Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Kurogan, Hello


Padawan Fluffaluffagous!
Hello everyone!

I'm Kurogan,

I heard about this place from a few people and I kept telling myself I'll join, but then I became busy and forgot. Then a dear friend told me about this place and finely I join.

Man it's been a long while since I rp, except with a few friends on scenario on another sw site. When I was about 15ish I rp a lot but it was mostly anime and only one or two Star Wars rp. Even then the people I rp with didn't know a lot about the Star Wars race, neither did I for that mater but I look them up to hopefully get a better understanding of them. Needless to say it killed the rp because I wanted to put more race in and expand it and they wanted to keep it to a few race that they knew. Oh well it was still fun XD

I want to say that I'm am sami lit... I could be wrong. That being said I don't post one liners unless I'm extremely tired or really really sick even if I am I try not to post until I can come up with something hopefully good.

I have a pretty active imagination.. problem is it works when it feels like it, but I love either coming up with an interesting idea or to discus with someone about an interesting idea that could be use as a possible rp.

So far I'm excited to be here, everything is amazing! I can't wait to meet everyone and hopefully get a character idea up and going so I can see what kind of trouble I can get into... I mean adventures yeah >.> lol
[member="Kurogan"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Don't trust her, she's.....


I kid, of course. Welcome!

PS. Sorry Anja, I saw the chance, and I took it. :p

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn


Welcome to Hell. Please keep all appendages you have any affection for inside the car, and have a nice ride.

Stephanie Swail


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun here, and just shout if we can help you with anything.


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