Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Healer, a Warrior and a Leader

It had taken some discussion between them, Rianna with her soft gentle voice slowly urging her riduur of how much the galaxy was changing, and it was not that she wanted for them to join every battle, every nuance she wanted them to have purpose. The mandalorians had purpose mostly when the times of war came.

They had resources available, and Rianna had an idea.

She had thought to go to the Republic but times there was said to be turbulent, and then there was that uneasy peace between them. No they had decided they would go to the Galactic Republic.

Rianna and [member="Ordo"] taking their children Dral and Maeve onboard the Dancing Thranta they made their way to meet with [member="Coren Starchaser"] one of the leaders of the Galactic Alliance.

Rianna sat quietly in the co-pilot seat while the children slept, she looked over to Ordo at times it was good to see him flying again, one of his many loves. The dark times were behind them, she believed this and the future was ahead. She did not try to see it, she waited. When it came she would face.
The Supreme Commander had to be elsewhere, but he wanted to talk to these people, that meant Coren Starchaser was being shipped around by order of Nemo Ven. And the pilot did need some downtime. Taking the Crosscurrent, a Sekotan ship, to the meeting, Coren was missing his Rising, but this would be fine. Besides, his brother said he could get more power out of the engines on the vessel. Probably some aftermarket retrofits or something. The Crosscurrent was pretty much a living organism that did what she wanted. Coren allowed the ship a lot of freedom, but when he needed her, she came.

And that was what happened, the living ship met him and his astromech at the Dawn Treader and delivered him to Sullust. Making his way to the little used, if ever used, office, he was awaiting the arrival of Ar’klim, a healer. It would be interesting to see if the Alliance could work with them. They had a few hospital stations and, of course, medical frigates, but they needed a bit more.

The Thranta would be approved for a docking bay close to the military complex, and Coren was awaiting their arrival.

[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

The ship glided towards the docking bay effortlessly, much like its name sake as they received clearance. The gentle lines of the ship reflected the running lights as it passed into the hanger and gently sat down on its struts.

Ordo, in his old armor, set the ship to cool down and turned to his wife.

"Ready when you are Ri'ika." he said calmly as he pushed himself out of his seat. This was a big step for her and as always he was behind her.

He looked at the hatch to see two little faces duck behind the hatch and pretend they hadn't been watching. A smile crept across his face as he thought of how mischievous the little monsters could be.

"They get that from you. " he joked as he started to shut down the unneeded systems. This was her strong suit. He'd follow her lead.

Rianna laughed, "Oh you think they get that from me umhuh, we shall see" It was then that Rianna looked to Dral and Maeve, "best behavior this Commander does not know us, and we do not know what his experience is with the Mando'ade but we all of us will show him we are more than our armor" Rianna took a deep breath, her riduur by her side, her protector, among the many roles he held in her life.

She reached out and placed her hand on his arm, "Jas'ika Rekha says he is a good man, that the organization, The Galactic Alliance may have the forces to go against the Sith. She trusts him, but he doesn't know her connection to us. And what I am going to propose to him, or ask of him is a huge step. But there may be places for us among them. But, even with all that, your voice needs to be heard here too."

She smiled and then looked at the kids who were standing quietly, their attentiveness at this age told her one thing force sensitive.

"Let's not forget what they get from you" She nodded keeping hold of his arm as they walked down the gangplank to meet with [member="Coren Starchaser"].
He looked out across the landscape. Well, not really a landscape, the base was subterranean, near the lava flows that made Sullust distinct. He hated it here. He needed to be in the skies, among the stars. Visiting them all, and ensuring everyone who had the means, had the safety to travel without fear of pirates or other scoundrels. He knew the ship, the Thranta had arrived in the local space and had made his way to the turbolift.

From there, the pilot, dressed in military fatigues as there was no way he was going to be caught dead in Jedi robes. As far as he was from them, or the Sith. The fact the former group was the rival of the latter? It made them just as dangerous, and as much as Nemo Ven, the Alliance Surpreme Military Commander didn’t realize it, Coren was watching the Jedi, just waiting for them to trip up.

And they were capturing Sith instead of eliminating them. They really needed to christen their new space prison.

But that had nothing to do with today’s meeting. He was meeting with people who had a proposition regarding healthcare. That was surely something to consider. He didn’t know much about medical needs, short of his time in Imperial logistics.

When the boarding ramp opened, the pilot snapped to attention, couldn’t look like a slouch in front of guests. "Welcome to Sullust." Don't get caught in the lava flows.

[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Ordo"]

Rianna gave her best smile, "Thank you for extending the hospitality, you must be Commander Starchaser. I am Rianna Ar'klim-Organa, and this is my riduur, Field Marshall Ordo" Rianna moved with an elegant grace reflecting years of practice.

"We have heard a great many things about the Alliance, I am hoping that this meeting will bring about one more great thing" Her dark eyes sparkled with sincerity, while she radiated warmth and calm. Just as she was to take another step there were two tiny giggles,

"Oh yes" She looked back, "Our children, Maeve and Dral they are...learning" The two nodded, and then as if on cue and in unison, "Su'cuy gar!" Rianna could feel their enthusiasm. She turned back to the Commander, "I hope you do not mind their presence."
Hospitality, Coren was pulled from the war rooms for this. Right now though, his style of combat wasn’t being used. Ven was working on securing the planets that the Alliance had recently claimed. It didn’t help that Coren was looking to start the war up right now. But that would come, the Sith and Empires would fall. Not until Pellaeon returned form the grave would Coren serve in any Empire that wasn’t of his own making. It was what the Warbirds were looking for, and for now, the Alliance would be the closest thing.

“Welcome to Sullust.” He smiled, restating himself. “It’s a pleasure to have you here. Not often we see Mandos coming to our neck of nowhere.” Or, well, the center of the future galactic power. “They’re fine. And you’ve been hearing about us? All good things, I hope?”

He offered a smile before directing the group inside. There would be an office set aside, terminals for the holonet and chairs for a meeting to occur in. He was looking forward to hearing what they had to say.

[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]

He stood beside Rianna and was every bit as awed by her beautiful voice and warm nature as he had been all those years ago. His thick fingers flexed as he waited and then he began counting ships that he knew. It was not his favorite thing, to not see the sky, but he'd seen worse. They had ships at least and he loved those almost as much as he loved his family, almost.

He watched the man closely while he introduced himself and directed them inside.

'Not his favorite either. ' Ordo thought as he poked the twins and gave them "the look". They quickly fell in line to their family formation as they followed Commander Starchaser.

"Mostly good." Ordo replied to the man, "May have heard a thing about one of yours kissing sith instead of killing them, but people say a lot of things."

Ordo knew a Starchaser, Merik maybe, but that was a while ago too. With luck this one was the better of the two.
[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Ordo"]

"I have heard only good things, course I must have missed the Sith kissing thing" Or perhaps Rekha decided not to share it, at any rate. Rianna moved into the office an ever watchful eye on the two little ones who once given the word from the buir became the apex of good behavior.

The room was designed specifically for meetings it was not warm, nor was it cold it just was. Rianna found herself standing more than sitting she looked at Ordo first, and then back to Coren.

She had been born to be a diplomat, her upbringing her schooling, even her training as a Jedi called for a demeanor and calm that diplomats needed. However the curse upon her family to say what they meant with little embellishment plagued her.

She watched Coren and thought about her choice of words, "We have a wonderful facility on Mandalore called the Canderous Ordo Medical Center." Anyone knowing their history could see the irony in the name.

"The Alliance seeks to unite everyone across the galaxy, is this correct? Or am I being too simple?" She could do that too, make something monumental sound every day.
Well, that meant he Public Relations teams were doing their job. Coren was here to help fix the galaxy, being nice was only a secondary objective. He needed to clear the dark side, especially the Sith, from at least the local area. He could protect a certain number of worlds, but what he wanted was to protect the entire galaxy. He’d get there, the Alliance would get there, but he couldn’t do it alone, even he was man enough to admit that.

“Yeah, we’ve had our shares of ups and downs, but we’re taking our precautions, fixing our training. The Military isn’t having such issues, not on my watch.” Coren nodded at [member="Ordo"]. The trick for Coren was getting away from the ‘shadow’ that his nephew had left on the galaxy. With Coren being the patriarch, but having done the time in carbonite, it was hard to make it shown how the Starchaser family should be seen across the galaxy.

“We’re doing our best to unite the peoples of the galaxy, that’s true. We’re working to remove the stain the Sith have left. I understand that the Mandos are working with the Silver Coalition, is that correct?” Coren wanted to make this work, he needed more people on his team. “Our major goal is to provide a protection force for the worlds and factions under our umbrella, second to that, or first, if you’re me, is to eliminate the dark side, starting with the Sith.

"Is it a military hospital?"

[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]
[member="Rianna Ar'klim"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Ordo took a seat and folded his hands over his abdomen plates as he leaned back. Military hospital?

"We're Mandalorians, Commander, our dirt is military." Ordo said calmly, "By that I mean it is strong, defensible and has Mandalorian security teams on site for emergency, but everyone get seen."

He looked at Rianna finally catching himself and let the twins crawl up on his lap.

"Rianna can tell you more specifics, I just ensure securuty of my people."

Ordo liked what he was hearing about the sith. He had seen what the dark side did to a person up close. It ruined lives and that simply would not fly. Corek was a warrior and a commander, two things Ordo understood all too well, he trusted him.
[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Ordo"]

Rianna was glad to hear the words spoken by Coren, and by Ordo. Ordo's own voice had been silent too long in the ways of the galaxy and she for one hoped that he would continue to grow in this again.

"It is a hospital for everyone, I would like to have a world that is dedicated to healing, cutting edge technology, and be open to everyone. that is one reason why I'm here, also my sister is Queen of Alderaan, and is currently moving many refugees to a planet named Aldera." With all this said so quickly and once again her tactfulness having fallen to the wayside.

"Do you know if the Alliance would have interest in any of this?"

She reached over for Ordo's hand, she may be a Jedi, and a healer but the comfort of her riduur's hand provided a strength that only the bond between them provided. "Or what would we have to do to encourage the Alliance to consider a medical world? Or to have interest in Alderaan or Aldera?"
Working with this whole diplomacy side of thought and helping the Alliance out in this way was very new to him. Not new like the first time he learned to fly, but new like the first time he learned to dance. Coren was a lot more rigid than most people, unless he was behind the controls of starships. But the Mandos, it all was about who Coren spoke to. Some were better than others, and he knew there was at least One Sith in their lines.

Looking to the man, [member="Ordo"], Coren nodded. “That sounds like my kind of hospital.” Offering a grin, he took the next statement with a nod. So, Rianna was the brains behind this team? Not that he was going to doubt the man, never doubt a Mando until they’re heart has given out, was Coren’s philosophy.

“Aldera? Not familiar with it.” Of course he skips around, that was a planet, or system, or something. That was going to grab his interest. The man nodded though. “And a cutting edge healing center? Definitely something we’d be in the interest of supporting, and protecting.

“Isn’t Alderaan in the Republic, though? We can help protect the world, but we don’t want to step on the toes of our allies.”

Or friends.


[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]
"Alderaan is in the Republic, and Aldera is also in Republic space. But is there harm in inviting the Alliance to come visit, look around...but the hospital that is my main concern. It has never been done before and it is a grand venture"

She smiled she knew [member="Ordo"] would always support her he knew her calling was healing, "I'd like to find a world within GA space to build, and if possible have others recognize it as neutral territory."

Now that might be a bit tricky. Neutral terrority.

"Do you think that is possible?" She was a bit of a dreamer, she knew this. too.

What would [member="Coren Starchaser"] think of that?

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