Stardust Solus Skirae
The Emerald Dragon
[member="James Justice"] [member="Riamah"]
Dark times had fallen over the hand, ousted from the planet they called their home base pushed back away stardust welcome her sister to the safety of zeltros to hide them from the threats of the Sith. It was there stardust would bring James
Her freighter exited hyperspace, slowly approaching the planet as the crew moved about and prepared for docking procedures. Codes were transmitted to dock at he private dock while stardust sent a message to her sister
ra, I need you to come to docking bay Skirae 3a, I have someone I think you'll want to see
She sent the message and returned back to the deck taking a deep breath as they gently touched down...she hoped James was eh...least not to drunk
Dark times had fallen over the hand, ousted from the planet they called their home base pushed back away stardust welcome her sister to the safety of zeltros to hide them from the threats of the Sith. It was there stardust would bring James
Her freighter exited hyperspace, slowly approaching the planet as the crew moved about and prepared for docking procedures. Codes were transmitted to dock at he private dock while stardust sent a message to her sister
ra, I need you to come to docking bay Skirae 3a, I have someone I think you'll want to see
She sent the message and returned back to the deck taking a deep breath as they gently touched down...she hoped James was eh...least not to drunk