Raphael Gallustrade
Well-Known Member
Raphael's ship hurtled through hyperspace, another junker looking ship that he'd borrowed from a friend to get through sith and/or imperial space. This time he was headed into the Unknown Regions and being stopped wasn't exactly on his list. Yet, for once, nobody really harrassed him, which was a huge plus, as far as Raphael was concerned. He felt that need to explore the galaxy, just a little bit, again and didn't feel like trying to bring an X-wing which would've been noticed almost immediately.
"Alright, Raph..." he muttered to himself. "What's the game plan today...? Where are we going...?" He sat there, for a few minutes, and listened. And listened... and listened... "Nothing, huh?" He sighed. "Disappointed in ya, Raph. You're supposd to be some big shot Jedi, aren't you? Don't even know where we're exploring today, huh?" More silence, though really he'd have been more concerned if he did hear an answer, from somewhere. Then he'd know he was crazy. "Alright, then, we'll hand it over to our copilot... the Force."
Despite the humor that the sentence had carried with it, his tone was far more reverent. It was far more everywhere than he'd really thought that it would be. Hrm... Well that wasn't quite accurate. It was that the Force was more prevalent in everything that he'd ever really understood. It was in every tree, every person, every animal, every blade of grass and every fething molecule... Still...
He felt something, a tug. Slowly the ship turned in the direction of the tug. It was there, something else, somewhere else that the Force wanted him to see... He tapped, without looking, pressed the buttons... Then there was a boom, and the ship leapt into hyperspace. The stars hurtled past and he thought of the cargo. Just some Coruscant foods...and some water. Stuff he'd realistically use to...normally try and greet a new civilization... These were, of course, all precautionary. He didn't know if he'd even find one and, if he did, how they'd react.
Then came the lurch, as he tugged the lever and he dropped out of hyperspace. Before him was an enormous gas giant...though purple, which was a fascinating color. he wondered how it had formed, for a moment, before glancing at the planet that seemed to orbit nearby. He flew towards the planet at a rather basic pace, before going into his comms.
"This is Raphael Gallustrade of the New Jedi Order, requesting permission to land."
Corhaa Iredunn
"Alright, Raph..." he muttered to himself. "What's the game plan today...? Where are we going...?" He sat there, for a few minutes, and listened. And listened... and listened... "Nothing, huh?" He sighed. "Disappointed in ya, Raph. You're supposd to be some big shot Jedi, aren't you? Don't even know where we're exploring today, huh?" More silence, though really he'd have been more concerned if he did hear an answer, from somewhere. Then he'd know he was crazy. "Alright, then, we'll hand it over to our copilot... the Force."
Despite the humor that the sentence had carried with it, his tone was far more reverent. It was far more everywhere than he'd really thought that it would be. Hrm... Well that wasn't quite accurate. It was that the Force was more prevalent in everything that he'd ever really understood. It was in every tree, every person, every animal, every blade of grass and every fething molecule... Still...
He felt something, a tug. Slowly the ship turned in the direction of the tug. It was there, something else, somewhere else that the Force wanted him to see... He tapped, without looking, pressed the buttons... Then there was a boom, and the ship leapt into hyperspace. The stars hurtled past and he thought of the cargo. Just some Coruscant foods...and some water. Stuff he'd realistically use to...normally try and greet a new civilization... These were, of course, all precautionary. He didn't know if he'd even find one and, if he did, how they'd react.
Then came the lurch, as he tugged the lever and he dropped out of hyperspace. Before him was an enormous gas giant...though purple, which was a fascinating color. he wondered how it had formed, for a moment, before glancing at the planet that seemed to orbit nearby. He flew towards the planet at a rather basic pace, before going into his comms.
"This is Raphael Gallustrade of the New Jedi Order, requesting permission to land."
Corhaa Iredunn