Darren Brunswick
Dead Senator
Kuat, 10:00 am Galactic Standard Time.
Darren Brunswick was a busy man. Well, at least for today. Being the Senator of Kuat was not, by any means, an easy thing. Neither it was being part of the Kuat Drive Yards Council. And it most certainly wasn't easy being both a Senator of Kuat and a part of the KDY Council. His grandfather gained the Brunswick family a seat in the Kuati council, and after the death of his father, Darren had been in his family seat in the council. Today was supposed to be his day to kick back and relax and maybe get to spend some time with his wife and kids. But before he did that, he had to meet up with a very important person: Lady Shamalain, Sovereign of Kuat and the Kuat Drive Yards.
"We're coming out of hyperspace, sir." His personal spaceship's pilot's voice echoed across the ship as Brunswick watched the briliant light of hyperspace fade away and be replaced suddenly by his home planet, Kuat. Encircling the Kuat was a large aritificial ring, where the Kuat Drive Yards have been manufacturing its products since its start of existence. His spaceship flew towards the aritificial ring, not the actual planet, for it was where his meeting would be taking place today. As his starship slowed down for its approach into the hangar in which Lady Shamalain would be waiting, he could hear his pilot speaking to the Kuat Traffic Controller: "Requesting permission to land in Hangar 015, this is Priority Flight 255 from Courascant."