Home of House Skirata and a completley neutral port on the planet of Mandalore as far as Madnalorian politics were concerned. The Skiratas here went about their business, did their bit, and simply requested they be left alone. It worked out for them well enough. Gil had managed to gather enough support and notoriety that even the Empire steered clear of the city. Nestled along Lake Kad'ika, the city was built into a massive veshok tree and built within and along the outside of the bark. The town sprawled from the top canopy all the way out past the tree's massive roots and down to the lake.
Kyra was waiting at the modest space port for her client to arrive. Last name Fett, which made her even more curious. Not many Fetts around, and considering their connection to House Skirata, she wondered if Koda was coming here to also visit relatives. She shrugged off the thought as his shuttle came down from the sky.
She wasn't wearing beskar'gam, hadn't in years. She was well past her fighting prime and typically fought her battles in the stars, behind several meters of durasteel and glass. She was a ship captain, a privateer, or pirate depending on who was paying. Once a proud Mandalorian of the Quez clan, she now ran guns, stole ships, raided trade routes and all sorts of other things to pay off debts.
She looked out a viewport that overlooked the lake and spotted two youthful Mandalorians hovering over the lake on their bes'uliik, training. She smiled, memories of her younger days flooding her mind.
Home of House Skirata and a completley neutral port on the planet of Mandalore as far as Madnalorian politics were concerned. The Skiratas here went about their business, did their bit, and simply requested they be left alone. It worked out for them well enough. Gil had managed to gather enough support and notoriety that even the Empire steered clear of the city. Nestled along Lake Kad'ika, the city was built into a massive veshok tree and built within and along the outside of the bark. The town sprawled from the top canopy all the way out past the tree's massive roots and down to the lake.
Kyra was waiting at the modest space port for her client to arrive. Last name Fett, which made her even more curious. Not many Fetts around, and considering their connection to House Skirata, she wondered if Koda was coming here to also visit relatives. She shrugged off the thought as his shuttle came down from the sky.
She wasn't wearing beskar'gam, hadn't in years. She was well past her fighting prime and typically fought her battles in the stars, behind several meters of durasteel and glass. She was a ship captain, a privateer, or pirate depending on who was paying. Once a proud Mandalorian of the Quez clan, she now ran guns, stole ships, raided trade routes and all sorts of other things to pay off debts.
She looked out a viewport that overlooked the lake and spotted two youthful Mandalorians hovering over the lake on their bes'uliik, training. She smiled, memories of her younger days flooding her mind.