Like so many things Charles had planned this meeting with surgical precision, scheduling it only days after work began in the Loma System. The admiral moved the full might of the Tomb Fleet into the area and offered their help, while at the same time scheduling the meeting with Alli Vern to take place in the next month or two… whenever was convenient for her. It felt good to have purpose again beyond just research, training, or whatever military task the Enteral Empire needed from him. The project was a morale booster for his men, given that they were now helping their families get settled directly, even if it was on a rather hostile world. It was why on that note he had the Zombie’s assisting with security, if only for the families of his crews, given that has a unit they were not big enough to do much else… well not yet anyway.
The Admiral was known as a bit of a multi-tasker, and so between managing everything else, that gave him time to get to know the woman before he met her face to face and though this was their first meeting, he felt like he had known her for so much longer. She was after-all the creator of his closest friend and confidant Tranquility, the AI who had helped him through so many of his past problems… and was the main computer running his flag ship. So he expected that maybe she was a lot like the AI herself, since it seemed logical that an AI as complex as his dear Tranquility would have needed some part of its creators personality imprinted into it.
He was not exactly the foremost expert on the subject, biology had always been his forte, not technology. So this meeting for him actually was to speak on a range of topics, running the gambit from the more mundane to the personal. Some of the later he, against his normal modus operandi, did not want Tranquility to hear and so he had requested ahead of time that Alli do what she needed to make sure they couldn’t be spied on. Knowing the AI though… that was easier said than done. He did at least bring along a small platoon of the Zombies as his personal guard, in order to assuage Kom’s worries.
Charles had to admit though that part of this meeting was his own attempt at relieving a certain, ‘loneliness’ that had creeped into his soul recently. Nothing that bothered him too much, but the researcher was anything if not direct… and if this Alli was anything remotely as fascinating as her creation. Then to ask if she was interested in spending some time with him was a rather pleasant idea he had to admit. The male did not fear rejection in this case, because if he was being honest with himself… his fancy was for the woman’s creation rather than her and even if the meeting became awkward… that was another line of his questioning.
He needed to know about Tranquility as an AI and what she could handle when it came to such concepts, as the development of actual feelings within a machine if that was possible. She always gave off the impression that she did have them, but he wasn’t sure if it was programing or the real thing. So with a soft sign he stepped through the door and tilted his head slightly as gazed down at the figure of the woman sitting in the chair… eyes roaming over her in order to gain a simple first impression. She was not the only one putting a face to the name,
”The pleasure is all mine Alli, I have waited to long to meet since the government of the ZU’s pathetic collapse into anarchy. You have my congratulations on what you have accomplished. Normally I wouldn’t consider my fan of mega-corporations, but time spend around Tranquility have shown me the usefulness of such power out from under government control.”
Reaching up to his face the male slow slipped off his face mask to reveal his scared features. No sense in provided a façade to Alli, since it was only appropriate, she understood what she would be getting. The large man relaxed in his chair, but not before leaning forward and flicking a data-pad across her desk. It was covered with various numbers and charts as well as maps which the Admiral went on to explain grave detail,
”Here is the progress of the project on the planet below, or at least that which the Tomb Fleet can account for. Being apart of the EE’s military has its advantages, given that is where most of these supplies come from. They provided a very quick and efficient method for housing and feeding the large numbers of people that make up the families from the Tomb Fleet’s service members. Allowing your company to simply expand on what is down there into a proper city at a cheaper cost. Also the Zombie’s are providing security along side other fleet personal, but that is just the basics of why I requested this meeting.”
Clearing his throat Charles simply decided to start with something simple he had been worried about recently, mostly it had to do with the uprooting of the Tomb Fleet’s ability to access their normally secretive home bases for refit. In this manner he was worried about Tranquilities safety,
”I want you to personally check over my flag ship’s AI when you get a chance. You are Tranquilities creator, right? If that is the case then I am sure the pair of you can make her ‘defenses’ stronger. The Phylactery’s well-being… scratch that… Tranquilities well-being… is very-important to me.”
Alli Vern