Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech A Helping Hand

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  • Classification: Dagger
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Extremely Light.
  • Lightsaber resistant, easy to conceal, folding knife
  • Singing a protective song - As the knife is made out of songsteel, the blade is able to withstand strikes from lightsabers.
    Flick Danger! Flick Danger Gone! - As the knife has a folding mechanic, whilst also being quite light, it is quite easy to hide on your person.
  • It's a knife - The knife doesn't come with any fancy lightsaber like cutting power. It can only cut what a typical blade could cut, with near enough any form of armour being enough to stop an attack
    Lock is key - Like any folding knife, the mechanic used to keep it locked in place can be broken which would make it far more difficult to use in a fight.
After Iko's incident with pirates on a freighter with his friends, the young lad realised that having a weapon that was quick and easy to deploy would be a lifesaver, in the literal sense. Whilst that is the case, he believed that as he has the Force, he doesn't necessarily require the weapon for himself, so instead he made it for a friend who is rapidly growing dear to him. Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell . As a somewhat experienced smith, the young lad went to work making something that would be both strong enough to withstand your regular thug or pirates weaponry, whilst also being light enough for someone not trained in combat to use. Using the material from some of his previous projects alongside asking (well, practically begging) his father to give him enough credits to get the nova crystal needed for decoration, Iko was thus able to come up with this knife!...Though the name is currently a work in progress, he has for now deemed it as his own little helping hand to give to his friend.

It was a one of a kind that he has made, having spend more time than usual on this project. Whilst Iko can accept one of his creations breaking on him, he could not even bare to think of the idea of the knife breaking for Persephone. Alongside that, it had to be somewhat pretty which was difficult for Iko to actually figure out, considering he believed all weapons had their own appeal to them which is where the idea of using the crystal came from, incorporating it into the handle so that someone like Persephone who he thinks he has a taste for the finer things in life, would be quite fond of it!

Then at the end of all of his work, Iko was able to make something he was actually proud of. It was something that had a purpose. Something that could defend a friend when he couldn't. Or when he wasn't there, which with the state of the galaxy was a possibility.

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