Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A House Divided

The void of space, decorated by the shimmering stars of far off systems, a perfect backdrop for the meeting that was to take place...
A flash of light, brilliant in its effect, though marking the arrival of the vessel. Its lumbering construct pulling from hyperspace as it dropped back into real space. Though its size was perfect for what was needed, and more often than naught, the guise of a diplomatic mission seemed protection enough. After all, that is why she was there, not for any true dedication to a side, rather to aide where she could.
The woman remained silent, her golden hues falling upon the worlds of the system before her, the view screen pulling up the read out of those worlds that had been pulled into orbit around the star known as Mandalore.
Bringing her hand up, she lightly pressed a button before her, pulling up the messaging system as a soft smirk crossed her lips. Her golden hues shifting from the image of the Mandalore System to the message as a soft breath was drawn in. After a few moments a simple sigh escaped her lips before she nodded to herself, and thus began to dictate a message to the computer system.
"Mia Monroe... While I personally have no stake in the events surrounding Mandalore, I do not believe that the Death Watch is the appropriate, nor rightful replacement to any such government. If this Civil War between your people is to be won, then aide must be given... My vessel is waiting at the edge of the Mandalore System... I have a proposal for you."
With that she lightly pressed the button once more, the computer flashing for a moment. Looking at the read out, she nodded to herself before pressing the send button. Even if she hadn't chosen a side, her very act of aiding this Mia Monroe would be seen by many as doing just that.
Pivoting upon her hind foot, she smirked to herself as her golden hues fell upon them, the two women waiting. Stepping forward, the two quickly pulled themselves into an attention form, only stepping back when a simple nod from Amelia was given. Stepping forward, she slipped down into her seat, lightly leaning forward as she spoke to herself.
"And now we wait..."
[member="Mia Monroe"]

Mia Monroe

The doctor had told her firmly after he'd dug the bullet out of her lungs that she should avoid all strenuous activity, else she risked ripping open the stitching and suffering from internal bleeding that would kill her. Mia had laughed at him. They were at war a war that had started because of her and a war she would end one way or the other. Ra's condemnation of the force had brought more to her side, she'd secured a clone army of fifty thousand strong and now?

Now something else was about t be laid upon the table, help from beyond Mandalore, from sympathisers in the galaxy that knew what the Death Watch stood for and condemned it. she'd take all the help she could get. The Liberty's Veil de-cloaked before [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]'s ship no doubt alarming the crew. Mia flicked open a comm channel to them.

"This is Mia Monroe, Captain of the Veil. Requesting permission to dock?"
Golden hues watched as the vessel decloaked, a small smirk crossing her lips as she sat quietly, before a slender finger pressed the comms buttoned at her desk. A moment of quiet filled the air before her voice would finally ring out over the system. Her command superseding anything else that would be sent to the vessel, after all, this meeting was something she wanted to be done quietly and quickly.
"Permission granted... Welcome aboard the Tasgetius..."
The message would cut out as the woman brought her hand up, slowly pulling herself up from the seat, she moved towards the heavy doors of the office. The loud hiss sounding out as they opened, the woman slipping pass and into the hall with grace. Her footfalls were soon sounding through the darkened corridors, the lights kept dim for her own and the sake of others of her kind on the vessel. Following at her heels were the droids, two of the Danica models marching in unison with her own footfalls.
Stopping just before the hanger bay, she stood quietly, her golden hues watching the door for a moment before she let out a soft sigh. Stepping forward the doors slipped open, creaking slightly as she stepped into the hanger bay. Her golden hues falling upon the vessel as she stood quietly at the top of the steps. The two droids stepping into the bay and standing on either side of the door.
[member="Mia Monroe"]

Mia Monroe

Mia limped down the landing ramp of the Veil, her buy'ce clipped to her belt her and her eyes scanning her surroundings, assessing the risks like any soldier would. She drew the force around her, easing the pain in her side. Not enough for it to disappear completely, but enough that it was less of a distraction. Eyes lifted to where her host stood waiting. She didn't know this woman or this ship. Hell for all she knew, she could be walking into a trap but it was worth the risk.

Cold grey eyes found those golden hues and Mia approached, eyeing the woman and her escort suspiciously. "You're the first aruetii to take an interest in this war. Most are content to leave us be. Why do you care?"

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"I have my own reasons to ensure that the Mandalorians remain a society of clans and not of a single dictator..."
The woman stepped to one side, her left arm coming up and extending towards the doors. Her golden hues remaining upon her guest before she would pivot and move towards the doors. The two escorts with her likewise pivoting to move with the other two women. A small smirk crossed her lips as she stepped forward, closing her eyes for a moment before her golden hues flared open once more.
"There is an important point though that must be made. Whatever we discuss here today, whatever aid or otherwise offers of security that I grant upon you are just that, an agreement between yourself and I. The Free Worlds Coalition has nothing to do with my overture towards you, as I am sure that members of the Royal Family would rather see the Death Watch in power."
Amelia brought her hands together in front of her clasping them together as the doors hissed open while they moved down the hall. Of course having noticed her guest's limp, she had slowed her own pace, keeping to short strides to match the woman's slow gait.
"I need you to understand that, that any aid is coming directly from Sorenn-Syrush Industries..."
[member="Mia Monroe"]

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