Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Coruscant, Level 3204
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Morrigan Jeth Morrigan Jeth


Jax stepped inside the empty building taking a look at the remains of an empty diner. He could feel the memories that still resided inside of the building, memories of laughter, love, loss, anger, joy, and overall happiness. When Jax bought the building and land that surrounded it, the people who were selling wasn't sure who it belonged to just that it remained uninhabited for centuries. "Whatever this place was," Jax said to himself. "It was a place that bought great memories."

Before his self-exile, Jax expressed a desire to start his own business. Being a Jedi was who Jax was, but there will come a time where Jax may decide to retire from the Jedi life. As crazy as retiring was, Jairdain Jairdain planted the seeds of starting a business in Jax's mind. As he got older, Jax did have the desire to act on his passions and start creating revenue from it, yet he didn't find the time to do so. He only received meager earnings as a Jedi, a stimulus package at best so saving up to get the finances necessary to start a business was an uphill battle. Thankfully, Jair and Caltin chipped in before Jax disappeared after Teta. Now that Jax returned to Alliance, it was time act on his desire to start a business, particularly a Pizza Parlor.

Jax loved Pizza and saw that it was easier to open up a food restaurant compared to a Podracing engineer business. The latter required a lot more capital and besides, Jax made connections with Alderaanian chefs back when he was a Watchman for Alderaan and they helped get a spot on Level 3204 where many Alderaanians reside. "Time to get to work," Jax muttered bending down and grabbing a paint brush.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Coruscant was just as described in the training materials.... in every way including the smells. Morrigan kept herself from pinching her nose while she walked... this was not Avalonis, this was not even the Witch city that they trained in. Coruscant was the center of the galaxy and civilization that they were supposed to protect... well the other jedi. The Children of the Jedi had been driven from the galaxy by the people they served.... but that hadn't stopped them. THe Silver jedi had discovered the world of Peridea, had found them and brought some of them back here... and they explored. HEr white hair and scars making her stand out among some of the jedi as well as her size but she rarely interacted with other jedi that were not in the children or the silvers.

"So why am I here?" She asked looking at the map she had been given by Elizabeth.... the unofficial leader in some ways for their expedition party she had made it to master and was teaching the others but also updating them. The chance that they might learn more was always there... and Coruscant was a place you could do a lot of good as you went deeper down onto the levels. She stood there and looked at some of the people while her eyes fell on an old building and she could feel the force was there... which was saying something this far down.. the jedi didn't seem to do much aside from on the surface levels where the sunlight and politicians were. Her breath came out and the idea of a building filtering the air was more welcoming when she went towards it. SOmeone was there with a brush as she looked at him. "Hello."


Location: Coruscant
Equipment: Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Morrigan Jeth Morrigan Jeth

Jax immediately sensed a strong presence in the Force and turned around to see a young ashen haired woman exploring the empty building. He didn't sense any nefarious intent but she looked just as confused as he was. "Hello there," Jax smiled. "You seem lost."

The Force was strong in her that much Jax knew the question is she aware of it or not. "I take it you're for the grand opening?" Jax snickered. "Well you're here a little early. It'll be months before we open."

The Jedi Master dipped his paint brush into the paint jar and walked towards the woman. "My name is Jax Thio," he said. "I bought this land and I'm planning a building a Pizza place. May I ask who you are? And what you're doing here?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Pizza..... She looked at the man who was speaking and she turned to look at the building. "I have no idea what pizza is and why I am here depends on many things." She said it standing there. "The will of the force likely put me here, but we were told to go out and explore and visiting what is considered the center of the galaxy and civilization is supposed to teach one a lot." She said it looking at him and the paint. She could feel the force from him and rolled her shoulders. "I am Morrigan of the Children of the Jedi." She said it less as a title of status and more as something that should be known... the Children were well among themselves all regarded as importance. the Altisians caring for fostering bloodlines and force dynasties.

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