Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Change

From the depths of space, the Daisya Infiltrator belonging to the recently anointed Sith Lord, Darth Vyrassu emerged from hyperspace, a bright white light flashing, signalling its arrival over the planet Concord Dawn. It was on the edge of the system, potentially out of range of sensors of orbiting ships that offered protection of the planet. Instantly cloaking, A'sharad plotted the autopilot and had it sent on its way to the planet below.

It'd be some time until the ship actually made landfall due to the nature of sublight engines and travel time.

It was time that Vyrassu planned to spend catching up on much needed practice, especially after the events of Kaeshana. Multiple wounds scarred his body. The Sith Lord cared not for the appearance of scars that scoured his body. He was aware of doctors that could remove the trace of scars on his body, especially with the technology in this day and age, but he was a relatively introverted person. When would the time come for someone to even see what underneath his clothes looked like? Let alone have the opportunity or chance to judge him upon it?

He drew the lightsabre that he acquired from Dax Fyre on Kaeshana. His thumb gently depressed onto the ignition button, the orange beam coming to life with the tell-tale Snap-Hiss. Through the Force, the likes of others who had impressed themselves upon the lightsabre could be felt. That would have to be changed, he knew. Soon, perhaps by the end of this meeting on Concord Dawn.

A Mandalorian he was meeting with.

A relatively important one, one might imagine.

The Mand'alor.

His intelligence suggested that the Mandalorian people were quiet since taking Kashyyyk. The reason? Vyrassu knew not, though he supposed he could inquire today as well.

While he made his assumptions and came to his own ends with questions he had, the orange lightsabre danced across the room, combating multiple invisible targets at once. Where his armour would've been more restrictive, would've required him to employ the Force to complete movements that would've been otherwise been near impossible, he was free to move. Hack, slash, lunge, all across the ship.

That is, until an alert echoed through the ship. They were entering atmosphere, and he deactivated the lightsabre, hooking it to his cloak and adopting merely a heavy black cloak to conceal his appearance. It had been some time since the Sith had actually gone anywhere outside of the Haven Citadel on Yalara without sporting armour. Nervous, was he? Perhaps. The last time he had been without armour, he was attacked within the confines of his own company's establishment.

Closing In on Target Destination.

The ship was set to reveal itself when it was below the standard sensor ranges, above a clearing in a forest of trees. A quiet part of the planet, few would, or rather, should be around... And then the starship revealed itself as its repulsors kicked in.

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
A busy man was Vilaz during theses days of hardship. He had met businessmen in trying to help him with the reconstruction of Mandalore. And during the time period before and during the internal conflict of Mandalore, there were some views he had with a whole new perspective. In the past, he had always considered the Sith as his enemies and the Jedi as trusted allies; however, his point of view on those two things became opposites to each other. He now considered the Sith, mostly Kaine Zambrano and his other colleagues, as good friends and the Jedi as hated foes? But why? Why had his mind change on the stance of the two Force User sects?

It was simply the history the Mandalorians had with both of those two religions. In the past the Mandalorians and the Sith were well compatible with each other when it came to war and conquer; and the Jedi always stopping the tracks of the two. But what really made Vilaz have a grand hatred for the Jedi was the Mandalorian Excision. Unprovoked did the coalition of the Republic and the Jedi attacked Mandalore and her people just for not wanting to join the Senate and abandon their traditions. It made Vilaz snap inside and truly became enlightened.

It was also why he was meeting with someone proficient in the skills of the Dark Side of the Force.

In a grand forest of Concord Dawn he awaited for his guest as he saw a de-cloaked vessel coming to land on his homeworld's earth.

What business would the two talk about? That would be to remain unseen for now. But it would be business that would benefit to both parties, no doubt.

[member="Asharad Graush"]
Repulsors kicked in, leaves furiously blowing in the sudden change of wind strength, Letting the ship land itself on autopilot, the Sith Lord had opened the ramp, darkly clad, lightly armoured, that being, no armour as he strode down towards the Mandalorian in the clearing ahead of him. Today, they would meet and... Discuss. A'sharad had made this journey to endear the Mand'alor. He was of no illusion that the tables should've been turned and that the Sith Lord should've been on his own home planet welcoming the stranger. Regardless, they were here now.

It'd be a good fight.

A'sharad thought as he finally came to a stop before the man, reaching up with his hand to throw back his hood.

"Mand'alor," he greeted, amber orbs glowing brightly as if intrigued in the man before him. "Darth Vyrassu," he'd greet, evidently introducing himself, though he was of the mind that the man knew who he was. It was merely good etiquette to greet in such a manner.

"I've only come because, it is long past time to put an end to the Jedi threat."

Straight to business. The Sith Lord didn't like to waste time, and when he did, he felt hard-pressed to hurry along other processes.

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
"Welcome to Concord Dawn, Vyrassu," the Mandalorian greeted to the Sith who's eyes glowed which resembled what the man was.

Then the man jumped into the talks of business. Something that Vilaz liked. Vilaz was not the type of man to do formal pleasantries that corporate owners and politicians would just to entice their guests in hopes of getting what they desired. No, the Munin was a simple and straightforward man who had obvious different ideals when conducting business. He was a warrior, not a negotiator and loved not to waste his team with meaningless things.

"I like the sound of that pitch, Sith. My eyes have opened to see the true enemies of my people who desire justice and vengeance on a religion that brought unprovoked harm to their great ancestors. With that being said, I am open to making an alliance with your kind as we both want the same thing."

Both the Sith and the Mandalorians had their different wants on to destroying the Jedi Order, but their desires nonetheless aligned with each other.

[member="Asharad Graush"]
A'sharad nodded to the words of the Mand'alor.

What would happen when the Mandalorians and the Sith Order destroyed the Jedi Orders? The Mandalorians had once been Crusaders, waging war on both Jedi and Sith alike with no regards for any past relations. Such was a sentiment that the Sith Lord could respect, he had been raised for war, to cause bloodshed and to most importantly, destroy the Jedi.

What if they were gone?

If the Mandalorians persisted in this day and age, then once again, the Mandalorians and the Sith would be at odds.

An expected way of things, but one that A'sharad would accept happily all the same. He imagined [member="Vilaz Munin"] would as well.

There would've been a nod in response to the welcome that he received.

"Good," he would've said. "The rising Sith presence in the Stygian Caldera await your help," he said. "Though there is a way you, as Mand'alor, may personally help me."

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