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A Heinous Crime; Glorious Outcome


News They Don't Want Heard
Note: No, I don't have a bio set up yet, but I have to do a dev thread for my species before it can be approved, and there's no point in writing a bio for my species if it doesn't get approved, so I am ONLY doing a dev thread until such a time as the species is approved, and then I will do a bio before I do any other RPing.

"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day one of the Taskai experiment.

"We have taken approximately one hundred women aboard the Vesper, all human, for the first stage of the experiment. All of these women are low-life's and some of them are in very poor physical condition. Ironically our experiments might actually make them healthier than having left them alone. None of them are truly aware of what's going on here. They've been promised food and shelter, along with medical care, and all we've asked in return is that they bear children. None of them seemed too bothered by that.

"Dr. Menfizo and Dr. An have begun the process of collecting the donors eggs. It's a painless process, and we haven't had any complaints so far. It seems that our experiment might actually go off without a hitch. That's more than could likely be said for some of the other experiments aboard this ship. Needless to say, I don't venture off of this level unless I have to.

"While the good doctors are collecting the donor eggs, I've been busy collecting the fertilization matter from a bunch of Piluvian Salamanders. Squirmy as they are, they don't much like being separated from their brethren. They always travel in packs, which will be good for the Taskai if the experiment actually proves to be a success. Regardless, this is our first experiment in crossing the DNA of a sentient species with that of a non-sentient one. The outcome might not even be stable, but our hypothesis is that it will. So long as the eggs divide before they're implanted everything should work well.

"Ahh. Here come the other Doctor's. They'll need my help now. End log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day three of the Taskai experiment.

"Several failures in the fertilization of eggs. A few of the eggs were dead. The donors have been eliminated from the candidate pool as a result. Nobody will miss them. In some other case, the binding hasn't worked naturally and we've been forced to artificially induce the eggs with the salamander DNA. This has shown the highest rate of success amongst the two methods and we have since gone to using only this method to ensure proper fertilization of the eggs. There is no room for a large amount of failures in this experiment.

"At present, all eggs have been fertilized and have begun dividing. This is promising indeed. We've added a stimulant growth hormone to encourage the DNA to combine rapidly and the cells to divide at a higher rate than would be normal in most humans. Dr. Menfizo is currently working with a series of techs to implant the eggs back into their donors. We are not switching the eggs between the donors at this time for fear that their bodies may reject the eggs if similar human DNA to their own isn't found to be partially present. This was Dr. An's idea and I agreed with him. We have to minimize the risks of failure at all costs.

"We've had a visit from the director and he seemed pleased with the success of our work. He's offered additional funding should the hosts produce successful offspring. We expect full gestation within six to nine months, depending on how the growth hormone takes hold.

"I am greatly excited to see the outcome of this experiment. It will be the first time we've engineered a new species based on our own. I must go and see how Dr. Menfizo is doing. End log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day two hundred and three of the Taskai experiment.

"Not a single miscarriage. We've managed to keep everyone healthy, safe, and relaxed throughout this experiment thanks to the funding we've received and the steady supply of necessary goods from the home base. Needless to say, we're very pleased with how things have come along so far. All of the sonograms have shown healthy children growing within each host. We've been interested to see that the physiology appears very human, but there are definite differences in the formation of the cranium. It has a shape that is unnatural to humans, with protrusions that resemble that of the salamander. It is most curious.

"Dr. An let me know a few minutes ago that the first host has gone into labor. We knew the growth hormone was working when the hosts started showing much earlier than normal. Given the first birth should happen within the next day, it is indeed curious as to whether data will point out a gestation period of seven months or whether this is a premature birth. According to the analysis done by the medical droids, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the fetus. It could simply be a natural birth cycle.

"I think that- What? Oh really? Already? How exciting! I'll be right there! Alright, I have to cut the log off. The first Taskai has been born and I need to go and see it! End log Alpha-1!"


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day two hundred and forty-seven of the Taskai experiment.

"Of the original total of one hundred hosts that we took on, six were disqualified due to eggs that failed to be viable. As of today, the remaining ninety-four have given birth to the first Taskai this galaxy have ever seen. They are absolutely stunning. They possess human traits in their physiology. In fact, their anatomy is very similar to that of their human counterparts. Two legs, two arms, no tail, two eyes, a nose, the same reproductive organs. We expected more deviations than what we've seen so far.

"Interestingly enough, their skin is very thin. The majority of them are a base green or blue color, with a few other base colors mixed into the bunch. There is one that's actually completely black with little flecks of silver in the skin. Only one, though. We believe this to be a subset within the species, much like albinoism in humans. The child is still beautiful by all standards.

"There are other deviations as well. They possess gills like the salamanders did, and we suspect that they are functioning. The Taskai may be able to survive under water as well as outside of it. Truly remarkable. They possess no exterior ears, but they have ridges above their gills that also house their sound receptors. We know they are able to hear us because of feeble responses to our calls, but we have yet to hear a single one of them cry or make any other audible sound. We were concerned that they didn't have the capability of making sounds, but examinations proved that not to be the case. They are merely very quiet. I know some of the staff, and the mothers, are very happy about that.

"In addition to these modifications, the third and fourth digit on each hand is fused together. I suspect this is to allow them to swim more swiftly, but that's a hypothesis I won't be able to test out for a substantial amount of time.

"The mothers are rather fond of the Taskai children. None of them have rejected them for not being human. This is good news for them, as they'll need the nourishment a mother provides if they are to survive. Eventually they'll be parted from their human mothers so that they can develop into their own functional species, but not until they've been weened off their mothers milk, and that will take some time yet. As promised we've received additional funding from the director, and we're using it to purchase equipment to test the children as they grow.

"This is a truly remarkable test. I cannot wait to study their growth cycle. For now I must sleep. I've gotten so little of it lately. End log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three of the Taskai experiment.

"All of the children are now at the age of a rough human equivalent of seven. They are all healthy and continue to grow at a normal pace for them, which would be advanced for humans. We're excited to say that we've figured out why they weren't much for crying when they were babies. They have an advanced node in their brains which allows for telepathic communication. It is remarkable. We didn't hear them because the telepathy only works between themselves for the most part.

"We've noticed a few that are able to speak to us telepathically. Dr. An believes that these individuals possess the gift of the Force. I'm inclined to believe he's correct as that's the only explanation for the projection of speech into another mind without the use of some form of technology.

"The children possess a rather abnormal curiosity, even for children. We've had to struggle to keep track of all of them on the ship because they keep wandering off. We've found them on other floors messing with the experiments of some of the other doctors simply because they didn't know what they were and they wanted to know. A human child, though curious, would be unlikely to venture far from the rest of their family unless lured by some treat or a gift. These children are simply curious.

"On the note of the family, we've finally weened them now. They took to mother's milk longer than we expected them to, but they aren't human so it's not surprising they would be at least slightly different. The mother's have been removed from the situation. The director jettisoned them into space outside several days ago. We won't have to worry about them telling people where the Taskai came from. The children don't seem to mind at this point. They've formed their own little groups of playmates and have taken to doing things together. They seem to favor groups of three, and the majority of the groups are two females and one male.

"At this point we've begun testing their mental capabilities. Physical will come next. I should go see how Dr. Menfizo is faring with the testing. Eng log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-two of the Taskai experiment.

"We've now had our first death in the experiment. Ch-Kai was reading a book when he began complaining that his eyes couldn't focus properly. We took him to medical, and quickly determined that something was wrong with his brain. Portions of it had gone completely dark, and we noticed that the darkness was spreading throughout the brain. Nothing we tried seemed to stem the effects of the attack, and soon enough Ch-Kai had no mental faculty left. He was alive, but he didn't do anything or respond to us. Eventually he died because we couldn't spend the time to take care of him.

"Several others are sick with the same disease that took Ch-Kai away. We've quarantined the healthy ones in case this disease is transmissible, and we've asked the director to get us some better medications so that we can try anything and everything before we deem the disease incurable. He said he would try, but our supply lines keep getting attacked by bands of marauders of late, and supplies have been few and far between.

"In the meantime we shall tr and keep the others healthy and tend to the sick enough to make them comfortable, but we won't waste any of the drugs that we currently have available on them. No doubt we will lose most all of the ill Taskai to this, significant loses to their genetic pool, but it must be done.

"This worries me, but we will persevere. End log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day eight thousand nine hundred and seventy of the Taskai experiment.

"While cooped up in the quarantine zone something remarkable happened. As we watched via camera feed, several of the triad groups discovered their mating drives. Of course this also proved somewhat violent as the female pair in the triad attacked each other in an effort to mar each other so that the male would pick the less marred one. This was rather violent and blood. Dr. An wanted to stop it, but I said no, that we shouldn't interfere with the process of natural selection. In the end he agreed.

"The male chose the prettiest female in the bunch and mated with her. At such time, the other female was not left out, as the impregnated female would often spend quality time with her. It seems that after the initial mating sequence is over, they go back to being very close. Dr. Menfizo and I believe this is due to the release of a specific hormone in their brains that overpowers their normal sensibilities, and only seems to happen when they are, for lack of a better term, in heat. The females feel the affects at the same age, and fight each other, mate, and then go back to their normal routine with the exception of the fact that the male becomes ostracized in the bedroom after the mating.

"It certainly is a strange practice, but the natural selection process ensures that only the strong will survive. Now we have several pregnant females to take care of, and we anticipate a seven month gestation. The only downside is, we may not have the nourishment necessary to sustain them as our supply lines continue to fail to arrive. Very troubling.

"I must go and give a report to the director. End log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-two of the Taskai experiment.

"We've had a revolt. The Taskai managed to break out of their cell and beat back many of the guards that were sent in to try and subdue them. Their strength is rather remarkable, as is their agility. I've never seen anything like it. Of course we lost a few guards in the process, but that's the dangers of working this job. They accepted that fact when they accepted their contract offers. Not my responsibility or care. Regardless, they weren't getting up for the most part, especially since lethal force was forbidden.

"Interestingly enough, when they broke free, all of the triads came together and conversed. Then a single Triad, a new one, came forward to us while all of the others watched. We were somewhat curious about this, but it seemed that they had now formed a governing body. This new triad, they called themselves the Triumvirate, had a list of demands for the way they were being treated. They wanted to stop being isolated, and they wanted free reign to roam the ship. Of course we couldn't grant that last one because it was too dangerous and we explained that to them. We didn't want them to die.

"They said it seemed that we didn't care if they died or not, since so many had died to the disease. We said we couldn't stop it. It was foreign to us and we had no methodology for ending it. Only now have we discovered that the disease is in fact a virus that attacks the still developing receptors in the brain that spark the Taskai going into their reproductive cycle. Eventually they accepted this. We offered them free reign of the current level of the ship, but indicated that if any were found on other levels they would be isolated once again. They accepted this and went back to their usual activities.

"Truly remarkable creatures. We asked for the ability to create a pool for them, but the director said it wasn't going to happen. The last supply ship arrived over a month ago and we haven't seen one since. Either the marauders are getting close or the home base has stopped funding us.

"Either option is worrisome. End log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day nine thousand one hundred and ninety-two of the Taskai experiment.

"The second generation of Taskai have all been born. Each is healthy. As predicted, the mother that was of the black skinned variety provided another black-skinned female. We believe that all black-skinned females will provide black-skinned females. We have yet to see a black-skinned male, after all. The babies are all fine and healthy. We've begun the process of giving the mothers extra nourishment to ensure that the babies are well fed. Interestingly, the males seem to take less interest in the children. The female pair in each Triad is acting as both parents.

"We've been alerted by the home base that they haven't cut off funding for the Vesper. Apparently someone leaked word of the experiments going on here. The marauders aren't real marauders, they're a liberation front that's actively pursuing us in an effort to destroy the experiments on the ship. This is very dangerous news. We've left the Taskai largely to their own devices of late, but now Dr. An, Dr. Menfizo and myself have begun planning an evacuation route if it becomes needed.

"We cannot let the Taskai be destroyed. This is our life's work finally realized. No other experiment of ours, the combination of sentient and non-sentient DNA, has worked to this effect before. We cannot afford to lose them now, even if we ourselves perish.

"The Triumvirate is asking for another meeting with us to go over the evacuation plan so that they can ensure everyone is ready. At this point the Triumvirate is made up of the black-skinned female, another female, and a male. Both females are the dominant females from their home triumvirates and the male produced twins with his partner. Very interesting, but I'm afraid that we don't have time to study these dynamics at the moment.

"I must get to this meeting. End log Alpha-1."


News They Don't Want Heard
"Log Alpha-1. Doctor Seren speaking. Notes of day nine thousand one hundred and ninety-eight of the Taskai experiment.

"This is going to be the final entry in this log. The Vesper is currently under attack by the liberation group that's been hunting us. They're aggressive but they're deliberately not destroying the ship. The shields are down, but our guns are still trying to hold them off. The engines are in gear but they've knocked out our hyperdrive. We have no way of escaping them at the moment, which means the Taskai are in danger. In order to ensure that our research isn't found and run rampant with, I'll be sending it with one of the triads when we send them off.

"Our evacuation plan requires one triad in each escape pod in order to ensure that the majority of them make it free of the attackers. Each pod has been targeted for a different nearby system which we know has a substantial technological level. We can only hope, at this point, that they will be accepting of the Taskai and that most of them will survive the ordeal.

"We've loaded them all into the pods. I'll be launching them as soon as the attackers board us. I'm afraid that they'll start shooting the pods if I launch them too soon. This is very sad. I don't want to see them go, as I was rather enjoying spending time with them. They're such a curious species. They want to know everything, even their own creation. Well, at least one group of them will know if they listen to the logs.

"This is Dr. Seren signing off on log Alpha-1 permanently. Good luck, Taskai. End log Alpha-1."

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