
The light freighter drifted towards The Solidarity - a space station set up above KIffu to offer logistical support in the relief efforts following the Mandalorian attack. A few grievous scorch marks digging deep into the hull plates could be found by its rear and the long range communications were damaged beyond repair. Two individuals laid unconscious in the cockpit, one bashed up against the back wall with a blaster in hand, the other - armed with a knife - in a puddle of rosé and shattered glass. The peaceful hum of an exhausted hyperdrive was disrupted by the persistent buzz of the short range comms. Eventually, emergency protocols kicked in and allowed for an override
"Eniala DS 3644-8164, come in. This is Captain Kromb of the Kiffu Planetary Defence Force, please respond."
Equipment malfunctions distorted the woman's voice heavily
"Eniala DS 3644-8164, come in." she continued, hailing the ship as her corvette kept creeping closer.
"Eniala, please stand by" she spoke with a sigh "I am sending a team over for a welfare check. It should just be a moment, keep the airlock clear and stow any and all weapons. We apologise for the inconvenience."
Inside the light freighter, time seemed to be standing still as everything laid dormant and silence had returned after the final message from Captain Kromb. It was not until the other ship arrived that things started to happen. The tip of the other freighter could be seen through the viewport and a docking bridge was extended to connect the two ships with a series of eight powerful thuds as the coupling was secured. A puff of smoke was ejected from the docking bridge before green lights lit up along its inside. Soon after, the doors of the boarding ship opened with four unmasked troopers stepped through, professional and with holstered weapons.
Three powerful fisted knocks could be heard from the airlock along with a muffled "Hey, we're here for the welfare check. Your ship looks pretty well beat up. Can you get the airlock opened for us?" No response from the Eniala would be offered. A few more knocks and patient requests would follow until "Alright, we'll make a forced entry under the Security for Space Travel Act, 5:14. Just stay calm and we'll be with you in a moment."
It would not be long until the airlock was breached by a methodical disassembly from the outside. The four marines stepped in while an engineer was summoned to reassemble the airlock. The careful search that followed would soon end: Most rooms were cleared and two individuals could be found in the cockpit. In teams of two, the officers rushed up to the ship's inhabitants and tossed the weapons away. As his colleagues checked for life signs the first radioed back "Captain, we've got two humans or near-humans unconscious but alive in the cockpit. Please send a medical team."
He then crouched down by the male and injected him with a small dose of bacta before tapping his face a few times with a gloved hand "Sir, can you hear me? Are you injured? Can you tell me your name?"
As the questions were asked, Ines was given the same dose of bacta to wake her up. Presumably, they would be giving her the same questions - but for now, the officer's attention was focused on Defias.