Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Help, Please? [Jedi]

I'm sure some of you all have seen my little thread hanging out in the open roleplay forum. Jannik is likely to continue resisting getting the help he needs (which involves him becoming a Jedi, ultimately) because of anxiety, and a dose of fear, which is likely unhealthy. Due to his past as an orphan in the foster system on [insertplanethere], being moved from home to home, some better, some worse than others... he is not fond of major change.

So, his visitor in the most recent post is an as-of-yet, nondescript Jedi... which was on purpose, because I need a volunteer who has seen the incident (re: the first post) on the news, and has come to see Jan, believing that he/she/it can help Jan with his 'problems'. Jan knows that the Jedi are the answer, but again, the 'not fond of major change' thing. He's been avoiding it like it's the plague.

So, I am looking for a volunteer of the Jedi persuasion - most preferably from the Republic. If you want to bring a partner, by all means, please do so! Signify your interest below, or if you like, shoot me a PM. I can also be found on Skype (info is on my profile), if that's your bag. :)



P.S. Please, for the love of all that is beautiful and wondrous in this world, do not be afraid of my long posts. I do not expect you to match them! However, if I get nothing more than two lines in reply, I might have to hit you with something heavy and wet. ;)

Bomery Chaden

@[member="Jannik Morlandt"]
From what I've read your character should upgrade to a better class of addiction! Why not let Alex here provide for you?
@[member="Karen Roberts"] Oy! It's been... ah, they tell me it's been two days. Whether I was out tha' long 'cause o'th'drink, or 'cause o'th'head injury is likely a matter o'perspective a'this point.

@[member="Bomery Chaden "] I... ah.... no! No, y'filthy... sack'o... p'tatoes. >.>


Disney's Princess
"You don't want to sell him deathsticks. You want to go home and rethink your life"

*does her best Obi-won* :p

Bomery Chaden

@[member="Karen Roberts"]

*laughs at the Jedi*

Unfortunately for you I'm not a tweaker, I only create them. ;)

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