She may not look like much but...
Yeah, she was a piece of chit.
He'd scalped her off a card shark in a game of sabaac on Lothal, after crashing into the planet on the run from the Empire. No, not the Sith Empire. THE Empire. He'd made it all the way to Ossus before he'd discovered that then was now now, and now was... well, nine hundred years from when he thought it was supposed to be. It was a Corellian ship, the kind so ordinary that Sor-Jan had boarded it on Lothal without ever thinking he was centuries into the future.
Maybe that was why he liked it, why he'd kept it. It was like going back in time. Oh, she'd been modified through the years. After all, this was a Corellian ship. And, after enough time, the modifications were like a domino effect. You weren't sure exactly what one did, but when it stopped working so did half the other ones.
The lattice work of jerry-rigging made the ship unreliable. Too unreliable for what he intended to do with it, which was sail it clear off the map. And that voyage alone was going to be a couple of months. Which meant the ship needed a complete overhaul. A labor-intensive task for which the boy had been procrastinating from the start.
Now, he had an aftermarket hyperdrive developed by Lucerne Labs, and a navicomputer branded by some kooked-out Mandalorian witch. Pairing just those two was likely to be the marriage from hell, and that was without integrating them into the native Corellian framework.
Squeezed into a maintenance compartment barely able to fit him, the small Anzat worked at connecting some of the basic electronics. Power. Emergency batteries. Diagnostics. Overhead, the BB unit could be heard wheeling around as it worked on translating, formatting, and then transferring data from the old navicomputer to the new.
With luck, the boy had some mates around. Because this was certainly more than a one kid job.
[member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]