Abbigail Knight
Abbigail was on Kinyen in search of something... Anything really. She had no idea, actually, what she was looking for, just that she had had an interesting dream a month back about coming to the agricultural planet and finding something, or someone, that would be very important to her future in some way. She didn't ever question such visions, she just wished she knew what it was she searched for. In her dream, it was represented by the face of what appeared, to her, to be a devil, except that it only had one arm and one leg. He was asleep, or waiting for something.. That's about all she could remember at this point, and she thought that it was extremely vague. Little did she know, the force had given her a rather spot-on description of what she was looking for, she just wasn't thinking about it in the right light.
With an exasperated sigh, after a particularly long day of finding nothing in a large, empty mountain range on good old Kinyen, Abbigail retired from her search, for the time being anyway. She located a small system of caves that she had come across earlier and delved deep into them. The place was actually fascinating, but poor Abbigail couldn't actually see all the wonderful colors that comprised the rocky walls; hues of green, red and purple, occasional spots of gold. It really would have been breathe taking...
She stopped in a small dead-end of a cave, having a seat and starting to meditate on what she had experienced on the planet of Kinyen so far. Maybe her dream had something to do with going underground, since it appeared to be a devil? Or maybe it wasn't a devil at all, and the whole thing had been a metaphor for some poisonous plant, which grew only one petal and one root? No, that would be ridiculous. All she really knew at this point was that she would much rather be back in the sorcerer's compound, learning about the force from some mysterious expert there. Though, she hadn't actually seen anyone from her faction, yet... For all she knew she could be the victim of a rather mean prank. As she waited, meditating in the cave, she lost track of time and several hours passed. As they did, she sensed that, soon, her search would come to an end. Even more exciting, she felt that some sort of adventure was on it's way to her. "Please tell me this isn't just wishful thinking?" She said aloud, her voice echoing through the caves.
With an exasperated sigh, after a particularly long day of finding nothing in a large, empty mountain range on good old Kinyen, Abbigail retired from her search, for the time being anyway. She located a small system of caves that she had come across earlier and delved deep into them. The place was actually fascinating, but poor Abbigail couldn't actually see all the wonderful colors that comprised the rocky walls; hues of green, red and purple, occasional spots of gold. It really would have been breathe taking...
She stopped in a small dead-end of a cave, having a seat and starting to meditate on what she had experienced on the planet of Kinyen so far. Maybe her dream had something to do with going underground, since it appeared to be a devil? Or maybe it wasn't a devil at all, and the whole thing had been a metaphor for some poisonous plant, which grew only one petal and one root? No, that would be ridiculous. All she really knew at this point was that she would much rather be back in the sorcerer's compound, learning about the force from some mysterious expert there. Though, she hadn't actually seen anyone from her faction, yet... For all she knew she could be the victim of a rather mean prank. As she waited, meditating in the cave, she lost track of time and several hours passed. As they did, she sensed that, soon, her search would come to an end. Even more exciting, she felt that some sort of adventure was on it's way to her. "Please tell me this isn't just wishful thinking?" She said aloud, her voice echoing through the caves.