rex populi
The last time Alicio had given himself to the Force's call, it had been a tempting voice, beckoning him with the promise of power. Whether that was ever the Force itself, or the long-dead spirit of a Sith Lord, Alicio never truly knew. Back then, Alicio had felt like he was doing something wrong, but necessary. Journeying into that Dark place had been, in his eyes, the only way to gain enough power to save the people he protected.
This time, the call wasn't tempting at all. It simply was.
Visions came to him at night, of that roiling sea of potential. Of infinite pasts and futures, things that could be, and things that might've been. Staring into it's depths, he saw a desert, cracked and arid, upon which rested a half-buried pyramid, holding the obvious architectural markings of a Sith tomb. But when he looked at it, he didn't sense any darkness or deception, only the salted taste of the sea. The Force wasn't coaxing him into danger. It wasn't promising him power. Alicio had asked for a path ahead, and the Force showed him one.
He decided to show it a bit of trust.
Alicio opened the exit ramp to his shuttle, frowning uncomfortably as he was blasted in the face with warm air. The massive pyramid rested beneath him in a crumbling valley, what would have been an imposing structure, were it not for the wear on it's stones over time, or the dunes that concealed it's true size. The flowered taste of the Dark side was certainly present, but faint. As if instead of festering for untold centuries, the darkness had simply faded over time.
This site wasn't on any old Cold War-era maps. Any records of this place appeared to have been scrubbed thousands of years ago. It made one wonder what the ancient Sith were trying to hide here.
With lightsaber in hand, and curious as to why exactly the Force would lead him to a Sith prison, of all places, the Count descended the side of the valley.
- Galahad Io -
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