Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A-huntin' we will go

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
What Marek Starchaser needed to do was get off his arse and get to work. He had so much going on in the business side of life, that he wasn't taking time to do what he needed to do, for himself. There was the slugthrower he carried, and really, hadn't used often enough in combat to warrant an issue. However, now that he was running around as a self-proclaimed and at least partially Master-Apprentice trained Sith Lord, it was time to get working on perfecting the weapon.

Right now, he was armed with knowledge from Rave Merrill, some back-room training and the manuals for alchemy, and pointed in the direction of the terentatek. And that was sending him to Dromund Kaas, on the border of Mandalorian Space. Hopefully they'd not be too bothered, he was just shooting in and out, and the Force was going to be the last thing he was going to call on excessively.

Walking the wet world was more of a comfort than walking Korriban, the desert. He preferred this one a lot more. Armed with the viridian saber and his new armor, still unfinished, but awaiting upgrades, the Sith Lord was walking the grounds, a slugthrower on his hip, saber in his right hand, at the ready.

"Come out, come out..."

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
It was pretty simple, in theory, hunt one of those monsters down, kill it, alchemize its horn before it was too late, and get back to the forge he had the recently purchased Alndys-class craft. It would be there that he would reassemble his firearm, the one that was built from an ancestral lightsaber. It'd be all sorts of easy once that happened to avoid having to lose the weapon to the Force. Lightsabers, sure, the gun wasn't going to be unstoppable, merely his. And he was going to make sure no Jedi could take it from him.

Maybe he'd invest in Phrik bullets... That was a concept to toy with. The Starchaser grinned as he reached out to the Force.

The ship he had was nice, it was nice to keep it around the Bright Star, and really, the Wanderer was the perfect place for him to go to meetings and bring meetings to him. But that wasn't what he was worried about. And why was he being all sorts of separated in his head?

He came here alone so when he reached out with the Force, it was only he and the world he'd contend with. Smiling to himself, he continued in the direction he could feel the Terentateks in. Time to get to work. Too bad Mrrew wasn't here, but this was a personal hunt for the Sith.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
A short walk and reaching out with the Force was what attracted it. And that took Marek by storm. He could hear it, and even then he didn't believe it. Waiting for it to charge, he knew he was going to have to use the Force to survive, he'd fight it the old fashioned way. When he felt it in the Force, he rolled, enhancing his physical prowess as best he could, which for him, well, that was just boosting it to the peak of the human condition.

He should get upgraded. He'd have to talk to Neuro Saav.

Still, rolling and turning, he used the Force to hurl a moderately sized boulder at the beast, it only shattering and angering the terentatek further. Terrific. Marek shook his head and activated his lightsaber. The viridian blade coming to life to cast its greenish glow around the area, and fill the air with the hum.

Now it was time.

The Starchaser holocron filled him with knowledge of Ataru. And he was using that. The Force, and his telekinesis throwing him through jumps and spins as he stabbed and cut away at the armor of the beast. While his writer isn't the best for lightsaber combat, hence writing primarily as a gunslinger and a pilot, this battle needed to be fought hand to hand, saber to claw. And that was how it went, Marek exhausting himself in the Force and physically. He was cut for cardio and not much strength, endurance was there, but pulling on the Force the way he was? Actively and completely? That was different for the Sith here. When the beast finally fell, Marek nodded.

A combination of the Force and telekinesis, he ripped the horn from the beast. This was going to be the grip of his enhanced slugthrower. Simple.

Now, the exhausted Sith was heading back to the Flow for time on the forge, with the Force, and then, once it was all over, with the bacta tank.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
He thought he had this all figured out. He made the kill, took the horn. Now he was humming a song and making his way back to the ship. Still tired, but hey, he was dirt side, so he had a song (come and get your love) stuck in his head. A few smaller creatures were starting to scurry here and there (hey, hey) and he never paid attention to that. Bad choice.

That was when the Force clicked in. The Sith Lord with a song in his step was now falling, instinctively to the ground.

Great. Another one. Grinning, the Sith was going to not mess around here. He was going to do just what he needed to, fight, and retreat. He wasn’t here to slay all these beasts, and right now? Nope, he didn’t have it in him. Activating the lightsaber, he used the Force to pull down two trees while backing away. “I’m not here to kill all of you.”

And the Milano ship was right there! Rolling over himself, and keeping the blade away from his body, he looked up. Right, running now.

“SeaDee start her up!” He hollered as he ran up the boarding ramp, looking back at the terentatek. Time to go as far from this world.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Feeling the thrum of the ship as it started up was one of the best feelings ever. It was like the feeling of getting in the water, Marek's favorite alchemical element. That was what it was. It was a feeling of home, and belonging. Letting himself lay on the cold, vibrating deck of the Flow he was taking his breath in and out, feeling the Force surround him. And enter him. He was calming down from the passion of survival and the need to be one step better than the terentatek. To the Force, now he was a beacon, one using its power, and he was going to funnel it into the crafting of something new.

Smiling, he slowly got up, one hand on the still warm horn, and the other on his slugthrower. Stepping up to the forge, he approached it like an old friend. The Starchaser holocron had taught him a fair bit about the uses for these forges, and he was using this one to repurpose the weapon.

As he sat down, he reached out to the Force, and surrounded the weapon. It was time. He slowly opened the chamber and expelled the six slugs from the weapon. Reaching out to the manual he was borrowing from [member="Rave"] Merill, Marek surrounded it in the Force, reaching to it with the dark side, the red tendrils of desire that he was using so often. This was the time.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
With the Force, the forge came to life. He could feel the heat of the flames kicking to life. Vibrating the molecules of the screws in the weapon, he was pulling pins from the weapon, disassembling it. The stock releasing the old wooden grip, the chamber for the shells popping off, the firing pin, the barrel. The bulk of the weapon now in pieces. It still had the feel of something beyond what it was. The feel of the ancestral Starchaser who crafted the parts of this weapon into a lightsaber.

But it also had the feel of some newer touches. The feel of the weapon it had become under his own grandfather, the pistol. The feeling from the manuals were filling the Starchaser with the knowledge, how to move the weapon parts into the fire, and what to focus on, how to push and prod the Force to strengthen the metals. And most importantly, how to reach the teretatek horn. How it was going to repel the Force, repel someone trying to move the gun from his own grip. This was the purpose of the re calibration of the weapon.

Shaping the metals in his mind, he was allowing them to heat and melt, and to resolidify.

This weapon was going to be an igneous mix of former lightsaber parts, ancient thoughts and new uses.

New requirements for the parts.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Like Marek, this weapon was a composition of everything it ever needed to be, and still focused towards the future. There was the passion, the need, the drive for it to be what it was going to be. It had to fill a new role, and it was going to do such. While Starchaser could use the Dark side fairly well, and with disastrous results when he needed to, it was too... expensive, it ccaused too much of a scene.

A gun, that was loud, precise, deadly. Clean.

It wasn't uncivilized, it wasn't wasteful, it went straight for its target, and with a gunslinger using the Force? That meant it was accurate, and was going to do some serious damage. He had the lightsaber, but that was tiresome, waiting, meeting, matching, overpowering an opponent. No, Marek had no desire to do that. Walk in and fire? That he could do.

This was a weapon of the dark side, and he knew just how to reach the weapon in the Force. Infuse the metals with the his vision, his desire, to bright order and cut through the riff raff of any battle. That was what this weapon was for.

So focused on the crafting, he never realized his ship had made it into hyperspace. Nor how long it was at light speed.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Sometime after the exit of hyperspace, the Flow found the Wanderer and was floating along side it, along the space lanes of the Mara Corridor, but close enough to the Tion Hegemony where Marek felt safe. This was his home now, as much as he was part of the Systems Authority, he was even more a part of the Hegemony. And that as fine for him.

The metals were ready, accepting all he could infuse into them. The forge was cooling down, but the metals were suspended in the Force, keeping the heat, and bringing his desires and needs for them directly into the atomic structure. As they were cooling, he used the Force to bring the metal to the horn, to fit the horn, that he had shaped as the metals were in the forge, to the weapon.

It was the grip, and it was going to feed from him, and block the Force from touching this weapon. He was going to have to modify his use of telekinesis on the slugs, but that was worth it. This weapon was Marek Starchaser's and his alone. It was as much an extension of him as his first and second lightsabers, more so, now.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
The pieces were fitting together, the various components of the gun snapping and locking into place. Screwing and joining to one another, binding the pieces to the whole. To something greater. This was what was needed. Marek could feel the power, an extension of himself, in the gun. That was what he was needing. What he was yearning to create, a weapon that represented him, his history, his training with the Zeison Sha, and his knowledge with the Sith, the ability to engineer the galaxy around him.

This weapon was more personal than his lightsaber.

And just like Marek, it was going to hide in plain sight. A weapon of a Force user that doesn't brag or show his abilities off. Not until the most opportune moment. No one outside the Inner Circle knew he was a Sith, sure, some in the ASA knew his Force standing, as a Master, someone who used his emotions and passions, but they didn't know how deep the well went.

And this weapon would be with him, allowing him that connection without flashing a lightsaber around. The silly weapon that was a lightning rod for attention.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
With the weapon created, the Force released Marek. He wasn't sure if he was more attached to the creation of this gun on his own, or because of the living Force. But who here was the one to debate that? Not Marek. When he was released, the weapon fell to his side, laying on the table, almost glowing with the Force.

Not looking like a gun that was past its time, but at the same time, being exactly that. A weapon from another age, a slugthrower built from a lightsaber from before the Plague, during the darkest times of the galaxy. What this weapon had seen, and what it was going to see in the future was not written.

Still, the possibilities were endless.

Now the writer needed to just make the submission for this weapon.


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