Aethan Tannan
...the pathways of darkness leading through the abyss hadn't lead him anywhere he had wanted in the end. It just so happened that rumors circulating through the galaxy were what lead him to the Companion Esk system; rumors about new hyperlanes that were discovered and foreign worlds that needed exploring. The Tachyon Class Light Freighter came over the world classified as SE-3 which for all intensive purposes seemed a relatively stable planet that supported lift. Inside the cockpit of the Light Freighter a hand would punch several keys on one of the terminals and wait for a readout of information to come up which read...
[Planet Designation: SE-3
Atmosphere: Breatheable
Technology Level: Bronze Age
Common Species: Epicanthix
A Planet of forrests and shamanistic force traditions. At least one main city.]
...there was other information but the majority of it seemed to be rumor and conjecture at this point seeing as how SE-3 was unexplored by the galaxy at large as far as he knew but several things stood out. Bronze Age technology? Apparently the local populace was miles behind the modern galaxy however he had heard that many of the planets located in Companion Esk had a limited range of technology likely due to their isolation. They still had their own force traditions though which should prove interesting...
..."Once more into the breach old friend."...the words escaped Aethan's mouth before he reached up to place a hand over the console and begin to guide the Light Freighter towards the atmosphere of the planet for insertion. There was a moment when the thought of the relics he could discover threatened to overwhelm him however with a smile painting itself across his features Aethan would only muse in silence at to what discoveries he could make here on this uncharted world...
...the Tachyon Class Light Freighter banked and then started its descent where it would soon become engulfed in flames as it pierced the outter layers of the atmosphere and started to push through...
[Planet Designation: SE-3
Atmosphere: Breatheable
Technology Level: Bronze Age
Common Species: Epicanthix
A Planet of forrests and shamanistic force traditions. At least one main city.]
...there was other information but the majority of it seemed to be rumor and conjecture at this point seeing as how SE-3 was unexplored by the galaxy at large as far as he knew but several things stood out. Bronze Age technology? Apparently the local populace was miles behind the modern galaxy however he had heard that many of the planets located in Companion Esk had a limited range of technology likely due to their isolation. They still had their own force traditions though which should prove interesting...
..."Once more into the breach old friend."...the words escaped Aethan's mouth before he reached up to place a hand over the console and begin to guide the Light Freighter towards the atmosphere of the planet for insertion. There was a moment when the thought of the relics he could discover threatened to overwhelm him however with a smile painting itself across his features Aethan would only muse in silence at to what discoveries he could make here on this uncharted world...
...the Tachyon Class Light Freighter banked and then started its descent where it would soon become engulfed in flames as it pierced the outter layers of the atmosphere and started to push through...