Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A little fish meets Rendili

It was still a bit worrying for the new businesswoman, having such an important meeting that could also mean the future or death of her company. She was even amazed when it was brought up of working with a renowned vessel manufacturer such as Rendili, though at the same time it was a stroke of luck that her little company was even on such a larger company's radar or that they even wanted to work with the eager businesswoman. For Maya this was the exact thing that she would need to help push Praesitlyn Trading Company forward and continued its growth. With a low sigh and a deep breath she opened her eyes, looking at the meeting time again as if to reassure herself that it was even happening as her fingers ran across the datapad.

The small warehouse that the company was in was even beginning to look a little bit livelier, with much of their work so far being services for the community and surrounding city that the headquarters was resting in. Quietly contemplating the future to herself, her attention was once more pulled back to reality by those squeaking doors of the meeting room, something that she intended to fix, though at the same time she was become accustomed to the noise. Quietly brushing her hands down the waist length coat, she took a moment to hold the fabric, bringing back memories of her younger years and the woman that had worn it before she had. If only her mother could see her now, her own little company that could finally keep her out of the dangerous mines that she had grown up in.

Soon enough though it would be her own lack of patience that pushed her forward as she quickly nabbed the datapad off of the meeting table. She didn't know what to expect as she stepped out of the meeting room and into the large warehouse, her attention pulled towards the doors that separated the large open warehouse with the little lobby of the small business front. Now was her moment to make as best an impression as she could as she turned and began a steady and confident walk towards the double doors. Stopping for a moment, she took another breath before pushing them open as she stepped into the lobby.

"Welcome to Praesitlyn Trading Company Headquarters. I'm Miss Vixen, CEO and Owner."

[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Maya Vixen"]

In all honesty Camellia wasn't sure what she ought to be expecting either as she waited in the lobby. However, with the name as a giveaway she ought to have considered she would be seeing a Vixen for sure. Maya Vixen was certainly a stunning sight, it made Camellia feel somewhat stuffy looking as official as she was in a Rendili military uniform. As a captain the defense fleet she was quite proud to represent her homeworld, it also made her feel more intimidating to other business associates which she felt she required a little edge since she herself wasn't very imposing. However, for a meeting with a smaller company, for a partnership, and factoring in the slightly more casual coat Ms. Vixen was wearing (though it was by every standard still a nice and well dressed look), Cam couldn't help but feel a little stuffy and like she looked a little like a stick in the mud.

All the same she tried to make up for it by smiling pleasantly and offering a hand as she stood up and stepped toward the Praestilyn Trade Company's head. "Your welcome is much appreciated. I'm Camellia Swift, CEO of Rendili Stardrive, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Vixen." Camellia was hoping to continue getting Rendili's designs out there, and working with other companies was a good way to do that. It was a company that used to rival Corellia and Kuat in capacity and reputation, she intended to make it so again.
"If you would please follow me, the meeting room is this way. I must request though that you remain within the yellow lines for your own safety."

The young woman spoke, finding herself a bit thrown off by the military officers uniform before reminding herself that there was always that possibility that she would run into a few military minds in the future. With a smile, the young woman turned, moving towards the doors that separated the small lobby from the rest of the warehouse beyond. Pushing open one of the doors, Maya stood to the side, allowing Camellia to step through as she let the door shut behind them.

With the datapad resting in the crook of her elbow, Maya moved along the marked out aisle, her boots echoing slightly with each step. While they did have a heel, they showed just as much wear and tear as the rest of her outfit. Everything she wore was well worn in, though still kept up and maintained to prevent it all from falling apart. The jacket most of all was very important to her, and it was the one thing that she'd likely never allow to degrade in any form or fashion. Taking a moment though, she turned back to Camellia and smiled softly.

"Excuse me for a moment. Please remain in the lines."

Turning quickly on one heel, Maya stepped onto the floor of the main shop, moving towards one of her employees that seemed to be having some trouble. The younger male was looking confused as the Rodian he was speaking to seemed to be frustrated, nearly to the verge of yelling. Setting down the datapad, Maya stepped forward, moving between the two and listening to the situation at hand before nodding. It would only take a moment before the two workers were back into a rapid routine of loading a small shuttle before Maya returned, her old datapad resting against her elbow.

"Shall we?"

Maya asked as she motioned towards the meeting room.

[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Maya Vixen"]

"Of course, after you Miss Vixen." Following after the other woman and fellow company owner, Camellia took the advice to heart to stay within the yellow boundaries. Having explored and made sure she understood the workings of the shipyards that made up Rendili Stardrive's primary selling point, Camellia knew quite well why there were safety precautions and rules about on site conditions. She wasn't about to ignore another company's warnings about what areas might constitute hazardous or private areas meant only for employees and workers.

Nonetheless, it was interesting to get a look at the Praestilyn Trade Company's workplace. Entering the warehouse made it clear that the place was bustling as it eagerly got to work making sure that everything was ready for business. Having taken more time to look Maya over, Cam began to wonder how the other woman had gotten her beginnings? Camellia always felt a little overwhelmed having taken the position as a result of her Grandfather's request. She had always only intended to serve her homeworld, and while she still did so and endeavored to ensure her work with the shipyards also bettered Rendili, Camellia had never dreamed of being a business woman.

It felt a little odd to have meetings like this, though at the same time she felt quite comfortably speaking with individuals such as Miss Vixen. The Trade Company CEO seemed to be adept at handling matters of communication and assuming the mantle of leadership. As appeared evident as Maya dealt with a dispute between some of her workers while Camellia found herself waiting behind the lines until her associate returned. "Yes we shall. Was the matter anything problematic?" Employee disputes could be an issue for any company. The people doing the majority of the work were the people you needed to have get along the best. Their work could effect the quality of the product or determine a company's longevity. Foremen could usually handle minor conflicts, but maintaining ideal balances of working conditions and company efficiency always became more difficult around when a company first starts and when it finally hits a bigger tier when it begins to have more workers than one can keep track of if they so chose.

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