not say 'oops' when humanity was born. It's all part of the Universe being, the Universe. So surprise! Evils exist. Maybe even forever. And yes. We all get the good pleasure to learn how to deal with them. Directly. And yet? Be not afraid. We are not elves. We have 'The Gift of Men'. Yep. You Tolkien fans guess it. Everybody dies. And that's pretty darn fair after all.

7. I am not a Guest on Someone's Website

If you do not pay the bills that keep the lights on? Then sorry dude. You are in fact, a guest. Lol. A guest prompted to behave yourself, act accordingly, and with good charity. Remember. The Website Rules that publicly define the standard for behavior are the expressed 'minimum' qualities for human participation. Yes. That's right. The minimum. Simply abiding by all the rules on this website is just like getting a C+ on your Final Exam. Yeah. We can all do a little bit better.


In closing, and being a realist here for just a second? Social crusading can be a good thing. It really really can. It can change the world. However, please note. It can also make you look like a selfish, prideful, and obnoxiously-oblivious jerk.

So from one crusader to another. Crusade with wisdom. Enjoy your crusading. :D


Disney's Princess
8. Publicly pointing out other peoples flaws does not make you a better person

Two wrongs does not make a right. Blah blah blah. I still laughed. Lol. Isis was definitely, a memorable character.

<3 U [member="Enigma"] :D :D :D :D *hugs*



The Attention Seeker
Jay Scott Clark said:
Everybody kills the messenger.
This is sparta!

Also I would be that person cataloging everything. It is my philosophy that anything worth reading once is worth reading again in the future even if only amusing, which I am easily amused. ^.^

Anyways nice tutorial. I'd say even non crusaders can take some stuff in this; home with them.


Disney's Princess

Thanks! Good to see that a good read, well remembered, is worth it's weight in gold. Or evidence. ...Ya know. Whichever. :D :p


Disney's Princess
Enigma said:
We need to talk more. :(
My Skype can't handle that level of raw Sexiness. You know that. :p

Kezeroth the Malevolent said:
What is Social Crusading
It's kinda like preaching. You stand up and tell somebody on the website how they should be thinking, acting, behaving, posting, ...or generally just conforming to your 'delicately selected' moral compass of +5 roleplaying.

It's kinda like, every OOC post I've ever made. *Meh. :D :p


Disney's Princess

Pfft. Everybody knows that on SW CHAOS, your PM box is where all the sexiness goes. I'm pretty sure Tef himself once said: "PM Box? Boy. That's where all the sexy stuff goes." ...Or, ya know. ...Something like that. :D :p



PM me dude. :)

Jay Scott Clark said:
8. Publicly pointing out other peoples flaws does not make you a better person

Two wrongs does not make a right. Blah blah blah. I still laughed. Lol. Isis was definitely, a memorable character.

<3 U [member="Enigma"] :D :D :D :D *hugs*


Hey! I never claimed that it did.



Disney's Princess
Captain Larraq said:
Hey! I never claimed that it did.


...I mean. Probably you.


Could,? have been you. Sh'maybe? No? Not really?

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