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Private A Journey to Heaven


Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield


The ship cut through the clouds, its metallic hull glinting under the pale sunlight of Midvinter. The vast expanse of Heavenheim stretched below, a tapestry of ancient architecture and sprawling landscapes framed by distant snow-capped mountains. The city, the heart of the Valkyri, held a somber beauty; its buildings seemed timeless. The bustling metropolis was a unique fusion of medieval grandeur and futuristic technology.

Cortana Jade manned the pilot's seat, her fingers deftly navigating the controls -- she was fixed on the docking coordinates. The interior was dimly lit, casting long shadows that reacted to the rhythmic hum of the engines.

She took a deep breath, her thoughts were heavy with memories today; the journey to Midvinter had been long and fraught with emotion, but it was a necessary pilgrimage. Probably why she wanted to fly this occupy her mind.

Regardless, she hardened her resolve. The ship's descent was smooth. The terrain below was a mix of verdant grasslands, dense forests, and frozen tundras -- the cold, crisp air of Midvinter seeped into the cabin, carrying with it the scent of pine and frost.

As they descended, the city of Heavenheim loomed larger, its grand structures rising like sentinels against the horizon. The docking platform approached, and the ship settled with a gentle thud, its landing gear extending and locking into place. Cortana powered down the engines, a sigh escaping her lips. "We're here." She broadcasted through the comms.

She undid her buckle and began a quiet saunter towards the main hold, before she hit the corner she heard a soft cooing sound that drew her attention. Once around, nestled in a small, makeshift crib was Lossa's infant daughter, wrapped snugly in a warm blanket. Her tiny face peeking out, eyes wide with curiosity. Cortana's demeanor softened instantly. She approached the crib and gently lifted the baby into her arms, her expression transforming from somber determination to a tender smile. "Hey heyyy baby Zee," she whispered, cradling the baby close. She swayed gently, her fingers brushing over the infant's delicate features.

Cortana chuckled softly, her eyes never leaving the baby's face.

The innocence and purity of the moment provided a brief respite from the heavy task that lay ahead. Cortana felt a surge of warmth and love, a reminder of the cycles of life and the enduring presence of family.

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Lossa sat quietly, examining the city they were coming closer to with every second under a critical eye.

Romi's remains were here. Recovered by someone that held the woman as dear as the two present within the ship. Perhaps in some ways different and with a greater depth. But no less in some comparable way. Having moved away from the crib to spy through one of the viewports.

There had been no proper chance to properly thank Romi for all the she had done. The patience she had shown. The trust she had shared.

Even the beauty of the city around them wasn't the cause of the tears that threatened to form. It was the knowing. That there would be no more lessons. No more moments of revelation. Nothing more than what had been said and done already to replay in her own mind. She wanted to be angry. Bitter. Resentful. Wanted to know why someone wasn't there with Romi after she had just been saved from Tython.

Why no one else had come to help them save Romi.

So tangled into her own thoughts she hadn't heard the announcement. Hadn't felt the alight jostle she was so familiar with in her own ship. What had caught her attention was the sound of Cortana speaking to Zeriana. A moment where she confused Cortana and Romi with how they sounded. Watching in muted shame at ever mistaking one for the other.

Happy at least that Zeriana would get to enjoy her-her cousin?

The feelings of remorse and remembrance weren't far from her mind as she sank into contemplative silence. A hand moving to her chin as she watched Cortana sway as Zeriana excitedly giggled, reaching for Cortana with a grin.

Choosing to enjoy the moment than try to remember all the branches of that particular tree, Lossa finally broke her silence.

"Mind your hair she likes to grab" Grimacing with a quick step forward in time to watch Zeriana try to yank on a few wayward strands that got close to her little hand. "Oh nononono."


"Forever in our hearts. Eternal in our memory. Enduring in our deeds."


Cortana Jade Cortana Jade | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
The King was found kneeling before the entombed remains of Romi Jade in quiet contemplation. This shrine to her memory was erected upon his return from Coruscant, stepping out of a swirling maelstrom of snow whilst carrying her body. His wife had rushed to his side, noticing the poor state of her husband before taking the time to recognise the woman he'd brought with him.

In the days that followed, Thurion gave the order to fashion a tomb for his old friend and fellow Jedi. She was given a place of honour within the Heavenheim Crypts among other great figures whose descendants wished to honour their ancestors in a similar manner. A sarcophagus of white stone was produced, with a lid sculpted into her likeness. Behind it stood a table of similar design bearing her belongings, such as her lightsaber and neatly folded Jedi robes. Another life-sized statue stood vigil, and whereas her tomb was depicted as having succumbed to a serene slumber, the statue represented her with life and grace. Wax candles surrounded the tomb, each lit by the High King himself.

"Your Grace," one of his household guards leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Your guests have arrived."

The Lion did not move at first, still stuck in prayer. His eyes remained closed, until they finally opened to behold Romi's statue looming over him, feeling another pang of regret. He could not save her this time, as he once did on Tython, and for that he would never forgive himself.

He stood, almost painstakingly so, bowing before making for the exit. He would return there shortly, joined by her kin. As he stepped outside, Thurion put his gloves back on and proceeded towards the landing pads. He wore dark leathers with the rampant lion of his house sigil embossed upon his chest with a majestic black fur draped around his shoulders to stave off the cold.

Thurion's gaze dropped, hanging his head in shame. He awaited their descent as the ramp lowered itself, hoping against hope the moment would never come.
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The baby giggled almost like hearing Lossa's voice was a command, her tiny hands reaching up towards Cortana's face. One chubby hand attempting to latch onto a strand of Cortana's hair, tugging with surprising speed. "You've got quite the arm, don't ya?" Cortana laughed softly, feeling a warmth spread through her heart.

"I'd let her tug on my hair the entire time we're here if that meant I could stay on board." She very much didn't feel like presenting today, and Thurion wasn't just a Jedi and friend of the family, he was a King...and that had it's own set of weight that she just didn't feel like shouldering today...she'd left Dar'Benn on purpose.

The baby gurgled happily, her small hand patting Cortana's cheek. After a few more moments of quiet play, Cortana gently placed the baby back into the crib, making sure she was comfortable and secure. She turned back to Lossa, she nodded, her expression serious once more, "Alright, let's do this."

When the ramp descended, and the two stepped out, the air was brisk. A delegation awaited them, clad in the traditional garb of the Valkyri, their expressions solemn.

The streets of Heavenheim echoed with the quiet reverence of its people. The architecture, though grand, felt subdued under the overcast sky, casting long shadows that seemed to whisper. Cortana's heart quietly pounded with each moment, memories of her mother flickering like ghosts in her mind.

It made her a bit anxious...when she dwelled heavily on her mother, or thought too much on aspects around her death, she started to loose control...and then she was barraged by other people's thoughts, and she couldn't shut them out; the migraines to come were inevitable.

She deftly clenched her fist.



Cortana Jade Cortana Jade | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield

Lossa couldn't help but frown as Zeriana caught a stray lock of hair. Knowing full well her child could be alarmingly quick and strong to boot. But it eased her heart a little to watch Cortana holding the small child. Even it was a bittersweet thing for her. She called for SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" to come watch over his favorite organic while they dealt with the inevitable. Cor matching the sentiment with her words as Lossa squeezed her eyes together to keep from laughing too loud.

"You'll end up with the full shampoo and conditioning routine if you let her." Knowing full well how much of a mess chewed hair could be as she watched them both. Allowing herself to enjoy the moment for what it was as the overzealous droid appeared, the shutters over his eyes narrowed until Zeriana was placed in her crib.

"I will begin my watch. Do be mindful." Sid's static filled worry almost missed as the two began to move towards the ramp.

"Call if anything comes up. No ringer, so-" A mechanical thumbs up thrown her way as she waved back in affirmation. Glancing to Cortana before they had to wear the guise of dignity and responsibility. Visiting a King was not something that Lossa wanted to make a habit of if formalities were involved. A subtle steadying reach through the Force from Lossa to Cortana as she shared a soft smile.

"We've got this." The words as much for Cortana as they were for Lossa. It would be an unsettling day, and those few words were easier to believe than any other phrase she might have used to steady them both. Words that didn't feel like a lie to speak or hear against the hanging storm clouds along their path. Regarding those waiting for them with a respectful bow she'd become accustomed to sharing with Matsu Ike as her attention split between Cortana and the surrounding city.

A beautiful sight to behold.

She just wished it weren't a visit under the circumstances to enjoy what the planet and it's people had to offer. Silent for the time being as she kept her expression blank, her mind clear, and offering a continued steady presence for Cortana to lean on.



"Forever in our hearts. Eternal in our memory. Enduring in our deeds."


Cortana Jade Cortana Jade | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Two figures emerged from the ship, neither of whom he knew other than being related to Romi. Upon approaching, it became evident which one was supposed to be her daughter, given the Zeltron's complexion. He knew her name was Cortana, and as he stood towering over her Thurion saw in her what he'd seen everytime he looked at Romi. An undefinable quality; one that never failed to give the old man hope.

When the pair appeared before him, Thurion steeled himself for what he must do. To keep his hand from fidgeting, he grasped the pommel of his sword at his side. "Lady Cortana," he bowed to her, then to the Zeltron girl beside her. "Milady." His knuckles turned white from the strain as he fought to keep his composure. "I am s—"

I am sorry.

"I am Thurion Heavenshield. Your mother is... was a very dear friend of mine for many years. Decades, in fact..." He felt his throat dry up and heard the slight tremble in his voice, neither doing him any favours in his bid to stay the course. But as his eyes met those of Cortana, he sensed her unease. As if having flicked a switch, Thurion's awkward body language was replaced with calm confidence as he drew upon the Force.

"Peace, child," his mind merged with hers, suppressing the intrusion of other thoughts for her. "The gift of Empathy may at times be considered a curse. I will instruct these people, and their thoughts, to leave us be." Looking over his shoulder was enough for the small entourage of his household guard to stand down and return to their duties, providing the trio with much-desired privacy.

"No one regrets the nature of your visit more than I," he continued, his mannerisms more relaxed as he shrugged off the large fur and draped it around their shoulders, easily fitting around both of them. "Midvinter has much to offer young, adventurous people such as yourselves. How saddened am I that your first impression of Her must be tainted with such palpable grief." He looked down into Cortana's eyes — Romi's eyes. It physically hurt to look upon her.

"Come," he said, guiding them down the landing pad and through the city streets towards the Crypts. The steel gate sqeaked on its hinges as it swung open, allowing passage into the dark, damp underground. Torches lit their path down the stairs until they found themselves in an open area filled with statues, shrines, and memorials. Many were littered with flowers, weapons, and other items of sentimental value to the deceased.

"In honour of our ancestors," he explained as they walked the hallowed grounds. "Valkyri cremate their dead, so you'll find no bodies down here. This place is intended for the living to come and mourn and remember those no longer with us. I find myself coming down here more often, as the years go by..."

Stepping through another, smaller steel gate into a separate chamber, Thurion reluctantly raised his hand, igniting the plethora of candles all at once to reveal the likeness of Romi Jade, eternalised in white stone by the finest stonemasons and sculptors in the capital.

"Take your time."

"We've got this."

Cortana nodded, a smirk cutting across her face. "Ya, we do." She trusted those words, there was comfort there.

During the descent, knowing that Lossa was next to her was a comforting constant, a rhythm she could cling to amidst the storm inside her heart and mind. Just below stood High King Thurion Heavenshield, his presence commanding yet compassionate. His hair, touched with silver, framed a face etched with the wisdom and sorrow of countless battles.

Thurion greeted them both, his voice resonating with a deep, heartfelt tone.

Cortana inclined her head, her voice firm despite the ache in her chest. "Thank you for having us, Your Majesty."

Naturally the High King explained the depth of his connection to her mother, and she'd retreated within for a moment. It had almost seemed like faint voices had crawled from the depth of the soil and clung to her; she felt a migraine coming...

Preparing herself for the long fight, she was wholly surprised when suddenly everything went faint and there was the voice of Thurion echoing inside her head, while he was talking no doubt...there was peace in the moment. She'd released her fist, her palm red from the constant pressure. His entourage had all dispersed.

The walk through the city was a silent one, the streets of Heavenheim echoing with the quiet reverence of its people.

As they walked, Cortana couldn't help but notice the intricate carvings that adorned the buildings. Droids moved silently alongside Valkyri citizens, and holographic displays projected ancient runes and messages from the High King. She could tell Thurion struggled to look at her, "It-it's beautiful. Midvinter-Heavinheim I mean."

The King had led them the Crypts, and inside, the atmosphere was thick with history, the air humming with the presence of those who had walked its halls before them. The flickering torches cast a warm glow, illuminating the grand tapestries that adorned the walls, depicting scenes of valor and sacrifice.

Thurion led them to a chamber, its door heavy and intricately carved. The sigil of the Valkyri adorned it, to her it signified strength.

Thurion reluctantly raised his hand, igniting the plethora of candles all at once to reveal the likeness of Romi Jade, eternalised in white stone by the finest stonemasons and sculptors in the capital.

Cortana's breath caught in her throat.

Ahead, wrapped in fine cloth, were the belongings of Romi Jade—her lightsaber, her robes, and a few personal artifacts. Without even thinking her fingers sought out and began brushing over the familiar items. The weight of her mother's legacy settled on her shoulders, a mix of pride and sorrow.

She couldn't take her eyes off of anything.

"Thank you," she whispered back to Thurion, her voice breaking.



Cortana Jade Cortana Jade | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield

They descended, met with the High King of this place. All very impressive in some way to the Zeltron as her focus shifted between cordial niceties and her standing fast as a beacon for Cortana.

The slight warning of the younger Jade feeling the pressure was swiftly dealt with however, and it left Lossa blinking at the discovery of who had remedied that worry. The High King Heavenshield. Mindful of his guests, and acting as his own beacon of safety for Cortana. Her own misconception of nobility challenged quietly in that moment as Cortana settled, and the entourage dispersed. She didn't feel the need to share her name, even if she were here to observe Romi's resting place. She would have time after Cortana was settled to do so.

Being here for Cortana was what mattered, and she tempered herself once again as Thurion led them down.

Taking in the impressive display they had made of Romi's final resting place. She watched the younger Jade move. Touch the items her mother had kept so close at hand. It stirred emotions deep beneath the veil Lossa had kept across her own feelings to help Cortana maintain herself. Her mouth barely twitching at the realization that this was very real. That Romi was truly gone. The report wasn't just a rumor or hurriedly made.

But like everything else in the galaxy, things changed, and time moved forward.

Harkening back to a time where the future was so muddled in uncertainty, she kept herself stone-faced. Kept her emotions veiled to protect not just Cortana, but herself. Romi had been a wonderful person. Kind, patient, and stubborn when needed. Had helped her through her own difficult time with a grace that held wisdom. Something Lossa would have to learn and understand quickly if she were to make Romi proud.

"It is a sad reason we visit, but, I think it is a suitable place of rest for someone like Romi." Words carefully spoken to not disturb the peaceful sentiment that place gave her. Stepping close enough to Cortana to touch her shoulder. "Would you like a moment alone?"



"Forever in our hearts. Eternal in our memory. Enduring in our deeds."


Cortana Jade Cortana Jade | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

The King remained in the background, watching with an aching heart how the daughter of Romi ran her fingers across her mother's belongings, each preserved and handled with great care. Nobody had been allowed to touch Romi, not even his wife. He needed to take care of her by himself, if but for the sanctity of his mortal soul. He'd failed her in life; he would not fail her in death.

"It was very quick," he broke his silence after some time had passed. "She was already unconscious by the time I'd pried her loose and carried her safety. There was little I could do other than keep her safe." He swallowed hard, shifting back and forth and unable to maintain eye contact for extended periods. "With Coruscant under invasion, I brought her back with me, to Midvinter. She... eventually passed on."

Thurion stepped toward the sarcophagus, beholding her immortal visage so lovingly sculpted in stone. He touched her lifeless cheek, its polished surface cold and smooth. "She left no body behind. What you see is all that remains of Romi Jade. Her robes were in tatters, so I had my wife Coci stitch them up good as new. Even her lightsaber was in disrepair, crushed beneath all that debris. I made sure to repair and clean it up before your arrival, though."

He moved around the tomb until side-by-side with Cortana and her lady-friend.

"All her personal effects are yours, Cortana. Use them in whatever capacity you see fit." He gazed up at the statue, seeing his old friend. Another bright flame he'd witnessed become snuffed out; another kindred soul he'd been cursed to outlive. "My sole desire is to maintain this hallowed site in honour of your mother, to keep her memory alive. Such is my atonement, and I accept it gladly."

He glanced down at her, timidly placing a large hand on her shoulder with the utmost tenderness.

"You look like her," he added softly as a whisper.

"No...she wasn't just mine, she was yours too." She said, "W-we here together."

She'd confided in Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar that she was learning more and more about who her mother really was, through the lenses of all of those she'd touched--Cortana couldn't even fathom. She'd heard the stories, watched her work...but she didn't know. It was surreal...

One would almost wonder if only she had done something different, if only she'd been there to support both of her parents--but that was the thing, she couldn't think of one without thinking of the other; she'd lost them both.

Thurion narrated the story behind these items, but she could still feel her mother's imprint upon aura she so often left behind.

"S-she was the most beautiful person ever." She took a step back and closed her eyes, surrendering to the reminisce. "The strongest person I'd ever known..."

"You look like her," he added softly as a whisper.

Her head whipped around in response, astonished. "I-" She looked upon Thurion with eyes that fought back the well, and with every inch of her being too. She caught it in the back of her throat and shook off the pain before it could spill over.

Quickly changing the subject before tears fell, she looked to Lossa, focusing on her sister as a place of comfort "I want to honor her with a ceremony...we don't have a body-but maybe we could use her belongings as a symbol of some kind?"



Cortana Jade Cortana Jade | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield

Lossa didn't argue with Cortana, instead letting her eyes hold every piece here that was Romi's in a silent remembrance. She hadn't seen everything that Romi had done, but that was something to be discovered she supposed.

Still focused on the items as Thurion spoke, splitting her attentions between the items as Cortana handled them and the words the High-King had to share.

Feeling a pang of guilt at not being more present for the fight below her feet at Coruscant. But she hadn't been in any shape to help really. Evacuating those unfortunate enough to be caught between the two titanic forces was all she could manage, and it still hadn't felt like enough. And no doubt something worse would have likely come with her being there on the ground. Her chin touching her chest a moment as she kept her own tears at bay.

The murmur from Thurion about Cortana's appearance drawing a sharp look from Lossa. Expression softened when she found her already looking her way as she smiled with a nod, extending a hand in case she wanted it. Lossa's presence in the force pushed into a comforting sensation like a sunny day peaking through the rain.

"We will have a ceremony for her. Master Vanagor has a memorial for Romi set up at the South Entrance of Jakku with another of her sabers. We might gather them all for a ceremony before deciding where they can rest?" Offering a solution that everyone whose life has been touched by Romi Jade might find appealing.



"Forever in our hearts. Eternal in our memory. Enduring in our deeds."


Cortana Jade Cortana Jade | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

In her youthful eyes the King witnessed the withholding of tears, to the point where it became painful for both of them. He wanted to tell her so many things; that it would all be alright in the end. But he could not. His honour, and his shame, prevented him from doing so. He'd failed one oath already, and he would not break another so soon, regardless of his personal feelings.

Thurion instead reached down to pick up Romi's lightsaber, restored to mint condition by his own hand, and pressed the button. The blade shot out of it, bathing the darklit crypt in its artificial light and filling it with that all-too familiar humming. It illuminated the raw sadness in his eyes as he gazed upon a piece of his old friend. Soon, it too would be gone, and he would have nothing but fading memories to cling to.

The Jedi weapon was switched off and tucked inside the neatly folded robes.

"Aye," he nodded solemnly. "She deserves a proper ceremony in the way of the Jedi. Romi Jade was the best of us, but all the good ones seem destined to perish before their time, leaving behind the young and reckless... and those too old and weary."

He hung his head as he bundled up Romi's belongings and turned to her daughter, kneeling as he presented them to her.

"You should take these to Jakku. Hold your ceremony as befits her memory. I..." He swallowed hard, eyes meeting hers for but a split second. "I cannot attend, shackled as I am by shame and undeserving of such closure. I have forgiveness to ask of you, but I would not be deserving of it either."

Not after today.

"Please, accept these heirlooms and be on your way. Leave this dreary place and this old fool to his misery, and go live the life she would have wanted for you."
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